FYI - For Your Inglés


alberto alonso Season 7 Episode 6

Welcome to season 7 of FYI. This season instead of tackling topics we’ll discover the most common verbs in the English language! Attention avid readers: get ready to READ up on READ on this week's episode of FYI!  

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welcome to season 7 of FYI this season instead of tackling topics we'll discover the most common verbs in the English language attention Avid readers get ready to read up on read on this week's episode of f Yi welcome to for your info a Eng L you got[Music][Applause] it hello hello hello fyers welcome welcome do we have any Avid readers in the house I'm sure we've got a lot of avid readers well welcome welcome one welcome all time for another verb and we're going to learn a lot of idiomatic expressions we're going to learn also all the phrasal verbs that we use with the verb to read and we're going to look at it in pop culture and at the end of the bonus episode you'll even have a translation test to make sure that you got it so if you want all that content that means a bonus episode every week where we really put you to the test and we really drive it home to drive it home or to bring it home islo I think would be a good translation in Spanish so if you want to have access to that very useful bonus episode every week plus if you want to have the script the PDF that I look at that I create you can do that and if you're in our higher levels on patreon you can even have a weekly review class with me so a shout out to all my patrons there are I believe 220 of us at the time of this recording so thank you so much and a huge shout out to my Interstellar students Carman lenina Issa fako David Jose Maria and OT if you want more information on how you can get bonus content how you can get classes with me and more importantly be a part of an amazing community of students and me as the teacher at the helm alos Mandos well then I recommend you join us at Alberto Alonso and don't forget usually in the first six seasons of this show we looked at different topics topics from Walt Disney to the mafia to Marilyn Monroe Kos Monro right Marilyn Monro as you guys say it's Marilyn Monroe but if you listen to that episode then you would know that already so go back listen to all those episodes as well what do you want the question is what do you want to learn about today because we've got so many different topics but this season season 7even instead of looking at topics as you can see we're taking a look at the most common verbs so this season is a bit more dactic but that's great for you guys as as language Learners as English Learners it's wonderful if it's more dactic and I urge you always to repeat whatever I'm saying aloud this way this is not just a listening exercise every week but you are learning to master all these essential verbs and the important part allowed in Botha to be able to get your point across which is one we looked at last week when we looked at the very useful verb to get so you can find those podcasts wherever you listen to podcasts but if you want the bonus episode you're going to have to go over to Alberto Alonso and discover what you're missing out on now we looked at in the intro to read up on and it's interesting because it's not upon right so for example let me give you an example to frown upon frown is the opposite of a smile that behavior is frowned upon you say malist but this is not upon the preposition this is up on those so to read up on something is to study to research it to read up on and that's what we're going to do we're going to read up on read today but I don't just want you to read in your head I want you to read aloud let's define this verb the verb read means to look at look at to look at and comprehend the meaning of written no Wren Deigo written or printed matter matter is Maia by interpreting the characters or symbols of which it is composed but I think you all know what reading is do you know how to conjugate the verb it's a really confusing one because somebody decided to play a trick on you guys yeah it's cruel it's cruel don't be cruel to my English students no Don't Be Cruel because it's not read read read it's read r every day I read interesting articles yesterday your turn yesterday I read an interesting article I read an interesting article and lately I've read so lately I've read a lot of great books okay so read r r and if you know that well then I've got a classic joke for you a joke that we all worked on well not worked on we all practiced and told a million times when we were kids all right what's black white and red all over okay I'll give you some time to think about that one what's black white and red all over a newspaper you get it now right black and white right La the print is in black and white and read all over yeah so read so the word red I read a red book read read read so did you like that joke and there's another answer to it too what's black and white and red all over a zebra with sunburn all right I'll stop I'll stop I'll stop a zebra febra the British say a zebra like you we say a zebra with sunburn all right well here's where I need you guys to repeat aloud so let's look at this verb in different tenses just to make sure we're pronouncing it and we're also seeing it in its natural habitat I'll give it to you in Spanish Leo I read the newspaper every morning I read the newspaper every morning all right great what's the question do you read the newspaper every morning now you can also just say the paper I read the paper every morning newspaper so read easy right Persona reads right he reads oh and by the way the word read in the present tense is also a homophone right I'm reading a book about reads hos a read is something on a saxophone all right hey if it helps you remember it we've got two homophones already we've got readed and Reed hko and we've got red Le and also red roo all right hey if it helps you