FYI - For Your Inglés

to GO

alberto alonso Season 7 Episode 7

Welcome to season 7 of FYI. This season instead of tackling topics we’ll discover the most common verbs in the English language!  This episode will GO down in history. We’re GOING to GO the extra mile with GO on this week's episode of FYI!  

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welcome to season 7 of FYI this season instead of tackling topics we'll discover the most common verbs in the English language this episode will go down in history we're going to go the extra mile with go on this week's episode of FYI welcome to for your info he engl you got it[Music][Applause][Music] got hello what's up fyers welcome welcome to another exciting edition of for your English that's right for your English we are a topic based show every week we tackle a different topic to tackle this abor and in this season season seven we are tackling the essential verbs those verbs you need to know if you want to get by in the language and we looked at get last week to get by I hope you remember that one if not remember you can get a PDF every week now this week I believe it's eight or nine pages and that's literally the script it on I prepare the script and then I share it with my Patron so if you guys want access to a bonus episode every week additional PDF documents with all the vocabulary everything I go over well not everything because I improvise as well as you guys know I like to go off on my little tangents M go to go off on a tangent Prim and you say the same thing Sal if I'm not mistaken so uh if you want to follow along if you want bonus content every week well all you have to do is join my Curious community over on Alberto Alonso you can join for free obviously you won't have access to everything but there are over 2,000 posts and every week in this season you're going to get the bonus episode which usually in fact in everyone so far what we've looked at is the phrasal verbs with each verb we've also looked at the idiomatic expressions as well and also some some examples from pop culture from movies and music and then at the end of the bonus episode every week you have a little test where the translations start easy and then they get a little bit more challenging as we go on so if you really want to learn English if you really want to learn how to use the essential verbs and all their incarnations plus be a part of an awesome Community join us on Alberto Alonso and a shout out to all my patrons especially my Interstellar students Garmin Isa B David Jose Maria and Edgar if you guys want more information on how you can join my community because the people I just read off there those people my Interstellar students who I love each and every one of them I'm not just you know rattling off names here I'm saying the names of students who I've seen make tremendous progress so keep it up and you know why because as Interstellar students they're in the highest level what does that mean that means all that stuff they get the bonus episode they get tons of exclusive posts they get also the PDFs every week and a review class where we go through some of the most important idiomatic expressions and uses of each essential verb so join us it's Alberto Alonso all right well we already looked at to go off on a tangent but let's just start with the conjugation of this verb every day remember how we practice the conjugations so every day I go toas where do you go every day personalize it every day I go to um the pool now it's summertime right when we're recording this so every day I go to the pool last summer I went to the pool and lately I've gone to the pool so there's something you want to know you you need to know how to conjugate it but not just conjugate it because if I just say go went gone what am I saying really what am I saying that that doesn't help anyone you've got to say it in context that's why I always tell you during these episodes this season and and any season even during my show the show with no name my radio show repeat aloud because that's going to make this so much more than just a listening exercise you can turn it into a speaking exercise but the balls in your court Amigos we say in a tennis court right the ball the ball is in your court and we've looked at that by the way you've got access to so many other amazing episodes too don't forget we've got an episode on tennis we've got an episode on Walt Disney we've got an episode on donuts and almost everything under the sun and if you have ideas as well for topics for future Seasons please let me know you guys can find me very easily on social media all right so now that you that we just went over did you see what I did there why phrasal verb to go over rep now that we've gone over the conjugation of this very common verb to go we're going to take a look at some meanings now also here's another trick this word is part of another word too let's see if you recognize it how do you say to undergo so anytime you see a verb inside of another one like come came come well it's the same as become became become the same thing right so he underwent an operation and she has undergone he's undergone many many operations so we just learned two verbs for the price of one but that's a little trick right get got gotten forget forgot forgotten see if you if you say yeah well then usually it conjugates the same way as the the original verb the perfect example as I said is come came come become became become it follows the same pattern and anytime we can find a pattern in the language we'll take it we'll take it all right so what is to go well it's to move