FYI - For Your Inglés

to GET

alberto alonso Season 7 Episode 5

Welcome to season 7 of FYI. This season instead of tackling topics we’ll discover the most common verbs in the English language. Let’s GET going go-GETTERS! We’re going to GET into GET on this week's episode of FYI!

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welcome to season 7 of FYI this season instead of tackling topics we'll discover the most common verbs in the English language let's get going go-getters we're going to get into get on this week's episode of[Music] FYI welcome to for your info English you got it you got it[Applause] hello hello hello hello Amigos welcome one welcome all oh yeah here we are on another exciting edition of FYI and this is a show where you guys know what we look at week after week is a different vers well we started out looking at a different topic but now week after week we explore verbs and one thing that we're realizing is there's a lot of content to be discovered first there are so many essential verbs that when I came up for the list here for season 7 I realized wait I might have a season 8 because let's be honest how many verbs do you use in Spanish 60 100 so I figured if you guys are liking it if you're taking it and running with it which means that you're doing a wonderful job you're going above and beyond and I think most of you are in fact I've been talking to a lot of my students in our review classes also privately and they're really making the most of this new format same show we explore for a topic as always and we will go back to topics but right now we've decided to get a little bit dactic and you know anytime a Creator or somebody comes up with something dgo has an idea they come up with something well you always have this doubt in the back of your mind that is this going to work are people going to like it are people going to get it to use the verb we're going to look at today and you know what the answer is yes so thank[Applause] you thank you FYI you are awesome you are absolutely awesome thanks for getting it and today we're going to take a look at this very useful verb to get but a quick reminder folks if you want to get a bonus episode every week if you want to get PDFs where you can follow along with all the content well then you're going to have to join us over on Alberto Alonso and I've got to say something I am so proud of each and every one of my students some of you have been with me for a few months and some of you have been with me for years either way I couldn't ask for better students what an amazing Community we have we even have a chat group where we can share things and I think the most important part is you have access to me especially if you're in our higher levels well then you can participate in a weekly review class where we review some of the most common idiomatic expressions that we're going to look at today so for example today's episode we'll probably review next Wednesday or Thursday remember the students also on patreon they get the episode ahead of time there we go with get again see I'm using get and I'm not even trying to use it yet because this is a verb you need to get to know you can't get around it you need it to get by do you get what I'm saying do you get my point you see wow a very useful verb and we are going to take a look at it today but if you want to follow along because I've got PDFs where you can take a look at the examples you can take notes and most importantly when I say follow along I mean allow inalta and if you want to do that it's on Alberto Alonso and again my students are kicking butt arando they are kicking butt and I'm proud of them all right so if you want more information if you want a sample it's all on Alberto Alonso and in the bonus episode what we're going to take a look at and what we always take a look at just to give you an idea is the phrasal verbs associated with each verb we also take a look at the verb in pop culture that means in songs and also in movies we also take a look at some of the most common idiomatic expressions associated with said verb and I think the most important part is at the end when we review it we do I give you about 10 transl ations usually you know me sometimes I'll add an extra one in there but I give you usually around 10 translations sometimes you have two the word twice in one translation as you'll see today so if you're not getting that bonus episode you're missing out I mean you're going to learn tons of stuff in the first episode but you are missing out so a nice shout out to all my patrons who get tons of amazing content and remember there are over 2,000 exclusive posts because I've been doing this for quite some time so a shout out to all of you especially my Interstellar students Garmin lenina Isa Bako David Jose Maria and Edgard all right let's get going otra let's get going now if you're not in my community I hope you're taking notes cuz I'm going to give you a lot of stuff it's a lot of stuff you've got to get to understand that's one of the uses but quickly let's look at the intro because I like to put a couple little things in the intro uh some common uses of the verb so I said let's get going which I just said B that means let's move let's go and then I said a go-getter and I think that's a perfect way to describe my students on patreon ambios you're ambitious it means if you want something you go and get it you don't wait for somebody to bring it to you you're a go-getter and then I said we're going to get into get and to get into can be literally a car get into the car or to get into a topic or to get into a song All right so let's take a look at some of the most common uses if you're in the community grab your PDF and you can follow along and if not I recommend you take notes and at every point and I'll tell you but even if I don't tell you you have to do it you have to repeat these structures aloud I want you to focus not just on saying the words and the structures but I also want you to focus on saying them as closely as you can to the way I say them I don't want to hear any a in is nothing in English it's I'm I'm I'm very happy I'm all right the first one to receive to receive or obtain something I got a letter from a friend yesterday I got a letter now listen to the to the American pronunciation I got it's it's a d Almost I got I got to go okay so you got to that got you're going to hear it I know you've heard it in the past so I got a letter I got a letter from my friend yesterday knowen it's friend I got