FYI - For Your Inglés


alberto alonso Season 7 Episode 3

Welcome to season 7 of FYI. This season instead of tackling topics we’ll discover the most common verbs in the English language. DO you MAKE mistakes with MAKE and DO? We'll learn to MAKE DO with these verbs on this week's episode of FYI.

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welcome to season 7 of FYI this season instead of tackling topics we'll discover the most common verbs in the English language do you make mistakes with make and do we'll learn to make do with these verbs on this week's episode of FYI welcome to for your info oh English you got it[Music] got hello hello hello fyers welcome welcome to this another episode of FYI from our essential verbs collection that's right here in season seven we are going to get to know the most common verbs inside and out and folks today we're going to take a look at make and do and how we use them when we use them and believe it or not if you listen to the intro carefully what did I say I said do you make mistakes well there's the first one I had a student tell me once Alberto I don't commit mistakes I go well there's your first one because we don't say commit to commit is compr to make mistakes is so it's not a direct translation and we'll have to make do to make do is to find a solution in a tricky situation I think you say or so sometimes it's make sometimes it's do and sometimes it's make and do so if you want to follow along you'll have to join my community there's a PDF that you can follow every example you can mark it up and you can also add your own examples in fact I'm always telling my students I'm going to give you an example or two but the important thing is that you personalize it that you add your own examples so mark it up it's not like another book you know other books or PDFs you're like oh I don't want to make any marks on it this is English cross things out add things like when I tell you it's walked cross out the Ed and put a t over it you already know how to spell it I'm more interested in the way it's pronounced so that's another thing here I want you guys not only in season seven obviously but I want you guys to pronounce all the different structures all the vocabulary allowed why well do you want this to just be a listening exercise listening and comprehension are are both extremely important but if we want to communicate the other side of that is speaking so I urge you to repeat all the structures all the idiomatic expressions because in the bonus part we always took take a look at the phrasal verbs with each verb we also take a look at idiomatic expressions we take a look at it in pop culture in music and movies with real examples and then at the end I think one of the coolest Parts you can put yourself to the test well I put you to the test test in the audio but you can follow along on the PDFs and how do you get all that extra content a bonus episode PDFs um classes with me if you're in our higher levels real simple go to Alberto Alonso and join our curious community and I want to send a shout out to all of you especially my super duper students Mara Javier and Baco and my Interstellar students Carin lenina Isa pako David Jose Maria and Ed God keep up the great work you're doing a great job you're making progress and if you guys want to really make the most of this you see what I'm doing here we're warming up up if you want to make the most of these episodes make sure you join us on Alberto Alonso and you can take a look at the script you can make notes on it and even review the vocabulary with me are you serious do you mean business do you mean business well go to patreon and check it out and see if it's right for you let's take a look at make and do so what's the difference I guess that would be the first question well it often depends on the context right like everything here but there are some general guidelines okay but again as with everything in English there are many exceptions English is a language of exceptions no worries what I recommend is you know the general rule of course but you really strive to learn them as individual sentences as sounds like when we do have you ever been to well the same thing learn it as make mistakes you know as as one thing learn the sounds together as one just like when we look at used to it's not really two words okay it is but we don't separate them it's always I used to it's not I used to go right we don't separate it there they always go together so I want you to pay attention to all those little nuances so let's look at make first all right make is an irregular verb every day I make progress yesterday I made progress and lately I've made progress we use it for creation and production so when you create something or produce something so I'll give you the sentence you give me the question I made a cake K what did you make I made a cake all right so to make something to prepare something to cook something also to cause or to force something or someone to do something so she made him apologize you say the same thing right she made me apologize well I put my foot in my mouth La that you can just say I put my foot in it so to make someone do something to force them or cause them right the wind makes the leaves fall off of the trees for example a then we've got it also with plans and decisions right to indicate that something is going to happen so for example uh we made a decision we're going to make a plan we need to make a choice again and I urge you to