FYI - For Your Inglés


alberto alonso Season 7 Episode 9

Welcome to season 7 of FYI. This season instead of tackling topics we’ll discover the most common verbs in the English language! TAKE a seat and TAKE it in stride as we TAKE a look at TAKE on this week's episode of FYI! 

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welcome to season 7 of FYI this season instead of tackling topics we'll discover the most common verbs in the English language take a seat and take it in stride as we take a look at take on this week's episode of FYI welcome to for your info English you got it got hello hello hello welcome fyers welcome to another edition of FYI essential verbs and this week we're GNA take a look at take that's right and why did I say take a look instead of have a look well the British generally say to have a look Americans generally say to take a look the same thing with the shower a British person would say I'm going to have a shower and we would say I'm going to take a shower so we've already looked at one key difference with this one take which can also be used as have if you're British so right off the bat and folks I'll let you know we do this in one take here this is take one take one I'm sure it sounds familiar from the word do right Tom Tom Uno Tom so we are going to take a look at the language but don't worry we're not going to take on too much AUM we'll take it in stride tomarlo philosophia and a nice warm welcome to all my patrons my patrons are my people in my community who week after week they receive a bonus episode which has all the phrasal verbs with take and whatever the verb in question may be then they also get in that PDF not just the phrasal verbs but the idiomatic expressions around it we look at it in pop culture and most importantly at the end there's a translation test to make sure that you got the key elements and if you're in my higher levels you can even have a class with me a weekly class where we go over some of the most common uses of each verb and we play the same way I urge you guys to play here in the podcast I also urge you to do it in class it wherever you are play and what do I mean by play don't just look at a translation like for example I'm going to take a shower Alana now that's a that's an affirmative nice great I'm gonna I'm gonna take a shower I'm gonna take a shower how do you turn it into a question are you going to take a shower yeah I'm going to take a shower de I'm not gonna take a shower do you know if he's going to take a shower so that's what I want you to do we're going to do it here on the show as we always do it I urge you to do it here and in my classes and if you want to join me in my Curious Community all have to do is go to Alberto Alonso there are over 2,000 posts there are also over two not 2,000 well I'm thinking big there are over 200 of us we are 200 no there are well On th there are 200 plus of us we wouldn't say we are 200 plus plus so guys I don't know what you're waiting for you can join for free you can join where you just get the bonus episode every week you can join where you get the PDFs you can join on the level where you get classes with me which those are my Interstellar students and a big shout out to them Garmin Lena Issa bakco David Jos Maria and Edgar and a shout out to them too because they are the only ones who have access to the vodcast and what is a vodcast it's a video podcast you know we love our Port MTO what's a portmanto well it's a fancy French word that means two words put together like brunch like fugly do you know that one [ __ ] ugly the things we learn here on FYI well let's take a look at take now we're going to take a look at some of the most common uses of take because as you know it's got many many uses it's a very versatile verb and we'll look at it with examples and that's where I want you guys to play along to practice aloud again it's up to you folks this can be a listening exercise great excellent you're working on some of the key Concepts the key verbs in English but also if you want to kick it up a notch then you can practice your speaking along with me I even take pauses where I let you guys say the the expression to see if you know it before I give you the answer so the first usage is to a to acquire possession control or occupancy of something okay so she took the keys from the table she took the keys from the table it's an irregular verb so in the past it's took every day I take a shower yesterday do it with me yesterday I took a shower and lately I've taken cold showers right because it's hot I've taken so that's the best way to practice those three columns your simple past well your present your simple past and then the participle so she took the keys from the table can you turn it into a question did she take the keys from the table did she did she take the keys from the table all right here's another one he took the job offer in New York City he took the job offer in New York City a Tonto yob it's job say it with me so he took the job offer in New York City okay ask me now did he did he take the job offer in New York City yes he took the job offer he didn't he didn't take the job offer in New York city so to acquire something to possess to control it the next one is to capture or seize usually by force now do you recognize the word sees we looked at it the expression carpedm in English we understand carpium we say it but it's sees the day K AO would be the translation so let's look at some examples as always and let's play with them the police took the suspect into custody okay the police not police the police or the cops took the suspect into custody now custodia so notice it's custody so one more time the police took the suspect into custody all right ask me did the cops take the suspect into custody yeah they took the suspect into custody the next one the Army took the enemy's stronghold stronghold is like a fort Su for I think you say in Spanish so the Army took the enemy's stronghold ask me did the Army take the enemy's stronghold yeah the Army took the enemy's stronghold all right tell me they didn't they didn't take it nope they didn't take it and you know what I prefer you practice with they or it or him or her than saying you know Paris is a beautiful city why well maybe you have to work on the pronunciation of Paris but it a is a lot more important to practice it's a beautiful city it's a lovely place they're my friends not Roberto and Sarah are my friends but practice it with there because that you're going to use that nine times out of 10 once you've already said it once we usually don't repeat the subject then we say it's or they are if it's plural all right the next one is to remove careful with this false friend to remove it's not removed how do we say removed little darling Stir It Up little darling Stir It Up Bob Marley