a letter from my friend yesterday can you turn it into a question did you get a letter from your friend yesterday did you get a letter from your friend yesterday so to get or to obtain right I got a new comic book another example also the verb is get got gotten unless you are British then it's get got got and you you pronounce the T Americans we say get got gotten gotten we also have the gladle te there where we omit it have you gotten to the mountain yet again you don't have to pronounce it exactly like me but we're trying to get as close as possible to the way I sound or a British person maybe you're going for a British accent but it's like you know you don't have to sound perfect but you want to work on putting things together the perfect example I always use is a lot of students say eat these and I said that that you're never you're never going to say eat these that'll never go together because eat is so it's it's it's it's a car it's a pen it's a microphone right and it's an ambulance it's an owl so that's what I mean when I say practice practice those common structures allowed all right so I got a letter I got a car I got a promotion I got a raise okay I got a pee that's not true but imagine that well we're live right now so uh well there's another expression that just came to mind when you got to go you gotta go we say when Nature Calls as well all right number two to bring or to fetch okay can you bring me a glass of water you can say that but it would be much more common to use this wild card is can you get me a glass of water can you get me a glass of water if you're British can you get me a glass of water the the funniest one is when they say a bottle of water can can I have a bottle of water can you say it like that try it can I have a bottle of water all right to be calm he's getting old I'm getting old we're getting old we're getting tired we're getting to become it's getting dark it's getting dark come on try it and I want you to focus on the pronunciation too is it getting dark no e is it is it getting dark all right another one to understand or comprehend do you get what I'm saying did you get that or did it go over your head if something go goes over your head it means you didn't get it so to get so think of it it's still receive but in this case it is to receive a message correctly right so I'm sure you got it and I'm sure you've heard it in this context so do you get what I'm saying also to catch or to take hold of something the player got the ball and he passed it ify house noce got it's got the player got the ball when it bounced off the wall H that rhymes I'm a poet and I didn't even know it so I got the ball when it bounced off the wall and that reminds me of a couple idiomatic expressions to a to to bounce that's the way the ball bounces I see it Rhymes in Spanish it means so that's the way the ball bounces it also reminds me of another expression to get the ball rolling no if I'm not mistaken you say something like that in Spanish so to get the ball rolling and to be off the wall this is a Michael Jackson album off-the-wall means crazy so that's folks that's off the wall we just got we just got three idiomatic expressions from this translation did you get them lases all right another thing to have the opportunity to do something I got to meet my favorite author right there was a book signing remember this this is a confusing one sing G sign signature La all right so I got to meet the author did you get to meet your favorite author I got to visit the cockpit so it means I got the opportunity to do something another one to experience or undergo so the verb to undergo is an irregular verb and it conjugates like the verb to go undergo underwent undergone he underwent surgery last week so to experience I got really cold waiting for the bus I got really cold now this doesn't mean get which we don't say constipated constipated ISO it means you can't go to the bathroom we say you're stuffed up or you have have a cold so here it says I got really cold waiting for the bus now if you say I got a cold so to get cold the same way to get hot oh man I get really hot at the beach right and the other one to get a cold just be careful because these are little nuances that we need to know another one is to persuade or to convince someone did you get him to help you yeah I got him to help me with my homework I got him to help me move right fill in your own example it's a really important thing too folks I always say this I'm giving you General examples here but it's up to you to make up your own I got my husband to go to the uh to get a pedicure or I don't know you could make it up but the thing is if you make it real you might remember it right you might get it better so to get someone to do something and that's another thing too with the PDF documents you've got the structure now you can just change the noun you can change the compliment and voila you're good to go all right the next one one to arrive you don't know how many students say Alberto I arrive at my office that's a l arrive that it doesn't really flow off your tongue I arrive at my office no I get to my office or I get to work at 7 so to get to now we don't use two all the time when we say places that are hypothetical such as here or there what time did you get here what time did you get there what time did you get home because home is oh God we omit the two right but we always use this I got to the airport arri I'm not saying it we don't use it ever but nine times out of 10 we're going to go with get I got to the airport early so I had a sandwich right I got a sandwich OB I mean you can literally use it as every verb in a sentence in a day you know a typical day and it will make sense that's how useful this wild card isodine so to get to a certain place but if we say home here or there we omit that part we leave it out a phrasal verb is to Leave Out All right so we got to the concert just in time I can give you another idiomatic expression we got to the concert in the nick of timeo we got to the concert just in time or in the nick of time I want you to do this I want you to make a list of the places you normally go and then write down what time you get there and you can start your day with I get up we're going to take a look at the phrasal verbs in a little bit and the idiomatic expressions but just I mean the first thing you do every morning is you get up deant you know well first you wake up okay all right I'm exaggerating there the second thing you do every day is get up right