learn them as individual sentences because you'll see there are many exceptions because now we're going to look at do in general and do is also an irregular verb it's do did done do did done and this is used for performing actions or activities carrying out tasks or work so I need to do my homework C remember I have to do my housework right so to do homework to do housework so do we do our bed or make our bed you would do your bed right it's to make your bed and what about laleta do we make our suitcase or do we do our suitcase well if I have to choose one of those I'll say I'm going to do my suitcase if you're making me choose if I have to make a choice well there I would just say I have to pack that was a trick question all right so when we indicate tasks that we have to do unless it's the bed then we make the bed you can also say fix the bed I know English can be confusing sometime also for nonspecific activities so when it's not clear what's happening what is he doing I don't know what he's doing so it's not what is he making but here we've we've got Conta what are you doing and remember this question what are you doing very important that can mean again according to context what are you doing right now what are you doing well I'm eating I'm making some soup right not soap soup is and uh soap is havon right so what are you doing but that also can be used as a future what are you doing this weekend out what are you going to do this weekend but you can also use the present continuous as future at times when it's something pretty similar right so what are you doing this weekend it's nothing too crazy right but honestly I think that's just a Nuance because I could ask you perfectly what are you doing next summer so just so you know it can be used in the present continuous as it's indicated but it's also can be used as a future tense in place of going to which we pronounce gonna what are you going to do not to be confused withas do you remember that one what do you do or what do you do for a living we've looked at that one many times well how are you going to how are you going to meet people if if you don't know to ask them what they do for a living right and know how to answer yourself right and we looked at in the to be episode I'm teacher I'm Tarzan I'm Jane no I'm a teacher Tarzan yeah we don't pronounce anything alike Aladin we say Aladdin yeah yeah my poor daughter she's like wait Aladin or Aladdin what are we talking about here so all right also routine tasks or chores so to do the laundry to do the dishes again there's a good exception we make the bed and I think almost everything else we do around the house including the general term for it to do the housework and a little tip to help you if you if you come across one and you don't know to come across if you come across one and you're not sure make is usually referring to something tangible right or intangible and do is usually for a task or a routine but again I know many many exceptions what would you say to do business or to make business it's to do business you don't know how many times I've heard people say make business here's a little translation if I do business I'll make money you can say earn so that's a general rule but again I never teach that rule I like to go over it so you know it and maybe if you're in a bind and but then again there are so many exceptions that uh is it really worth it let's see let's see if you recognize some common uses of make I'll give it to you in Spanish and then we'll look at a translation we'll see if you know it did you say make a decision some British people say to take a decision cor to take a decision but we always say make in my country we never really do a decision all right so the example I have here is I need to make a decision about my future make a decision to make up your mind is another way to say it I need to make a decision I need to make up my mind about my future are you pronouncing these I hope so remember you just want to listen to me talk because that's that's okay you can do that and I'll pronounce it for you every time but you're the one who needs to get used to pronouncing it so it feels comfortable all right I have to make a call to do a call no I have to make a phone call I have to make a call what about Uno make an effort you have to make an effort she always makes an effort to help others that's the example we have here can you turn it into a question so she always makes an effort to help others does she always make an effort to help others to make a plan we looked at that one before or to come up with a plan is the phrasal verb we have to come up with a plan we have to make a plan let's make a plan for the weekend what you can't say is planify or planificateur make dinner tonight the next example is to make money he works hard for his money so you better treat him right the example there is he works hard to make money but it's in a song to make money and you hear it in a a rap song they use it as a chorus everybody say make money money make make money money so again you'll find all this stuff in pop culture and in the bonus episode today we'll take a look at plucked right from pop culture all right the next one is to make a difference this is to when we talk about you know being a good person making a difference in your family in your community you know that you don't just go unnoticed this but you're actually affecting change if you want to make a difference you can volunteer in your community right to make a difference