from one place to another so I need to go to the store how do you turn that into a question do you need to go to the store do you notice I didn't say do you need to go to the store the U is not important so listen do you need to go to the store go to the go to the you see what I want you to focus on here also is where I'm taking the pauses do you need to go to the store yes I need to go to the store all right let me give you this one she goes to school every day remember we don't say the school because we're talking about the concept the same way when we looked at bed she goes to the bed she goes to bed at 700 p.m. well that's pretty early she goes to bed at 10 p.m. so she goes to school every day can you turn it into a question does she go to school every day does she go to school every day right and that's what you should do with every example because if you look at these PDF documents you're going to see maybe 50 100 sentences in each one but remember you can quadruple that by getting the direct question the indirect question the affirmative sentence and the negative so she doesn't go to school every day ask me Alberto do you know if she goes to school every day great you see how that one example just became four and this way you're practicing saying four sentences and you're practicing saying that structure every way you'll find it right you sometimes you'll say I don't sometimes you'll say I do right but the more you know how to practice it in all its incarnations as I said earlier the more comfortable you'll be when you're speaking because you'll be like okay well that's the negative I need to okay she doesn't is the negative okay to leave a place or depart and I want to I want to talk about the verb to leave a little bit here because a lot of my students leave this one out oh to leave out okay we're not looking at the verb to leave but a lot of my students try to avoid this verb they say I go out from the office at 7 why don't you just say I leave the office at 7 every day or I left uh I realize a lot of my students underuse this very useful verb to leave and it's every day I leave the office at 7 yesterday I left the office at 7 and lately I've left the office at 700 so to leave or depart I'm sure you recognize also the word depart from departures right when you go to the airport you've got arrivals board and departures board all right so let's take a look at some examples he decided to go early to avoid the traffic okay he decid and remember do you remember the way we said it with get last week to get around the traffic I don't know last week or two weeks ago so he decided to go early to avoid the traffic so look at that one of them I say two and the second one I say and the first one I say t so he decided to go early to avoid the traffic he decided to go early to avoid the traffic did he did he decide to go early yeah he decided to go early he didn't decide to go early he left he left at his normal time okay here's one reflexive in Spanish you guys use the reflexive a lot more than we do right so what time do you go home what time do you go home can you give it to me in third person what time does she go home does she right and that's the stuff I want you to pick up on to pick up on is I think you would say so and guys also if you're following along if you're patrons take notes because remember I'm going through this as a guide but then I add different things like you know I like to hide highlight different things throughout it the next one is to attend or visit to attend there's another one it's a false friend it's not assist I had a student say Alberto I can't assist your class tomorrow I said we don't need your help I got it under control right I can't attend I attended a Mee a meeting excuse me I attended a meeting so again that's not in the documents the word attend is but the little lesson I gave you be careful that you don't write aend to when you're saying right so a great way to practice that is write down aend to and then cross out the two and then write an example I attend swimming lessons every week with my daughter I attend and use an example I those of you if you're Interstellar students you attend my class every week right okay so here's an example for you let's practice go as to attend or visit no I'm gonna I'm gonna kick it up a notch were you expecting that one so we go to the movies every other Friday we go to the movies every other Friday now if you're British you go to the cinema we we say Cinema Cinema's you know he got a degree in cinema cinematography yeah but when we say we say the movies or the movie theater we're going to the movies so we go to the movies every other Friday how often do you go to the movies do you how often do you go to the movies right we go to the movies every other Friday all right the next one are you going to the party tonight are you going to the party are you no are you do you want to come do you want to do you want to right so this is again the the thing that I think throws my students off the most is looking at the written word and saying why isn't it said like that well that's English you know there's no real explanation but if we know that well then we we can accept it and we can say okay well this is this is what I have to see in my head when I see that word like when you see the word walk or talk you need to see it without an L in there right because it's not walk or talk it's walk or talk so are you going to the party tonight all right and careful with party we were at the party not really we we wouldn't say in the party oh I saw you at the party last night and we don't make a party or