associate it we'll keep it all right the past tense yesterday I read an interesting article okay what I always recommend with the time reference because people say I read yesterday an interesting the best way to fix that problem today or yesterday or two weeks ago at the beginning of the sentence or even better at the end of the sentence so I read an interesting article yesterday Al that time reference I read I read right all right the present participle the Geren she's reading a novel by Jane Austin right novel is she's reading can you make it a question for me is she reading a novel yes she's reading a novel by Jane Austin and here we don't say from Jane Austin is by right we've looked at the passive voice in other episodes all right what about the past participle I've read now here I don't have it contracted but I always want you to contract when you speak so I've read all the books in this series I've read can you turn it into a question have you read ASO have you read all the books in the series and let's take a look at that word too because that's a word that people often mispronounce do you know the Apple assistant what's her name s i r i Siri right well just add an S and remember that works for singular and plural so I'll give you an example and I know we've looked at this perhaps when we looked at friends or The Sopranos right so The Sopranos is my favorite series singular and I don't uh well I have a lot of favorite series so you can use it in singular and plural just don't say sius or serious because you know what I'm going to say are you serious all right let's try it let's make sure you really got it okay I read a book every night before bed or before I go to bed before I go to the bed we're talking about the concept of going to bed not the bed I read a book every night before going to bed before I go to bed or before bed right so think of bed there as a concept all right uh let's see he reads he reads right very quickly can you ask me a question with that turn it into a question does he does he does he does he read very quickly oh yeah he reads very quickly he's a speed reader is a speed reader all right all right let's try a question here how often now so how often or how often how often do you read do you how often do you read how often does she read right and again you can write these down if you want but the important part is to say them aloud so how often does he how often does she that's the little jingle you need to learn there how often do you read how often does he read how often does she read until it comes out naturally all right let's take a look at the past tense which we already know is pronounced red okay she read the letter and started to cry she read the letter and started to cry a synonym for cry to weep you might know it from a beetle song While My Guitar Gently[Music] Weeps thank you thank you thank you I do what I[Applause] can all right the next one they didn't read the email I sent yesterday careful with the pronunciation of email it's not email it's email Ino right so they didn't read the email I sent yesterday all right good see that yesterday there at the end how would you say did you did you read the email I sent you yesterday did you read the emails I sent you yesterday yeah yeah yeah you're not important in the sentence and that's a really I think that's so important to look at when you're looking at English what are the important words in these in in each sentence because those are the ones that are going to stand out when you say them all right so focus on that because it'll help you it'll help you tremendously there is a certain logic we can apply to the way English is stressed right all right uh the next one Leos again we're in the past tense here okay we read about or we read up on phrasal verb we read up on or we read about the history of the museum say it with me Museum before our visit before to visit before we visited or before visiting perona before to visit that's a common mistake that will come across and that's something I like to highlight here folks different things that we're looking at as well as each verb I'm highlighting synonyms I'm highlighting pronunciation problems uh common mistakes so anytime I I highlight something that's a good opportunity for you to grab a pen and jot down in on the PDF document you can even do it right there uh you know cross it out do whatever you have to do uh you know when I put the word read you should write that down right two for one all right the present continuous I'm reading I'm I'm reading an exciting mystery novel right now right I can't put it down it's a page Turner we have an episode on books if you haven't listened to it so if a uh if a book is a page Turner it means you can't put it down all right the next one they are reading their textbooks in the library is they're reading their textbooks they are is there so they're reading their textbooks in the library there there there they're there in their car they're there in their car they are hey we're looking at a lot of homophones today the same way in the last episode we took a look at a lot of false friends so that's a a great one there this is I am not reading anything at the moment I am not reading anything at the moment can you ask me that in a question are you reading anything at the moment are you reading anything currently I'm not reading anything at the moment remember so I'm not reading anything or I'm reading nothing right even though as we know the Rolling Stones Can't Get No Satisfaction but remember rock and roll never follows the rules all right let's take a look at the presid perfect tense this isos right and a lot of times you never even hear that have because we contract it right or has in the third person so let me give it to you and see if you know it I hope you're referring to one of my five books when you say that I've read I have read I've read I've read that book three times I've read that book three times how many