FYI - For Your Inglés


alberto alonso Season 7 Episode 2

Welcome to season 7 of FYI. This season instead of tackling topics we’ll discover the most common verbs in the English language. HAVES and HAVE-NOTS, may I HAVE your attention. We’ll HAVE our way with HAVE on this week's episode of FYI!!

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welcome to season 7 of FYI this season instead of tackling topics we'll discover the most common verbs in the English language haves and hav Knots may I have your attention we'll have our way with have on this week's episode of FYI welcome to for your info English you got[Music] it hello hello hello fyers welcome to another exciting edition of FYI this is episode two season 7 that's right season 7 episode two and today we're going to have a look you can say to take a look or to have a look at the verb to have and we're gonna have our way with it and if you noticed in the intro I said halves and hav Nots that's how we divide people not by what political party you're in it's the Hales and the hav knots and I think most of us are in the have knots as my favorite comedian once said it's a big club and you ain't in it well today we're going to look at this common verb to have and as you know in this season we're breaking down the essential verbs the most common verbs in any language last week we took a look at take a look at the big difference is the British say have a look and Americans would say take a look the same thing with the shower I'm going to have a shower I would naturally say I'm going to take a shower or Nao I'm going to jump in the shower so as we did with the verb to be last week and if you didn't hear that give it a listen because it is the most important verb in any language what we first do is we Define the verb we take a look at the verb and we look at all its uses definitions and always with examples but what I want you guys to do always every show it doesn't matter every example I want you to repeat them aloud because I want you to look at this season like a speaking course so of course you're listening to these translations you're speaking but also when I say I want you guys to say it aloud again the ball is in your court fyers and remember in the first part of the show that is open to everybody that's where we're going to look at the uses some examples and all that jazz in the bonus part of the show which I'm sorry but it's exclusively for patrons it does take take a lot of time to make this content and prepare it but it's worth its weight in gold well if you want to get access to that bonus episode every week and you can even get PDF documents of the script so you can follow along and you can mark it up and you can come up with your own examples all you have to do is go to Alberto Alonso and if you're in my higher levels well you can even have a weekly class with me where we review each verb or each topic so if you want more information go to what was it oh wait uh you should know it by now I've repeated it many times it's Alberto Alonso and you should know those those symbols too slash bar gon how do we say that do you know underscore the most famous One aroba how do you say that in English that is at so if you want to get all that bonus material including a translation test all you have to do is go to Alberto Alonso and I'd like to send a shout out right now to all my patrons especially my super duper students Mara Javier and bako and my Interstellar students Garmin Lena Issa B David Jose Maria and Edgard if you want to find out how you can get so much more content and more importantly be a part of an awesome Community you know where to go do I have to say the website again all right well either way you can find it in the link in the show notes and also if you're in my community you could have access to the video podcast as well which is very helpful when we're doing translation things and I want you to look at my mouth at how I'm pronouncing something so again the balls in your court do you want to learn more are you hungry for more then go to that website I'm not even going to say it again let's get started with this verb to have because we don't have a lot of time the first one we're going to look at is possession the first usage is possession again patrons you can follow along in the document so to own something possess or to hold it as well right so I have a car I have a car now you can also say I've got a car right I have a or I've got a I generally teach I have because it follows the structure of the same verbs you know the other verbs are I go well I will go I have follows that I have got is its own kind of structure but it's correct so you can say I have a car or I've got a car I've got okay I have got all right the next one come on that's an easy one she has three dogs she has right that's a big thing with this verb is it and has or is it have and has she has three dogs but you guys know me I'm not going to make it that easy I'm going to give you the answer we just looked at those translations you give me the question so the answer which we just looked at I have a car do you have a car do you have or have you got right do you have do you have a car yes I have a car I have a car my sister person has a car right so all right the next one she has three dogs she has three dogs how many dogs does she have did you say that how many dogs does she have or how many dogs has she got so that's the first meaning then we've got to experience or to undergo something to go through Alo so we had a great time at the party yeah I know you