do a party we have a party or throw we throw a party all right uh also to travel somewhere they're going to Paris for their honeymoon they're going to Paris for their honeymoon okay ask me are they going to Paris for their honeymoon are they going to Paris for their honeymoon no they aren't going to Paris they're going to Budapest for their honeymoon all right another one for you in the past tense we went on a road trip last summer how how can you ask me that did you did you go on a road trip last summer did you go on a road trip the next one is to proed or continue okay so please go on right or go ahead we'll look at these as well in our phrasal verbs but go means continue go ahead right C SE please go on with your story go ahead with your story right and a lot of times uh this is adante too Alberto can I ask you a question yeah go ahead now how do we say right this is when you hold open the door for somebody and say no no no in we say after you after you right or you can say age before Beauty I'm joking well hey people do say it but the the correct thing if you're holding the door open for someone is after you you can say go ahead but there it's almost like it sounds polite to say after you no seriously go ahead go ahead all right the next one to function or operate no no no the car won't go I think it's out of gas remember out of outa I think it's out of gas the car won't go right did you hear the story of the Chevy Nova there's an American car I don't yeah Chevrolet American and uh it was called the Nova like a supernova you know space and and all that and uh well uh obviously you guys didn't get that car over here because if you take the pause in the wrong place it's Chevy Nova Nova Nova it doesn't go so you've got that one there also another example does this computer game go on your device comp right another usage and a very common one is to match right we go together l l right so to go and not just people but these shoes don't go with that dress these shoes don't go with that dress they don't match right that doesn't go man that doesn't match that's my wife talking to me because I have zero fashion sense she's like you can't wear that it doesn't go with it another way you can say to the colors clash all right that means they don't go another example the curtains no Curtin the curtains go well with the carpet right all right uh let's see also to become we looked at the verb become and its conjugation before to become he went crazy after the accident right normally we don't say to get crazy he got crazy normally we say to go crazy if I'm not mistaken it's a Prince song let's go let's go crazy maybe I'm maybe I'm making it up but it it rings a bell so to go to go crazy he went crazy after the accident can you turn that into a question did he go crazy after the accident did he did he go crazy after the accident all right also the milk has gone on bad to go bad or to go off the British say right which will look at many meanings of the verb to go off it's got a lot of meanings which we'll look at in the bonus part but to go bad or to go off is to spoil right when the milk smells bad it goes sour sour right the milk goes sour and we don't just use it with milk their relationship went sour so really cool when you think of it is not just you know agrio as food or taste but also we can apply it to other situations just like bitter bitter is a taste bit right we don't say beat there we say bitter but also a person can be bitter another one this one's more poetic to die or pass away okay to pass away to pass on to pass or to go he went in his sleep he went Mundo in his sleep he went peacefully in his sleep another example with to die or pass away many soldiers went during the second world war now it can mean and the last example to be used up or consumed where's the cake it's gone right where did all the money go right so when something is used up or consumed all right guys so that's to you if you're that Applause is for all of you who are playing along who are repeating these different structures and are improving their English let's look at some more examples and then we'll look at some antonyms and synonyms and then we'll wrap up this part but I hope you'll join us because in the bonus part as I said we're going to look at some awesome idiomatic expressions we'll look at some phrasal verbs additional ones because we've looked at some already we'll look at music and movies and then I put you to the test and we see how you you guys do and uh what I do is highlight some of the most common uses and in the translation test at the end really it starts pretty simple and then by the 10th example usually at least if it's you know going the way I designed it to go go going the way I wanted it to go I designed it to go by the last example you should be sweating all right so uh let me give you guys I'll give it to you in Spanish and and we'll see if you guys can get it in English all right get ready this is a drill I go I go to the gym go to the I go to the gym every morning okay I go to the gym every morning do you go to the gym every morning do you go to the gym every morning I don't go to the gym every morning I don't go to the gym every morning okay he goes to work by bus no boo bus he goes to work by bus[Music] do we say he goes to work by car he drives to work he drives to work but if we put by transport he goes to work by bus by train then we have to put the buy there but if not we don't have to say that we say he drives to work let's look at the simple past which we know is went she went to the concert last night ask me did she go to the concert last night did