FYI - For Your Inglés


alberto alonso Season 7 Episode 10

Welcome to season 7 of FYI. This season instead of tackling topics we’ll discover the most common verbs in the English language! COME on, folks! COME join me as we COME across COME on this week's episode of FYI! 

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welcome to season 7 of FYI this season instead of tackling topics we'll discover the most common verbs in the English language come on folks come join me as we come across come on this week's episode of FYI welcome too for your in English you got it[Music] got hello hello hello fyers welcome to another exciting edition of FYI come one come allos bring the family come across this verb with me and those are some of the words we looked at in our intro well welcome back it's time to tackle another essential verb and this word man come now we're going to look at a lot of the different meanings but let me start with a little disclaimer here you know how in Spanish you say Ben when you're talking about uh in the sexual sense well it's got that meaning too and you can spell it come c e or come c m good now that we've gotten that out of the way come is an irregular verb so every day I come across to find without expecting you say to every day I come across interesting things yesterday your turn say it aloud with me yesterday I came across interesting things yesterday I came across interesting things and lately I've come across interesting things now remember the way this works season 7 The Essential verbs and any of our episodes whether we're talking about the Eiffel Tower or whether we're talking about chocolate anytime you hear a structure an expression a common mistake a pronunciation point that you think is worth highlighting or that I think is worth Earth highlighting like when I say repe that's your turn it's your turn to participate so this can be a listening exercise and it will but you can also make it a speaking exercise and if you guys want access to a bonus episode every week so with both episodes that's over an hour an hour a master class on the 30 essential verbs that's just season 7 now we've got the seasons before seasons 1 through six where we tackled topics but if you want to get the bonus episode whether we're tackling a topic or the verbs like in this season if you want to get PDFs with all the vocabulary and everything I go over in the episode and even have classes with me well then you should consider joining us on Alberto Alonso and I'd like to send a shout out to all my patrons they're all making tremendous progress and I'm very proud of them and a special shout out to the ones who get a weekly class with me it's amazing to spend time with you and watch you grow I'm talking about my Interstellar students and listen to me I'm getting choked up Mando well let's hear it for them let's hear it for them Carmen Lina Isa David Maria and Ed God all right now where were we right we were going to look at the verb to come are you guys ready let's warm up together the first meaning of the verb is to move or travel toward a place or person now now I want to highlight the word to now did you notice I didn't say to I said toward or towards now patrons students write that down cross out the word toward to and write toward so to move or travel toward a place or person some examples and this is where I want you guys to play along with me let's get familiar with this verb the first one can you come to my house for dinner tonight can you come no notice I didn't say can you I said can you can you remember we've been looking at that can and can't a lot can you come to my house for dinner tonight no I can't come to your house for dinner tonight I can't make a see yes I can come can can is kin I can come to your house for dinner tonight I just checked my schedule and I'm free so again we're not just working on the verbs in question but we're working on can and can't and some of the most common structures such as the next one which is the present continuous she's coming over to visit us this weekend now to come over is Bena we'll take a look at that one when we look at all the phrasal verbs all the idiomatic expressions all the examples in pop culture and then also at the end of the bonus episode you have a translation test to make sure you got it all of that stuff is in the bonus episode all right so she's coming it says she is coming but you know we love to contract she's coming over to visit us this weekend she's coming over to visit us this weekend ask me is she coming over to visit us this weekend is she coming over to visit us this weekend yes she's coming over to visit us this weekend you make know she isn't coming over to visit us this weekend are you participating I know you are and you know that I know who you are there are some of you who are Relentless despos and I know that you are repeating it over and over I can hear it I can hear it when you come to class all right the next one's to happen or occur another usage of this verb this very useful verb to come so let's look at the example when spring comes the flowers start to bloom to bloom we've looked at that I believe in our gardening episode all right to bloom is to flor I think you can say all right it also means uh we can use it in the figurative sense his career really started to bloom after the Broadway show for example so when spring comes the flowers start to bloom do you know the Four Seasons let's see if you know the Four Seasons we've got summer we've got fall or Autumn Fall or Autumn then we've got winter and then we've got spring did I miss any no that's all of them yeah summer okay those are the Four Seasons all right the next one the next example the opportunity to travel might never come again okay n the opportunity the chance Mas to travel is the opportunity or the chance to travel might never come again okay a lot of you guys avoid using this might but I said suggest you use it I'll give you an example A lot of my students say he will probably come no it's too much he might come he might come he might go but I'm not sure right we might travel there again instead of we will probably TR all right the next one is to reach a certain state or condition example he came to realize his mistake can you turn it into a question did he come to realize did he come to realize his mistake right every day I come yesterday I came lately I've come and get your mind out of the gutter I mean benid not benid say but in context that's why I always say context is key the next one the soup will come to a boil in a few minutes you got I always say that one wrong the soup will come to a boil in a few minutes and don't mix it up with soap I've heard some students mix those up the soup of the day and wash your hands with soap okay and I can teach you an expression it's in the bonus part but it reminds me it all boils down to it all comes down to so it all boils down to it all comes down to okay we'll take a look at it in the bonus episode the next one is to arrive or appear so what time does your train come okay what time does your train come

