FYI - For Your Inglés


alberto alonso Season 7 Episode 4

Welcome to season 7 of FYI. This season instead of tackling topics we’ll discover the most common verbs in the English language. What do you SAY I TELL you all about SAY and TELL on this week's episode of FYI! 

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welcome to season 7 of FYI this season instead of tackling topics we'll discover the most common verbs in the English language what do you say I tell you all about say and tell on this week's episode of FY I welcome to for your info English you got it[Music] got hello hello hello welcome to this episode of FYI on say and tell I'm GNA tell you a lot of things in this episode so make sure you guys are ready to translate with me remember I'm going to be challeng in you throughout the whole episode from start to finish so be ready for anything expect the unexpected because as you know I don't want to just know that you're familiar with these words but I also want to know that you know how to use them and that you're comfortable using them and you're confident using them and what's the best way to be confident when you're speaking well the more you speak the more confident you'll be it's just like everything practice makes perfect so remember this is a podcast and in a normal podcast you would listen but here I want you to interact and if you've been doing that great job and today for the first time in season 7 we're going to be taking a look at two verbs so you're going to get two for the price of one today and my Amigos I have heard so many mistakes with say and tell so what do you say I tell you about say and tell what do you f house I didn't say what do you say I say what do you say I tell you about so what do you what are you gonna do where do you where are you from oh is that in Saudi Arabia what are you gonna do hey it sounds ridiculous but if you can associate that sound what are you is what are you hey you can always say what are you going to do but remember we're working on putting our words together at least if you're like me I've been learning Spanish for 46 years my translation my whole life I've been learning Spanish and I'm still learning things every day and I'm still working on trying to sound as much like you guys a native Spanish speaker as possible so the only way to really do that is to repeat the stuff aloud and a quick reminder if you want a bonus episode because in the bonus episode we take a look at all the phrasal verbs we take a look at it in pop culture and we also have a little challenge at the end just to make sure you got it so if you want access to that bonus episode all you have to do is go to slash Alberto Alonso there you'll see I have an amazing community of over 200 students hey they deserve it and those students depending on what level they're in they can get access well all the students in my community get an get access to the bonus episode then if you're in a higher level you can get the PDFs so I literally send you the script and you can take notes and follow along and I think that's really really important I mean this could be a really good study guide and at the end of it all at the end of season 7 you'll have a book the PDFs will be one book of the most essential verbs examples and even some translations to make sure you got it and those translations go from easier to harder and there's something new we're doing in season 7 as well and that's a vodcast a port Monto if you will of a video podcast so a shout out to all my patrons who are getting that bonus content especially my super duper students Mara Javier and Paco and my Interstellar students Garmin lenina Isa bako David Jose Maria and Edgar the students who all even have class with me so it depends on how much you want to learn how hungry you are for more you can always just listen to the free episode every week which that's made with TLC just like everything else I do and a quick reminder I'm sure many of you know this if not check it out I've got a radio show a daily radio show which you can watch live on YouTube or you can stream from the vongh radio app just search for the show with no name and then put my name Alberto Alonso and that's just another way you can improve your English I also have five books not to brag I'm not here to say oh look at me in my five books but I'm saying if you're listening to this right now it's because you want to learn English and do you want to have fun while you learn English well that's my philosophy that's my motto so let's have some fun as we take a look at say and tell the first thing we're going to do is conjugate the verb to say why you don't know how many times I've heard people say say my brother says my sister says no in a logical world it would be because I say she says right this is English it's says says it reminds me of that game we used to play as kids Simon Says Simon Says touch your nose Simon Says stretch your arms over your head Simon says right so say it with me again really important that you repeat whatever I tell you to repeat aloud because it's for you I already know how to pronounce it obviously so and when I tell you these are the big mistakes it's based on over 20 years of experience thousands of hours of classes to thousands of students and still going so and hours no no days weeks months of content if you count FYI and if you count the show with no Nam so these are the big ones says let's practice it my sister says she's not coming my sister says all right the other problem I find here is people mix up the past tense and they say so nether woke got it and this one is said so let's take a look at them again say them with me we'll we'll do an example my sister says I'm lazy says lazy similar sound there Z so my sister says I'm lazy I said she's lazy right so practice those because I mean if you have to just say I said this I said no I said yes I said stop I said go do it a million times until you never ever say s or says again and you say said and says all right now when do we use say well as I just said My sister says she's hungry when I'm telling you what somebody said now the thing here with say and tell how do we sum it up because we can get into well this is without a direct object and this one uses a direct object the direct object is the listener the person who's receiving