stir to Stir It Up remov my daughter knows this one because we cook together and it's a great way the the best way to learn is by doing things because questions come up verbs come up adjectives come up naturally just you know swimming in the pool I I think this past summer my daughter learned so many words so many verbs so many adjectives so many nouns just by playing at the pool by doing and that's what we're doing here I want you guys to play with these sentences okay let's see the next one this is usage of to remove or withdraw here's another trick you know we've looked at this in past episodes to draw is the we said we're going to do an episode on it it's draw drew drawn right every day I draw things yesterday I drew things and lately I've drawn things but if we say withdraw Sak withdraw we use it with money sometimes well it conjugates the same way so yesterday she withdrew money lately she's she has Loos it's always more natural lately she's withdrawn money from the bank all right so she took a book off the shelf Kito I always mix that up she took a book off the shelf ask me did she take a book off the shelf did she did she take a book off the shelf tell me she didn't she didn't take a book off the shelf ask me if I know savis see do you know if she took a book it rhymes do you know if she took a book off the shelf right and that's what we're looking for here guys not just knowing the sentence in the PDF document in the script but also knowing how to play with that and really really getting it perfectly to a te as we say in English the next one he took his hand off the railing the railing is the thing you hold when you're going down the stairs he took his hand off the triling to take off and we'll look at phrasal verbs because take off has many meanings to become popular to take off an airplane to take off clothing so we'll look at that in the bonus episode but this is just take normal like he took his hand off the railing ask me did he did he take his hand off the railing did he take his hand off the railing yeah he took took his hand off the railing ask me if I know do you know if he took his hand off the railing all right the next one's to convey or to transport I'll take you to the airport very common sentence if you have good friends and family members I'll take you to the airport remember I will I'll I'll take you to the airport will you take me to the airport will you take me to the airport no I'm sorry I won't take you to the airport I can't I'm busy so I'll take you to the airport will you take me no I won't take you will won't which is the future uh conditional but again remember this in every episode we're not just looking at you know one we're practicing the most common tenses so look at every exercise every week as a chance to practice the verb in question to learn new vocabulary around that verb and when I go off on my tangents and also how to feel comfortable using the most common tenses in the language all right uh the next one he took the package to the post office package is like like Bridge he took the package to the bridge in the village is he took the package yes package is the male member as well so we're talking about the post office here guys he took the package to the post office AOS ask me did he take the the package to the post office okay did he take it or did you take it right did he take the package to the post office did he take the package to the post office post office takeable all right the next one is to lead or guide follow the leader leader leader Follow the Leader all right the first one can you take me to your manager oh man I've heard this word pronounced wrong so many times no it's maner it's manager manager manager can you take me to your manager yes I can take you I can take you to my manager I can take you to my manager I can take you to my manager can't I think we saw this in last week's episode I can't take you to my manager and again the best way to do that make a list I can swim I can dance I can I can I can I can I can I can and then I can't I can't all right the really important thing aside from the T at the end too the next one the guide took us through the museum no through remember think of the tunnel every time you think of through ask me did the guide the tour guide take you through the museum did the tour guide take you through the museum the next one is to accept or receive willingly willing willingly is right I'm willing is I'm ready and willing I'm ready and willing so this is to accept AC accept accept accept so to accept or receive willingly let's take a look some examples I'll take your advice into consideration Tomar qua I'll take your advice into consideration can you ask me that will you take my advice into consideration will you no will you will you take my advice into consideration and remember it's not advices let me give you some advice yes let me give you some pieces of advice if you can just say some advice so let me give you some advice never say advices in fact a good idea right now in your PDF documents is to write down the word advices and cross it out and write it correctly below because it's never some advices it's always some advice it's music to my ears when I hear it right hallelujah hallelujah you like the sound effects right all right well uh let's take a look over here the next one she took the gift with a smile she took the gift or the present with a smile can you make it a question did she take the gift with a smile did she take the gift with a smile and how would you say let's see if you guys know how to say this how would you say like let's say last week I told you I really love this author and then you buy me the book and I say wow how would I say that in English that's very thoughtful we're very thoughtful of you so she took the gift with a smile I guess it's because you should never look a gift horse in the mouth well hey you have a similar expression all right but we're not looking at Expressions yet we'll get to that in the bonus episode where as I said we'll look at it in music because I think that's a good thing too if you if you're conscious of the verb then maybe you'll find it in other songs and movies in fact there's even a movie with Liam niss called taken Kuma really good movie by the way taken all right the next one is to consume medication not food remember we said this in the have episode you have a drink you have a coffee you have lunch you have dinner you have breakfast you take medicine you take your vitamins you take some cough syrup if you have a cough right you take a pill if you have high blood pressure which in fact there's one of our examples he takes pills for his high blood pressure ask me does he take pills for his high blood pressure does he take pills for his high blood pressure suion Al the next one he took his medicine with water he took