she go to the concert last night yes she went to the concert last night okay they went on a hike yesterday give me the question did they go on a hike yesterday did they go on a hike yesterday yes they went on a hike yesterday they didn't go on a hike yesterday and that's an expression too take a hike is what you say in Spanish now if you say that to somebody in English it's very literal they're going to go fry some asparagus for you but you can say go fly a kite give you the Mary Poppins Let's Go Fly a Kite up to the highest Heights but you can also say take a hike but to go on a hike means and remember we use go with activities too I'm going to go camping this weekend I'm going to go snowboarding I'm going to go hiking I'm going to go mountain climbing I'm gonna go kaying I'm gonna go so that's the that's the one we need to learn let's look at the present continuous ER I'll give you again the example and I want you to give me the question I am going to the store now now did that sound weird to you yeah cuz I didn't contract it it sounds like I'm reprimanding you like I'm chewing you out like I'm going off on youa is to go off on someone so I'm going to contract it say it with me I'm going to go to the store now miss I'm going I'm going I am going to the store now and I said I'm going to the store now or I'm going to go to the store now we've looked at that before so you could either one's correct I'm going to the store now or I'm GNA go to the store now just notice they're pronounced a little bit differently Now give me the question for both of them are you going to the store now are you going to the store now and with the future with going to are you going to go to the store now going to go are you going to go to the store now now okay another one she's going to the doctor she's going she's going to the doctor question is she going to the doctor yeah she has a routine checkup right a checkup[Music] is let's look at the present perfect tense where have or has is is the auxiliary verb okay we have gone I'm going to give it to you and then we'll contract it and then you're going to give me the question we have gone to the same restaurant twice this week now again you know we want a contractors so how would we do it we've gone we've gone to the same restaurant twice this week we've gone to the same restaurant twice this week how can you ask that have you goneo Oro have you gone to the same restaurant twice this week yes we've gone I want you to focus on those little Parts where we put it together those contractions that make you sound brilliant all right and he has gone on vacation how can you contract that because I would never say it like that he's gone he's gone on vacation remember we don't say that with an S right we say he's gone on vacation or he's gone on holiday but in either case we don't say it with an S it's not I'm on holidays we would say I'm on holiday or I'm on vacation all right a couple with the future tense we'll take a look at some synonyms and antonyms and we are going to get going hey there's another one to get going bosos all right I will go to the meeting tomorrow contract it first I will go to the meeting tomorrow sounds very forceful I'll go I'll go to the meeting tomorrow will you go to the meeting tomorrow will you will you go to the meeting tomorrow yeah I'll go to the meeting tomorrow but my boss won't go to the meeting go to the but my boss won't go to the meeting tomorrow right and the future with going to all right which we just looked at as well when we looked at the the future with the present continuous they're going to go on a trip next month remember we don't say on a travel they're going to go on a trip next month how can we make that sound more native they're going to go they're going to go on a trip next month see we just eliminated four or five syllables they're going to go on a trip next month ask me are they going to go on a trip next month yeah they're going to go on a trip next month they are there they're going to go on a trip next month you make a know they aren't going to go on a trip next month okay and that's what you want to do with whatever verb we're looking at whatever translation whatever structure play with it flip it turn it into an affirmative turn it into a negative and it'll make sure it'll I mean make sure a you're understanding it but if you're doing it aloud eventually you're going to master it and you're going to say and again then then you're communicating you're not just learning translations all right uh let's take a look at some synonyms some synonyms for the verb to go to depart which we looked at before to head which is muo I'm gonna head to the bank Albano to proceed please proceed to your gate proceed to your gate again pretty formal leave I want you guys to incorporate this into your language leave we use it all the time in English Okay attend which we looked at as a false friend and some antonyms some antonyms to stay right if you go should I stay or should I go now you got it right there in that song should I stay or should I go another way to say it remain okay no remine remain The Memory Remains I've got a song for everything here it seems then you've got to Halt halt is f halt right is what they say Alto maybe you say as well you've got also to approach as well to approach so there you go folks those are your synonyms in anms around the verb to go and in the bonus part we'll take a look at so many phrasal verbs idiomatic expressions and examples from pop culture plus I'll put you to the test so thanks so much for joining us on this week's episode of FYI[Music][Applause][Music]