guys love to use enjoy but we don't use it that much we say have fun have a good time Mas joy and we'll look at some idiomatic expressions a little later on let's take a look at these examples how would you say and I don't want enjoy no using enjoys we had a great time at the party we had a we had a we had a great time at the party so what would be the question did you all right he did you but did you have a good time at the party did you have a good time at the party yes we had a great time so Pas is had right we already said is have but it thir in third person in present it's has okay well had is the second column and the third column as well right the participle so all right another one she has had many difficulties in her life she has had many difficulties in her life right has she Hado has she had many difficulties in her life yes she has had now of course she's had she is she has has so remember that too we've got to distinguish between whether we're talking about have experiment or have oros right as an auxiliary verb but again at the end of these episodes you'll have it Crystal Clear plus you've got the PDF documents to review and to write down your own examples all right then another one is obligation or necessity with the infinitive we use this one it would be in Spanish so how would you say that I have to go to work now do you have to go do you have to do you have to do you have to go to work now yes I have to have to I have to go I have to go to work now do you have to yeah I have to so again one thing is what's written and another thing is what I'm saying and I want you to focus on that in all of these episodes to really really make this instead of just a listening exercise a passive listening exercise well that you repeat the examples aloud and you add your own examples on the PDF all right here's another one he has to finish his homework before he can play he has to he it's not he has to finish it's he has to so he has to finish his homework before he can play in homeworks but for us it's homework okay be careful it's a place where we differ so he has to he has to finish his homework before he can play this is for my Superstars does he have to finish his homework before he can play does he does he does he have to does he we've got the right to swallow that to not say it does he does he have to does he have to finish his homework before he can play okay so does he have to finish his homework does he have to finish his homework does he have to does he have to does she have to all right so that is an obligation or a necessity what about consumption food or drink I know this is another one where we differ we differ about consumption you say we don't say I'm gonna take something we use take for medicine and don't worry we'll take a look at the verb take in this season as well so to eat drink or consume do you want to have something no I already had a coffee all right let's take a look some examples I'm going to have lunch now I'm going to I'm gonna I'm gonna have lunch now are you gonna or are you going to G Cambridge are you going to have lunch now but what are you trying to do pass a Cambridge exam or speak right to be understood so we want you to think like us here so I'm gonna have lunch now are you gonna have lunch now yes I'm gonna have lunch now h no I'm not gonna have lunch now all right another thing with lunch to have lunch to have breakfast there's a common mistake a lot of people say I had for breakfast[Music] toast I had toast for see I've got my sound effects over there excuse me I'm out of breath I had toast for breakfast not I had uh for breakfast toast and that's with lunch and dinner as well to have what are you going to have for dinner I'm going to have salmon for dinner all right so that's very common com you've got to m master that usage and then as we just said as an auxiliary verb so it's used in the present perfect e I've eaten I've seen has he's seen he has seen he's seen many things in his life he seen many things so you've got it as have or has and then you've got it as had I told them that I would have listened if he had given me the opportunity so you can see it as have has or had in all its forms as an auxiliary verb that's what makes it a little bit confusing when I ask a student uh do you have orange juice for breakfast you know what they say yes I have what I yes I do yes I have is have you had breakfast yes I have so so you try it and then we'll do the question too all right so I have finished my homework no homeworks I've finished my homework I've finished I've finished I've finished I've finished my homework right instead of I have finished it's it's not natural so I've finished my homework parents this is a good one have you finished your homework yet no yeah have you finished your homework yet have you you right have you have you finished your homework yet all right they had left before we arrived they had left before we arrived had they left before we arrived yes they had left before we arrived we'll take a look at some more conditionals but those are usually the most confusing one but just remember this guys in the bonus episode we start with really simple translations so like we just looked at and the last one is and as you know since we're going to be looking at phrasal verbs and idiomatic expressions in the bonus part well you want to stay tuned for that as well but let's continue continue with some more usage I hope you guys are following along on the PDF documents and taking notes and most importantly that you're participating aloud in bothal