times have you read that book how many times have you read that book all right and again if you don't have my books you can pick them up at Amazon or wherever fine books are sold just search for Alberto Alonso and I've got English everywhere I've got this book is the milk I've got this book is the milk too this book is the [ __ ] and English on the go all of the books come with audio and are designed to entertain you as you learn English all right so I've read that book three times how many times have you read that book all right the next one I want you to contract it she has read all the documents you sent her she's read she is or she has you'll know instantly if it's she is or she has she's read all the documents you sent her has she read all the documents you sent her docents it's documents documents okay the next one have you read the latest news have you have you have you eaten have you taken have you gone right has has she eaten has she spoken to you has she read your book I hope she's read my book she's she has remember this is the biggest complaint I've had throughout my years of teaching it's that your teachers if I'm not mistaken when you were younger told you do not contract ever and I just don't understand why yeah it doesn't make any sense to me we always contract and when you don't contract it sounds like you are reprimanding someone it sounds like you're chewing them out all right let's go into the future okay I'll I'll read the report not report I'll read the report after lunch will you will you read the report after lunch yeah I'll read the report after lunch I won't read the report after after lunch and again if you do that with every question you're not just going to master this verb but you're going to master all the different tenses think of how many different tenses we've looked at already in the show and as you know in the bonus episode we're going to take a look at all the phrasal verbs the idiomatic expressions the pop culture references and music and movies and then I will put you to the test that Applause is for you FYI if you are reading along my phrasal verb to read along and you are repeating these structures aloud all right let's see the next one going to because remember we have two Futures in English really three but I don't want to confuse you so I'm going to go or I will go right what's the difference usually will is the conditional I'll go if you come with me right but I'm going to go means boy I'm going to go no matter what I'm gonna I'm going to go I'm gonna go right so it's a good exercise if you want to practice both Futures take I will go I'm going to go I will eat I'm going to eat and practice them aloud I'm gonna pon I'm gonna eat so is he going to read the script tomorrow is he going to read the script tomorrow Manana yes he's going to read the script tomorrow he isn't going to read the script tomorrow okay the next one they won't read the instructions no instructions instructions carefully or thoroughly thoroughly thoroughly all right and a couple more we've got the imperative mood and the conditional mood read the instructions carefully before starting the test remember we said before my before right before you start before to start so before starting the test the next one please read the first paragraph aloud you can say alloud or out loud please read the that sounds like something a te teacher would say please read the first paragraph aloud all right and the last one in the imperative mood don't read my diary don't read my diary all right and we'll wrap up with the conditional mood and then some synonyms and antonyms the first one if you read this book you will understand the concept better I want you to contract it for me so this is the first conditional is but I want you to contract it so if you read this book you'll you will you you'll understand the concept better all right did you get it right awesome she would read more if she had more[Music] time can you do it for me she' she'd read more if she had more time she'd read more if she had more time all right the next one lady that's a tough word I don't even know if I'm pronouncing it right in Spanish I guess I need to read up on it in Spanish if I were you if I were you I would read more often would you read more often if you were me would you it would you when I would you would you read more often if you were me it's even difficult in Spanish right so I want you to contract it I'll tell you what I won't contract it and you contract it for me to make it more natural if he had read the manual he would not have made that mistake okay so if he had read the manual if he' read if he'd read the manual no he had if he'd read the manual he wouldn't have of he wouldn't have made that mistake did you get it right all right and before we w wrap up let's take a look at some synonyms for the verb to read one of them is to peruse yes I'm going to peruse this book I'm going to peruse it's to look around you've also got to browse browse you know this one from browser to Leaf through to Lea through through is to turn over a new Leaf we'll take a look at many other expressions in the bonus episode another one is to skima to skim right some people read and they're just looking for the key words another one which is very similar to Spanish to sink your teeth into something in does that sound familiar and some antonyms for read which this is a tough one because it's a very specific verb but as I looked it up I got ignore right if you read the signs so in this way we're not talking about read as a book we're talking about reading a situation so to ignore to overlook to misinterpret to misread to misread or to neglect well folks we've reached the end of the first episode remember in the bonus episode we're going to take a look at idiomatic expressions phrasal verbs the verb in pop culture and then I'm going to have a test for you as well I hope you'll join us in the bonus episode of this week's FYI[Music] now