so to wake up uh open your eyes to get up right we know it from a song and we're going to take a look at some songs in the bonus part as well get up stand up don't give up the fight a lot of phrasal verbs in that song so I want you to make a list of the places you go and then write down what time you get to those places and practice it so you never say arrive again why do you see what I'm getting at do you see what I'm getting at arrive doesn't roll off your tongue get got gotten it's one syllable one syllable and in the past participle two syllables gotten if your British it's gotten no no excuse me wrong they don't say gotten they say got again who's right of course Americans are[Music][Applause] right it's confusing why use the same word gotten all right the next one is to bring about or cause okay so gaad would be in Spanish it's to make something happen or to cause a reaction of some sort so here's an example Her speech careful with this I know you might be tempted to put in that a speech but here's a way to avoid it her right Her speech say it with me her speech got everyone got no Her speech got everyone excited excited exercise exercise I'm excited I want you to to think of this e x x e k s now say it excited excited so her speech got everyone excited about the new project and there's another word I often hear people mispronounce it's not project it's project PR so to get excited about the new project in fact that's a word you guys use two words that you usually use in Spanish you say project manager that's okay in Spanish but in English I want you to say it with me especially if you do this project a O is a project manager no man manager manager all right hey I'm just telling you if you're dealing with people overseas that would be the correct pronunciation and I won't even get into we already looked at that one I won't even get into some of those really tricky words that we don't even pronounce the same so uh like Wei I think Spain is the only country that says Wei the rest of the world I believe even in Latin America in other Spanish-speaking countries I believe we say WiFi as well and well I know what your answer is Spain is different oh yes it is and that's why I love it so her speech got everyone excited about the new project another one is to buy or purchase it's purchase so it's per purchase anytime a word seems difficult break it down right so no it's comfortable it's comforable comfortable comfortable comfortable this it makes it a lot easier if you can pronounce each sound and then put them together so purchase Doos purchase to acquire something so I need to get some groceries for dinner and that's a false friend it's not groseras groceries are things that you buy in the supermarket in the grocery store and if you haven't heard the FYI episode on grocery stores on supermarkets give it a listen it's very useful and it's full of I think vocabulary everybody needs to know fruits vegetables and that's stuff that we eat every day the next one is to earn or achieve now if you're not paying attention here this is the 12th use to get that we're looking at there's a total of 13 right now so we're we're going to look at two more uses of the verb to get yet and in the bonus episode as I said we're going to take a look at the phrasal verbs the idiomatic expressions we'll take a look at it in pop culture and we'll put you to the test to see if you really got it a no I can't help it I use the word get all the time just like at any native speaker so to earn or achieve I mentioned this one a little bit before because it's also to receive but in this case because you earned it she got a promotion at work she got a raise the British say a rise she got a rise at work well in English to get a rise out of someone is to make them react no oh I was just trying to get a rise out of you but to get a rise in British English is to get more money we would say to get a raise so she got a promotion at work or she got a raise if you're speaking in British English no rise in British English raise in American English hey it's good to know and I like to highlight that I know some teachers that they're British usually no offense Brit friends but usually these teachers will say oh no no don't say tomato don't say tomato it's tomato tomato and I'm like well that's an injustice this because tomato is right in fact more people say tomato than tomato I say tomato and you say tomato my point and I know you get my point I like to teach you both when there's a difference when there's a discrepancy I like to say so right there you'll hear both CU who knows you might get confused and say all right and the last one the 13th one to become affected by a condition or an illness so to get sick I think I'm getting sick I think I'm getting a cold my uncle got the flu last week Lae there's a false friend if you write the word gpe in English to gripe is to complain gripe says so you will gripe if you get the flu you know me I love playing with words and before we get going before we get going let's take a look at some synonyms and antonyms of the verb to get we already looked at so many uses and we're going to look at some really good stuff in the bonus episode I sure hope you'll join us all right the first one receive we already looked at that just make sure you don't say receive right receive obtain obtain acquire that sounds like right to acquire Acquisitions mergers and Acquisitions fetch we looked at that word earlier it's also what you play with the dog right you throw the bone and the dog fetches it and to gain right G he gained a promotion he got a promotion some antonyms for the verb to get to lose right he got something he lost it just be careful verb to lose noun a loss and the adjective lost hey I'm just telling you because a lot of people get lost with that per to get lost and there's another one too guys it's the reflexive I'm getting tired I'm getting sad I'm getting angry so if you want to use the reflexive you have to get into get some more antonyms to give to donate to surrender or to Forfeit and we'll end with that false friend to Forfeit something is to say I don't want it so you can win this prize but if you don't claim it in three weeks you forfeit it loes which is weird because I know if you're going to go skiing in Spain you have to buy a for fight which would be a ski pass but it has nothing to do with forfeit to to relinquish your rights hey we looked at a lot of false friends my friends I hope you'll join us in the bonus episode of this week's FYI[Music]