FYI - For Your Inglés


alberto alonso Season 7 Episode 8

Welcome to season 7 of FYI. This season instead of tackling topics we’ll discover the most common verbs in the English language. I KNOW you want to KNOW all about KNOW. KNOW what? We’ll get to KNOW KNOW on this week's episode of FYI! 

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welcome to season 7 of FYI this season instead of tackling topics we'll discover the most common verbs in the English language I know you want to know all about no no what we'll get to know no on this week's episode of FYI welcome to for your info a L you got it got[Music][Applause] it hello hello hello fyers welcome to another exciting edition of FYI for your English it's a show you know and love that's right a show you know and love and let's get a nice round of applause for our FYI wherever you may be joining us from FYI welcome to another amazing edition of a show that you know and love and we're using the verb know on purpose because we're going to get to know as I said in the intro we're going to get to to know this verb know that you need to know see I'm not even trying to use it and I think everybody knows remember when we use everybody or everyone we use it as a third person so everybody knows how to use the verb to know and if you don't know well today I'm going to give you the knoow the knowhow now it comes from the question do you know how to do this do you know how to play the piano and what's the best way to practice aloud and I urge you all to practice aloud remember this can be this podcast this video however you're consuming this right now this can be purely a listening exercise and that's nice it's great you're going to learn tons of stuff but if you want to follow along if you want really really make the most of it well then you need to repeat after me treat it like a class so get to a place right now where you can speak aloud and get ready not just to improve your English comprehension but also your English speaking but remember the ball is in your court so the choice is yours Amigos and if you want to follow along you can get the PDFs every week with all the examples it's even got the content from our bonus episode which you can get every week so you can get about an hour of audio video content on each verb this is in season 7 because remember uh season 1 to season six we looked at different topics and now we're going over the most essential verbs in the language and not just the most essential verbs as you see we look at the most common structures so this is really a course if you will and by the end of the 30 episodes of season 7 if you get the bonus episodes you get the content you'll have over 250 pages of PDFs you'll have hours and hours of audio that you can go back and listen to and how do you get that you go to SL Alberto Alonso I've had that Community now for four years and you guys are awesome there are over 225 last time I checked 225 of us and growing every day and I don't just mean growing in numbers that doesn't matter to me if you aren't growing as far as English is concerned and all of you who are with me whether you've been with me from just recently or you've been with me since day one like Garmin and a few others well thank you thank you thank you and keep up the great work I'm proud of you so I'm going to send a shout out to all my patrons especially the ones who have class with me every week and I can really really put them to the test and make sure they're making progress and they never let me down so a shout out to all of you especially my Interstellar students Garmin lenina Issa Bako David Jose Maria and Edgard you guys are amazing keep up the great work and if you guys want to find out more about joining my community about getting a PDF every week of the script with all the examples also a bonus episode where we look at the phrasal verbs with each verb we also look at the common idiomatic expressions we look at it in pop culture and lastly I put you to the test so it's a very complete course if you take it that way so folks let's get into it let's get to know this verb to know let's define it the verb no is primarily used to conin they why do I like defining things well we can learn other words as we're defining them so to convey is to transmit does it ring a bell now transm to convey so it is primarily used to convey awareness awareness that you're conscious you're aware you know what's happening familiarity familiar I think that was easy for you or understanding compr and is an essential part of everyday communication so again it's not just me who says it these are essential verbs essential structures that you need to know and not just know them written but know them inside and out that's why when we go through the examples now as always I'm going to ask you guys if it's an affirmative to turn it into a negative if it's a negative I'm going to say turn it into a question because I don't just want you to translate I want you to really know it and I didn't do that on purpose but I want you to really really know it well so how do we conjugate this irregular verb well remember never say no new known because you know that not in my class please because that doesn't tell me that you know how to use it but if you tell me every day I know more things yesterday I knew more things and lately I've known right and always please remember that third column is also the adjective this seat is taken right um he is known well known so there's a little trick in the language that third column is always the adjective as well right um I'm trying to think of another example forgotten right his work was forgotten a little trick there and then in the Geren it's pretty easy knowing right and the third person we just add an S it's knows all right so let's look at the different meanings and some examples and we'll see how you guys do the first one as I said to have information or understanding so let's look at the the example here I know the answer to this question I know the answer no answer answer to this question all right now can you ask me that go ahead do you know the answer do you know right do you know the answer to this question do you know the answer to this question did you get it well great job but we're just getting warmed[Applause][Music] up all right do you know where she she lives that's an indirect question do you know where she lives okay let's play with it let's play with it a little bit here ask me the