the message so how do I sum all this up the difference between say and tell and then again we'll find some idiomatic expressions and things later on but in in the grammatical sense of the word I said no I said I'm not going to go I said whatever it doesn't matter who I said it to right he said he's not coming it's not important he told me he's not coming how I see so we generally use to uh tell excuse me not to we generally use tell when the person who's rece receiving your message is important or is included in the sentence and we'll take some a look at some examples right now so let's try said without a direct object okay let's see if you know this one it's a little bit complicated right he said did he still said or said he said said he would come or he he said he'd come all right all right now let's try it with a direct object usually it's a phrase that follows it she said I'm going to the market now here we're telling you exactly what the person said so let's use my sister since that's the example I've been using my sister said she wouldn't take anything that I gave her right my sister said okay it's so I'm paraphrasing what she said but also I can say my sister said there's no way in hell I'm going no and I quote so it can be a quote or it can not be a quote the important thing is it doesn't matter who she's saying it to all right okay good good good now we cleared that up a couple other key points punos glaves when we're talking about the verb to say it's often used when the focus is on the words spoken so when the actual words are important you're not paraphrasing he said and I quote I will never do it again Over My Dead Body as we say I think you say the same thing Over My Dead Body it's usually followed by a clause or a quote unaa as we said and reviewing excuse me and I think this is the most important part there's no need to mention who's being spoken to it's not important in this one when it is important we use tell all right and tell how do we conjugate tell all right easy right but I don't want you to just conjugate it like take took taken why what does that mean it doesn't mean anything it's just three words that you're throwing in into the the air and see what happens but always practice your irregular verbs your three columns take took taken saying every day I tell stories yesterday yesterday I told stories and lately I've told stories why because now you're not just practicing three words you're practicing three structures and you're remember remembering and reinforcing why you're using each one yesterday I told her that right yesterday I told so you're reinforcing told yesterday and the third column lat ultim which is an indicator that we're in the present perfect so if you use those three words and practice them aloud you're not just going to learn irregular verbs you're going to learn how to use them and isn't that what we're here to do to put everything into practice usage all right so tell told told or every day I tell lies remember we don't say Lies We Tell lies contas and we'll look at some collocations in a little bit so every day I tell lies yesterday too yesterday I told lies and lately I've I've told lies did you say it correctly all right great now as we already said this is used when there's a specific listener or recipient somebody receiving the information so let's look at the structure with a direct object a direct direct object again is the listener she told him the news she told him the news she told him see now we know who's receiving the message and remember it's not the new laia we say the news right have you heard the news yes she told me the news MTO you can also use it with a clause no no not Santa Claus I mean a clause in a sentence so he told me that he was coming he told me that he was coming right so again we're right after the word tell we put who's receiving your message okay some key points it always requires a listener right if not you're going to use say it also focuses on the act of conveying information so it's not just about the message here and the words that were said but it's about who told who it's about the way the message spread right spread I think you say extend well it's a it makes sense in English that word because to you can spread rumors news can spread but you can also spread butter on your bread extended right also defund I love when words become more than words and they become ideas so yes and it's often used for instructions narratives and information all right so I hope you guys got that let's see if you can uh figure out these examples of say we're going to take a look at some common examples of say but we're going to play with them and I'm going to make sure you guys really get not just these words say and tell but also the different structures okay in fact when I just said say and tell it reminded me of Show and Tell do you know what this is show and tell is something we do in when we're kids in the United States in kindergarten even preschool I think and you have to bring something in whether you know it can be a doll it can be the program from the theater you know what whatever it can be any uh something that you found a rock a stone and you have to get up in front of the class and you have to show it and you have to tell them all about it and it's a really good exercise I do it in my classes sometimes as well where you have to talk about an object or a topic right so show and tell really good because it teaches kids not only about public speaking and getting up in front of a crowd but also what it's like to be in the audience and to be on both sides of that table right think about that because if you know the nerves you know the stage fright well then you'll give somebody else your undivided attention and you'll be respectful when that person is on stage okay she said I will be there at 7 p.m she said yes this is a direct quote I'll be there at 700 p.m. when did you say I she said I'll be there at 7 p.m. how would you make that into a question what time did she say she'll be there if you got that one what time did she say she what time did she say she'll be there if you got that one give yourself a round of applause okay come on that's an easy one the other one was harder he said he or said he said it's a beautiful day don't let it get away way by the way get next week