my train comes at 12:

00 sharp sharp or on the dot is in punto it reminds me of the trains in Japan oh man they I mean if it said 07 at 06 it was in the station and at 07 it was out of the station I mean so trains come and go and remember that too come is like the opposite of go really right people are coming and going all right another example of to arrive or appear help will come soon just stay calm help will come soon just stay calm no the next one to be derived from a source a source okay so the idea came from a famous book where did the idea come from it's another phrasal verb we use a lot who came up with this idea who came up with it the idea for that famous book all right so who came up with it we'll look at that again we'll review it in the bonus the bonus episode uh the next one this word comes from Latin I think the the translation there's Pro this word comes from Latin the next usage to indicate a result or a conclusion to indicate a result no result result or a conclusion so we already looked at this in in one of its aspects it all comes down to hard work and dedication you say it because you need to practice it all together it all comes down to it all comes down to hard work it all comes down to hard work and dedication what does it all come down to did you say it right what does it all come down to or what does it all boil down to[Applause] to another one what came of the meeting so to come of what came of the meeting in and just be careful too because that's a false friend I know you guys know the word meeting as reunion but the word reunion in English is like a family reunion or a high school reunion and I want to focus on those two words too family or family family family and what was the other word I said there I said family reunion oh and high school I want you to say this Bruce Springstein went to high school with his family so Bruce Springstein you know Bruce Springstein went to high school with his family and they bought him a diamond nobody says dond it's Diamond so family Diamond these are certain words where we take the Liberty to Omit to leave out certain syllables but if you're aware of it then that's half the battle we have an expression that we didn't look at when we looked at no so I'll give it to you now we've probably looked at it in a past episode but it it's knowing is half the battle said Is Right knowing is half the battle write that one down get it down because it's a great one all right the next one is to express a change or transformation so the first example the caterpillar how do you say caterpillar it's the thing B I'm I'm finding out where my uh where the limits of my vocabulary are in Spanish so caterpillar is the thing that goes into a cocoon and it turns into and we're going to look at that when we look at turn and it turns into a butter fly see you don't have to know every word but you do have to know how to describe it right remote control or remote the thing that you use to change the channels oh yeah the remote it happened to me the the example I always think of is I was in the middle of a move shout out to Mara she had a move one of my students they're never very fun and I was in the middle of a move and I said to my friend I said uh to his mother who didn't speak much English I said um now I had never heard the word before so the first thing I did was I said masores and she's like she looked at me with that you know what what and I said yeah masores and uh she's like I sorry and I was like I'm like yeah yeah and what happened there I didn't know the word but after that experience I did know the word so don't be afraid to not know something the crime is not you know ignorance the crime is not asking right we how can we know everything but you can ask you can say come on and you know what people are usually very helpful in fact it turns into like a a game you know you're like H is it's like you know you have to describe it without using the word yes yes you're our[Applause] winner so the next example well let's stick with this one the caterpillar The Cure caterpillar caterpillar caterpillar go the caterpillar will come out of its cocoon as a butterfly to come out you know this one I'm coming out tomorrow I want the world to know I'm gonna let it show I'm coming Manana but also to come out in context can mean of the closet salid deio so we'll look at all that we're going to look at a lot of idiomatic expressions as always we're going to look at phrasal verbs we'll look at it in pop culture I mean we already heard it in one song I'm coming up tomorrow and this in the lgbtq I don't know all the letters but in the in the community at least in the United States it's like a song you know I'm coming out now I don't think she meant it in that way but again it's context tomorrow I want the world to know I'm going to let it show and speaking of the community what about Boy George karma karma karma karma karma chameleon karma karma karma chamele so he he plays with the words Karma Chameleon you come and go you come and go Gotta Love those songs all right well we could always learn from music and movies and we're gonna do that in the bonus part as always and I'm going to put you to the test Amigos to make sure you got the ins and outs Los bores of each verb that we look at all right let's take a look at another example of the usage of expressing a change or a