direct question where does she live did you get it good job where does she live so the indirect question do you know where she lives tell me I don't know where she lives and tell me I know where she lives see now I know that you don't just know she lives you know the question you know the the negative question is the negative and the question and the indirect question again four you can get four out of everything let's take a look at the next example and we'll do that with all of them in this way one translation becomes four and this is you really really milking it speaking of milk I've got some uh bests sellers called this book is the milk well it's actually a Trilogy this book is the milk this book is the milk too and this book is the [ __ ] and you can pick those up wherever fine books are sold as we say well hey from time to time I've got to let you guys know that I do more than just FYI I have a radio show called The Show With No Name I've written five books I have have well tons of tons of experience under my belt it's a great expression which means in me all right let's play the next meaning is to be familiar with someone or something so he knows a lot about stamps he knows a lot about stamps tell me Keno he doesn't know a lot about stamps stamps are seos right he doesn't know a lot about stamps can you ask me the question right collecting stamps does he know a lot about stamps does he know a lot about stamps so you see we just got the affirmative we got the negative we got the question now we're gonna get the indirect question go ahead you got it do you know if he knows about stamps now if you did all four of those then it's not just that you know that translation or that sentence but you really got that you really got it in all its different incarnations all right the next one I know her from college I know her from college remember college ask me that do you know her from college do you know her from college know I don't know her from college no I don't know know her from college how would you say where did you know each other nope that's meat remember meat is and to know once you meet somebody then you know them let's look at it that way right so nice to meet you and I've known him for many years sometimes students mix up that meat and no because in Spanish both of them are G all right the next one to recognize or identify do you know this song do you know repeat it after me do you know do you know this song Rec do you know this song you just Passover do you know this song do you know this song do you know this song do you know this song I know it so pay attention to that always what's important in the sentence and what's not do you know this song do you know this song the important thing is this song do you know that's not that's kind of a throwaway D make it know no I don't know this song how would you say n that's a difficult one for me in Spanish my God n I've never heard it I've never heard it right I've never heard it before all right the next one I know him by sight a I know him by sight the Vista ask me Alberto do you know him by sight yeah I know him by sight all right the next one to be certain or sure about something okay certain or certain certain to be certain or sure about something let's take a look at some examples and again let's play with them I know he is honest now I want you to contract it for me I know he's honest no honest honest ah like when you go to the dentist or the doctor say I know he's honest I know he's he is I know he's honest okay I know he isn't honest or he's dishonest if we want to use the adjective the antonym so I know he's honest ask me do you know if he's honest do you know do you know if he's honest do you know if he's honest all right she knows she can trust him it's she knows she can trust him why because we looked at this in a class in the past can and can't let me let me give you two examples okay and it'll be very clear after this uh I can't speak Chinese I can speak Spanish I can't speak and then the other one is can I can I can can so she knows she can she knows she can trust him she knows she can trust him ask it as a question does she know she can trust him does she know she can trust him okay yes to trust the next one to have learned something right knowledge knowledge we said KN how or knowledge knowledge and we looked at under one's belt we've looked at that in previous episodes and under your belt is in see you're not the only ones learning I'm learning Spanish as well so that's how I know it works because just by exposing myself to all this vocabulary creating the content in seven episodes Seven Seasons now I'm like seven episodes Seven Seasons now well yeah you know I've learned a thing or two so let's take a look at these examples I have known this since I was a child Contra I've I've make the sound with me I've it tickles I've known this since I was a child I've known this since I was a child ask me have you known this since you were a child have you known this since you were a child yes I've known this since I was a child the next one he knew the rules of the game so he he knew the rules of the game did he know the rules of the game did he did he know the rules to the game because I did but if not it's did he know the rules to the game we already got the no the verb did he know the rules to the game so really it's rules game no all the other words are throwaways did he know the rules to the game no he didn't know he didn't know the rules to the game or yes he knew the rules to the game or of the game let's look at some examples too and this is another way to look it to look at it in its natural habitat if you will but also a way to practice different tenses every week common tenses that you'll see so don't get tense all right all right I'll skip the corny jokes let's take a look at the present simple she knows the way to the store all right turn it into a question so the the affirmative she knows the way to the store does she know the way to the store does she know the way to the store does she know the way to the store she doesn't she doesn't know the way to the store so the way to the store BTO she doesn't know the way to the store she doesn't know bahun the way to the store bahun that's where you take the pause so that's an important thing too always pay attention to where the pause is the next one I know you know his uncle I know you know his uncle do you know his uncle do you know his uncle and the word ant you