his medicine with water let's see if you guys can give me that one in a question did he take his medicine with water did did he so did he take his medicine his meds with water yeah this is the sentence he took his meds with water he didn't take his medicine with water ask me if I know do you know if he took his medicine with water yeah he always always takes his medicine with water and that's up to you you can put it in the present you know you can say he's about to it's up to you to play and that's so important if you can play in the language if you can play which with each of these sentences that means you're really getting the hang of it you're really feeling comfortable and you know what you can tell when you're speaking when you're trying to get your point across you can tell you have that confidence so keep it up the next one to require or need as I said before it has a lot of uses and this is also with time right so the project took a lot of time to complete okay come on how long did it take to finish the project how long did it take to how long did it take to how long and how do you practice this just make a list how long does it take to get a degree you know that how long does it take to make an omelet Tor how long does it take to get to New York how long does it take to when you've mastered it you go to the past how long did it take to colonize uh whatever how long did it take to end the the second world war how long did it take until you've got it perfectly but the key is to get the structure once and once you get the structure you can play with it so how long will it take for me to explain how long does it take well it's going to take as long as it takes why this is an area where I see a lot of mistakes another mistake I see it takes to me 20 minutes no it takes me uh 20 it takes me 20 minutes uh in uh wash the dishes no it takes me 20 minutes to wash the dishes is the correct one if we want to just say General it takes him it takes her 20 minutes it takes 20 minutes to wash the dishes practice this no matter how long it takes because I know you've got what it takes and that's what we're looking at to require or need uh another example it takes patience no Pence it takes patience to learn a new skill un ask me does it take patience to learn a new skill yeah it takes patience to learn a a new skill right of course it does the next one's to perform or carry out an action yavo carry out she took a deep breath before speaking she took a deep breath to inhale or to Exhale masil breathe in breathe out just don't get mixed up a breath uh is uno to breathe breath breathe and she took a deep breath before speaking ask me did she take a deep breath before speaking Yeah she took a deep breath before speaking no she didn't take a deep breath before speaking maybe that's why she ran out of breath to run out of scene he took a shower after the workout right we already looked at that the British would say he had a shower right I'm going to have a bath the Americans would say take a bath take a shower um and so here we don't agree take a look they say have a look we already looked at that so he took a shower after the workout ask me did he take a shower after the workout did he take a shower after the workout yes he took a shower after the workout the next one is to make or undergo we looked at this in the Go episode so to undergo a change or transition so he took on a new role at his company that's also like assum I said I think in Spanish right he took on a new role I've heard students say paper no say papis role at the company ask me did he take on a new role at the company yeah he took on a new role at the company he took over for the CEO and to take over for we'll look at that in the phrasal verbs as well to take over for somebody here's another example of to make or undergo a change the weather took a turn for the worse if something takes a turn for the worse it means I'm P it got worse to take a turn for the worse the wow we've got so many usages here this is amazing another one is to assume a position role or course she took the lead in the race she took the lead in the race ask me did she take the lead in the race yeah she took the lead in the race another example he took a different approach to the problem he took a different approach to the problem ask me did he take a different approach to the problem yeah he took a different approach to the problem another usage to bring about or cause the accident took three lives right CL I think you would say another way we can say is claimed three lives but took is easier to say I would say it rolls off your tongue the accident took three lives Cobo is how you would say it in Spanish Her speech took a serious tone and another one to understand or interpret in a particular way don't take this the wrong way it's don't take my comments personally right he took her silence as a sign of agreement okay so to take is to interpret what somebody says don't take this the wrong way the second to last one to derive or obtain from a source so go she took her inspiration from nature did she take her in excuse me did she take her inspiration from nature it's hard I have to take a deep breath before I switch so she took her inspiration from nature did she take her inspiration from nature the next one he took the data you can say data or data from reliable sources reliable did he take the dat data from reliable sources yeah he took the data from reliable sources and the last one to photograph or record and this is a really good one to know to take a picture we don't make a picture so she took a picture of the sunset she took a picture of the sunset eoto no take no make not do it's take could you take our picture or could you take a picture of us but not can you make us a picture so she took a picture of the sunset did she take a picture of the sunset no she took a picture of the sunrise she didn't take a picture of the sunset the next one he took notes so again to photograph but also to record he took notes we'll look at the phrasal verb to take down in the bonus episode so he took notes during the lecture question did he take notes during the lecture yeah he always takes notes during the lecture he loves to take things down AOS all right before we get going we're going to take a look at some synonyms and antonyms some synonyms to acquire to seize we already looked at that we looked at to seize the day to grab a capture capture noce capture capture to obtain and some antonyms to give to relinquish to surrender to deposit or to return Amigo's wonderful job today we've got so much stuff to do in the bonus episode we're going to take a look at the phrasal verbs the idiomatic expressions we'll take a look at it in pop culture and then I'll put you to the test all that and more in the bonus episode of this week's say it with me FY I hey