transformation the negotiations came to a successful conclusion so there's a great collocation to come to a conclusion also it can mean like you know well how did you know well you know what I put two and two together and uh well I came to a conclusion I came to you got ah so it's so much more than arriving somewhere physically oh and remember how when we looked at um the word go we did we said when we say it with here with there with home we don't put the word to well the same thing you don't say come to home say come home my my friend Daman he was at his house and he said Alberto come home and I said Mom he wanted to say come over come over come over but he said come home B these nuances are really really important so come here come there I told them to come here not to here or to there or or home remember if it's not a tangible Place get rid of that too too all right so uh the next uh the next usage is to indicate participation or inclusion come come join us for the celebration come join us careful I've heard people use join uh incorrectly I've heard people say I joined to a club I joined to your patreon no I joined patreon right so come join us for the celebration come one come all come on come along right another way to say it and that's our next example along because we've been studying the the the prepositions as well isigo so when we sing alongo jump along you know the song jump along can jump around Jump Around jump up jump up and get down I'm the cream of the crop I rise to the top I never eat a pig cuz a pig is a cop or better yet a Terminator like honest W Egger yes thank you ladies and gentlemen my career as a rapper is blooming to use the word bloom it's In Bloom it's blooming or it's In Bloom which is a song by Nirvana and we're going to look at songs and movies in the bonus part I should say more because we've already looked at a few songs all right uh so would you like to come along on our trip would you like to would you like to would you like to would you like to come would you like to eat would you like to would you like to would you like to would you like to come with us would you like to eat with us would you like to um pick out something for your birthday fill in the blank until it would would you like to comes out easily it comes out naturally it's second nature would you like to come along on our trip our on our trip are you crazy yeah I'm crazy but that's how it sounds listen would you like to come along on our trip would you like to come along on our trip de a see yeah I'd love to come along I'd love to I'd love to know and I wouldn't love to come along hey you're loss and the last last usage we're going to look at here with this verb to come is to indicate approaching or reaching a point in time okay some examples come December the weather will be much colder okay right come December the weather will be much colder right and remember this guys when we do our month mons when we write the months the not just the months but the months the days of the week and nationalities in English we capitalized the first letter you know why I'm telling you that because you don't in Spanish I remember the first time I'm like yeah that's how you do it we don't so days of the week months as well they start with a capital letter and also nationalities so come December the weather will be much colder now there are two different ways to ask about the weather do you know how let's see if you know them guys two different ways now what I recommend when there are two ways understand both and choose the one that's easier for you so two different ways to talk about the weather to ask about the weather which is a really good thing because that's how we start all small talk think about it it sounds ridiculous but it's important to know how to talk about the weather how's the weather or what's the weather like did you get them right and the last example we'll discuss this further come Monday and I want to just highlight discuss as well we discussed politics we argued about religion we discussed discuss about we discussed politics we argued about religion argue but I want you to to just focus there on the different usage okay because they're not the same so we'll discuss this further come Monday and remember we have further and farther further is technically masaya and farther is Mas in but you want to know the truth native speakers use them interchangeably all right let's take a look at some synonyms and some antonyms before we wrap up and then I take a quick break and come back with the bonus episode so if you want to get all the phrasal verbs if you want to get all the juicy idiomatic expressions references in pop culture and put yourself to the test you're going to want to join us scene two no you're gonna want to join us all right well some synonyms to arrive to arrive at to get to approach we use this a lot he approached me but also an approach as the way you do something to reach Al right to reach to move or to advance those are some synonyms some antonyms for come go we already mentioned it right you come and go you come and go to leave again a verb I urge you to use more often leave left left to depart to retreat or to exit and speaking of exits it's time to make my exit folks I hope you enjoyed our look into this verb come and I hope you'll join us in the bonus episode of this week's FYI[Music]