that you're really vocalizing and saying these structures and making them your own because that's the key right all right the next one is causing or allowing something to happen causing or allowing something to happen so no the same thing you use no I'll have so no to make or do I just realized that after teaching for 20 years that we use a different verb there so I'll have my assistant call you I'll have that happen right then the other example we've got there she had the children clean up their room she had the children e she had the children clean up their room you can also say she made the children but same idea right but just so you know she can say she had the children clean up their room why because it was a BGA do you know that word in English it was a pigy man that room was disgusting it was a pigy to clean up she had the children clean up their room then we've got experiencing relationship ships or interactions so this is because they're not yours no offense so how would you say masculino imra Macho feminine or or masculine Right male or female I should say well we would say do you have any siblings do you do you have any siblings you can say do you have any brothers or sisters do you have any do you have any do you have any have you got any do you have so do you have any siblings yeah I have one brother and two sisters right for example all right so the next one she has many friends many much she has many friends all right can you give me the question does she have does she have many friends yes she has many friends and remember has have she has many friends and of course we use it in commands or invitations so example have a seat have a seat take a seat right have a seat please or what about one of my favorite ones have a nice day have a good time that's very common instead of saying enjoy I want you to take the word enjoy out of your vocabulary not that we don't use it but I think my students overuse it and remember it's never I enjoy to go to I enjoy learning English with you so you can say I have fun learning English with you I have a blast learning English with you I have a great time learning English with you and as you know we like to look at pop culture and we will in the bonus part I have the time of my life and I'm learning English every day so a lot of different ways to say Kino enjoy and I want you guys to start incorporating these into your speech because it's much more natural have fun oh how was the zoo this weekend we had fun and we enjoyed I en I enjoy to eat papaya I don't know it's I enjoy eating papaya have fun have a blast I hope you guys are having fun and you're having a blast on these episodes on have let's take a look at some synonyms and an anms before we have to oblig or have to before we have to say goodbye but again I urge you you have to you must join us in the bonus part and there you go there's a synonym you must you have to we use this all the time oh I have to do this this and this must so what does that mean it means you have to master have to okay and third person Hast to my sister has to renew her driving Li license right I didn't say has to I said and the other one's have to you don't have to say it exactly the same I have to because that's what I've heard too many times so we're working on sounding more native on imitation again does it work you want to hear how my daughter pronounces this she'll blow your mind so some synonyms are to own careful you don't mix this word up with o I've had my students mix up o and own to is to own is right to own to possess those are some synonyms possess he's possessed if you The Exorcist for example but also to possess to own something to hold hold held held to keep keep kept kept right and we already looked at must and why not look at some antonyms noo I lack we lack the resources you're testing my patience or lack thereof so lack we use it a lot to lack so it's a noun and a verb to want to want I want I have it's the opposite if you if you if you don't have it well then maybe you want it maybe you need it there is a big difference though between want and need right A lot of times in life we got to realize that and I'm speaking aloud to myself I think to myself I'm like I really need this and I'm like do I need that or not really I I want that and I think you can save a lot of time when you can really split those two words right I want versus I need they are antonyms of have and what about Miss right to not have it you missed it careful with this word too I've had a lot of students say I lost my flight I lost my no I missed my flight you lose something that you missed placeas you misplace it and the last antonym is to refuse to refuse so these are just some of the uses of the verb to have some of their synonyms some of the antonyms as well now it's in your hands folks to take it and run with it to go the extra mile to make sure you've got this down pat and that's precisely why I hope you'll join us in the boat bonus episode because we're really going to really nail this verb we're going to master it when we look at the homophones that go with it when we look at the pop culture references we're going to look at movie lines we're also going to look at it in songs so we'll be doing some singing as well and we'll also test you at the end and I think that's the most important part that at the end of each episode we've got an exam or a test to make sure you guys are kicking butt so fyers I hope you had fun I hope you had a blast and I hope you'll join us in the bonus episode of this week's FYI[Music][Applause][Music] the