well not next week the next show we're taking a break now for August but uh get is coming up next folks and you are definitely gonna learn a lot because I think get is our wild cardro comodin in English it works for everything all right I said English I just invented a new language guys all right well we just looked at some direct quotes let's look at reported speech they said they would meet us at the restaurant can we contract that at all they said they would meet us at the restaurant right they said they' so they would we can contract they said they' meet us at the restaurant they said they'd meet us at the restaurant did you get it right good all right the teacher said the exam will be next week all right do you want to try and turn that into a question the teacher said the exam will be next week when did the teacher say the exam will be we are getting into some Superstar territory here all right now we also use it in expressing opinions or statements statements I would say that this is the best option right I would right so if you want to say I'd say right so when we're expressing an opinion or a statement we use say as well again this is all in the PDF document so if you're getting lost you don't have to just join us over on Alberto Alon so and you'll get PDFs H bonus episodes and so much more so let's see if you can contract that one for me I would say that this is the best option did you say I'd say I'd say I'd say that this is the best option you can also say the best choice as well all right the next one people say that he is very talented people say people for everybody everybody says did you say says no it says everybody says that he is very talented he's very gifted we looked at those words in the FYI episode on talent I believe that was season six all right uh also we use it in indirect speech so when you're telling somebody what somebody said so that's difficult for me in Spanish she said she was feeling better right she told me she was feeling better that's another exercise you can do you can take a sentence with say and make it tell and take a tell sentence and make it say hey just to make sure you're mastering them and remember more important than writing down these examples it's saying them aloud in so she said she was feeling better she told her mother she was feeling better and I I saw her mother the other day at the supermarket right it's important information in the sentence right and the last one was say and then we'll take a look at some examples with tell he said he had finished his homework can we contract that he said heed SOS did you say heed good job he said he' finished finished his homework homework all right all right let's take a look at tell with direct instructions she told him to wait outside the mistake I find here a lot of people say she told to him do you make that mistake then I want you to write down on the PDFs she told to him and then cross it out and then put it correctly under it she told him to wait outside she told him she told him to wait outside all right another one where we look at direct instruction he told her to bring the documents no he told to her right he told her to bring the documents doents it's documents documents also when we're reporting information I told my friend about the party so the answer I told my friend about the party did you did you tell your friend about the party yeah I told my friend about the party oh no I didn't tell remember it's not I didn't told I didn't tell in my friend about the party The Bash eleston all right and another one with reporting information he told me that he got a new job he told me that he got a new job can you give me the question did he tell you he got a new job did you get it right awesome job awesome job all right also we use it narrating stories let's look at that word narration narrator narrating I know you say all right this one's yours she told us a funny story that's right did you say fun fun is funny gra she told us a funny story right all right another one he told the children he told the kids children child children kids so he told the kids a bedtime story you can say a story before bed but bedtime mommy can you tell me a bedtime story and tuck me in to tuck in it's we looked at this one in the Home episode of FYI we also use this verb when we are giving directions can you tell me could you tell me how to get to the station could you tell me how to get to the station can you tell me how to get how to get to Sesame Street hey we have lyrics and if you haven't heard the episodes on Sesame Street give him a listen can you tell me how to get to could you tell me how to get to all right uh also conveying messages please tell him I called could you tell him I called could you tell him I stopped by right also uh another example with conveying transmo messages she told me to remind you about the meeting she told me to tell you those are difficult structures but practice makes perfect and a couple mistakes before we look at some synonyms and antonyms for both words the mistake I hear aside from the ones we've looked at said and says is I've heard people say she said me the news what's wrong there correct it for me she said me the news she told me the news okay let's try another one with tell a common mistake she told I'm hungry she told told I'm hungry she told me I'm hungry or she said quote I'm hungry right so again once you know you can't mix them up you can switch them around that's a great exercise as I said before she said the news to me and we're GNA take a look at a lot of idiomatic expressions a lot of phrasal verbs and we're going to look at them these words in pop culture in the bonus episode let's take a look at some synonyms for tell to inform to notify to adise adice ad to instruct to relay we said to convey to relay transmed some antonyms for tell some antonyms for tell to conceal no to hide something to withhold to withhold information to suppress to cover up also let's look at some synonyms for say to speak to utter to declare to state to express some antonyms for say to listen to here to be silent to keep quiet and also mute muo you say in Spanish well folks that is the end of the first episode I hope you guys join us in the bonus episode where I'm going to tell you lots more about say and tell[Applause][Music][Applause] a[Music]