to make progress we've already looked at all of you are making progress right now especially if you're repeating after me and what about a Amigos is that to make friends or to do friends well both of those are correct but they mean different things to make friends isos to do friends I'm just telling you that's right so he made a lot of friends and then he did them oh wow wow well then you got to be careful with those friendships by the way there's an FYI episode on relationships if you have not heard it so those are some of the most common uses of make I'm sure you can come up with your own let's take a look at do to do your homework or to do your housework let's give you an example I need to do my homework I need to do my homework before watching TV before to watch cross it out why before watching TV before I watch TV before to watch this way next time you see the word before next to the word to you'll know uh-uh those don't go together the same with can right can can and to and cross it out because it's a good visual you're like all right let's try another one who will do the dish dishes after dinner did you say dinner it's not dinner it's dinner dinner dinner say it with me who will if you want to contract it who will do the dishes after dinner who will Who will do the dishes after dinner I'll do the dishes after dinner well you made the dinner I'll do the dishes say I mucho make and do in laasa and we've got an episode on the home as well where you can review some of these household chores specifically so to do the dishes if you make the dishes you work for porcelanosa right if you make the suitcase you work for Samsonite you get so make muchos fabri okay so to do the dishes the British say are you going to do the washing up to do the washing up we say to do the dishes or to wash the dishes all right what about my can you do me a favor make me a favor in right do me a favor so could you do me a favor and pick up my mail correspondencia mail will you do me a favor can you do me a favor could you must polite could you do me a favor and pick up my mail and I always like to teach the opposite of pickup when we look at pickup so to pickup is the opposite can you drop it off in front of my house so to pick up and drop off antonyms good to learn them together and we're going to take a look at some antonyms for make and do in just a moment we have some more examples of do and I hope you guys are doing what I said and you're repeating these sentences aloud and coming up with your own all right what about the shopping to make the shopping no to do the shopping or to go shopping this I'm gonna go surfing I'm gonna go shopping I'm gonna go camping I'm gonna go kaying hey it never fails it's T tala we already looked at to do business okay just be careful with the the spelling I've seen students misspell it it's business with One S at the beginning and two s's at the end so we do business with companies all over the world all over the world worldwide do business you got to know that one especially if you want to do business and you mean business when you do business you remember that one from before to mean business eat andio these are some really really native expressions and I know you guys are doing your best do your best do the best that you can do to do your best I'm not asking everybody to be perfect I'm asking you to do your best all right what about to do your hairir to do your hair so you can say to comb your hair or to do your hair do your makeup to do your hair or to do your makeup right now I know what you're thinking you're thinking but isn't it to make yourself up not really it's much more common to say who did your makeup right instead of who made you up or did you make yourself up did you do your makeup to do your makeup makeup now we're going to look at a lot of phrasal verbs with the word makeup in the bonus episode and guys I am not making it up all right so we said to do your hair to uh what else what to do your make up to do the laundry to do the dusting right to do a load of laundry we say I did a load of laundry this weekend oh yeah well I do three loads of laundry every weekend and there are three of us living under my roof what about a job I've Heard lots of mistakes with this one I've heard students say I have to make a job no I have to do do my job I have to do my work so on work and job we use do okay not make a job not make work and what's the difference between work and job a job is I have to do this job right now because it's part of the work I have to do work is more in general all right and then we use it with the nothing with the anything right let's see if you know it he doesn't want to do anything he doesn't want to do anything he does nothing know make because if I say he doesn't want to make anything so do you would say in Spanish is that one and I'm thinking of uh our friend Bruno Mars today I don't feel like doing anything so I don't feel like it we'll look at some more songs and movies in the bonus episode let's take a look at some synonyms for make right now some synonyms for make are create produce construct build or form some antonyms for the verb make destroy break demolish disassemble ruin and let's look at some synonyms for do perform carry out execute accomplish complete and some antonyms for do neglect ignore ignore fail abandon and forget so I hope you don't forget these little tricks and I hope you'll join us in the bonus episode of this week FYI we are going to have the time of our lives[Music] n