can pronounce it aunt or Aunt Aunt sounds more highbrow if you will an ant sounds more American all right do you think he knows how to do it now be careful because there's a a common mistake here I've seen my students omit leave out I've seen them leave out how how too so do you think he knows how to do it is do you think he knows to do it so make a little note there on the PDF documents again if you want to follow along with all the examples and also obviously be able to join us in a class and get the bonus episode join us on Alberto Alonso let's take a look at the past simple they knew it was a mistake sa they knew it was a mistake ask me that question saan did they know it was a mistake did they know see this is a very common structure do you know did you know so again you were practicing not just the verb but these structures that you'll see over and over and over again so the next one we knew he was a Sao somebody who thinks they know it all you know what we call these people a knowit all yeah un we knew he was a knowt all ask me did you know he was a knit all did you know he was a knit all the next one is deep down deep down he knew he was wrong in remember we don't say to have the reason we say to be right or to be wrong right you're wrong or you're right you're wrong right and you're right the next one is future simple the future simple is the future with will I'm going to give you the sentence and I want you to contract it you will know the results tomorrow you will know the results tomorrow you'll know you'll right you will is you'll you'll know the results tomorrow okay the questions results results when will you know the results you'll know the results tomorrow okay I'll know if I'm free first thing in the morning available or free first thing in the morning how would you say when will you know when you're free when will you knowas again another structure it's a matter of practicing them aloud familiarizing yourself with them and then practicing them aloud the next one we're going to look at some present perfect you love this one in Spanish you love this tense let's take a look so I've known him now I have it here not contracted but I want you to always contract it I've known him for 10 years no for is for I've known him I've known him or him I've known him for 10 years not during 10 years I've known him for 10 years how long has you known him how long have you known him for all right so far so good my Amigos let's see the next one how long has she known her husband how long now you use a different tense how long has she known her husband she's known him for 20 years right or she's known him since 1999 remember since and for is so I've known her since 1999 I've known him for a long time we're practicing as I said so much more than just no but since and four and these other things that students often mix up by the way that's for you guys I'd like to give you a little encouragement from time to time to let you know you're doing a wonderful job all right the next example is we've known each other for ages I think again I get confused here because we use a different tense we've known each other each other we've known each other for ages we have known we've known each other for ages f f right fur let's take a look at the past perfect this is less common but it's good to practice these complicated structures as well by the time we arrived they had known about it for hours it's in Spanish the next one had I known I would have come sooner sooner excuse me had I known I would have come now let's look at the the two different things I want to focus on here had I known I get confused there in Spanish it's a tough tough structure but had I known had I known I would have I would have come sooner I would have would have would so had I known I would have come sooner I would have okay the next one would you have met her if you hadn't taken the bus would you have met her if you hadn't taken the bus and you can use both here would you have known her if you hadn't taken the bus again the first one is meet met met and the second one is would you have known her if you hadn't taken the bus ala we've already cleared up the difference between to meet versus to know in fact I think in the future we will have an episode on meet versus no let's take a look at the future perfect and then we'll take a look at some synonyms and antonyms and then we're going to wrap up this first episode but I really hope you'll join us in the bonus episode in the bonus episode we're going to take a look at all the phrasal verbs with no all the idiomatic idiomatic expressions excuse me that you need to know as well plus we'll look at it in pop culture and we'll put you to the test to see if you really got it down pat perfe all right the future future perfect by next week you will have known the outcome you will have known the outcome So it's talking about a future tense right something in the future we call it the future perfect I don't even know how to translate this one in Spanish so you're seeing how you know where my faults are in Spanish hey I'm learning too just like you guys so we will have known each other for 10 years this coming September that that would be how I would express it in Spanish well in English we will have known each other for 10 years this coming September again I wouldn't worry too much about the past perfect or the future perfect but it's good to be familiar with them but the present simple the future simple you these are the present continuous the past simple you got to know these tenses let's take a look at some synonyms for the word to know the first one is to understand okay to understand remember it's an irregular verb understand understood understood the next one is comprehend and it's a regular verb comp comprehended the next one is recognize to recognize the next one is to perceive and the last synonym for the verb to know is to realize some antonyms some things that mean the opposite no opposite opposite the first one ignore you know something or you ignore something to misunderstand misunderstood understood estos when there's a word inside of a word it conjugates like that word you've also got to disregard something no disregard what I said also to be unaware of no to be unaware of something and the last one to neglect something so my Amigos we've reached the end of it I hope you got a little knowhow I hope you'll join us in the bonus episode of this week's f y i[Music][Applause][Music]