FYI - For Your Inglés


alberto alonso Season 7 Episode 19

Welcome to season 7 of FYI. This season instead of tackling topics we’ll discover the most common verbs in the English language! All RISE and RAISE your hands if you want to learn all about RISE and RAISE on this week’s episode of FYI!

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welcome to season 7 of FYI this season instead of tackling topics we'll discover the most common verbs in the English language all rise and raise your hands if you want to learn all about rise and raise on this week's episode of FYI welcome to for your info English you got it hello hello hello FYI welcome to another exciting edition of FYI for your English and we are in our seventh season which means we are taking a look at the essential verbs in the English language the verbs you need to know to get by and today we are taking a look at rise and raise and these can be quite confusing even for native speakers but today we're GNA clear it all up we're going to take a look at the definition we're also going to take a look at the conjugation and as always and I think this is the most important part we look at examples and more importantly you repeat those examples allowed so you're not just here listening passively but you're here participating you're rising to the challenges that I bring and to rise to the challenge well I think you got it from the context no you rise to the challenge let's take a look at the intro because I always put a phrasal verb or an idiomatic expression that you need to know in the intro I said all rise that sounds like something I've heard in church a million times All[Music] Rise and then the next one I've heard in school a million times raise your hand raise your hand if you want to participate so all rise and raise your hand but we use a different verb there all right well we're going to take a look at the difference don't you worry about it but in a nutshell inas quas raay is a transitive verb what does that mean that means it's not intransitive okay all right all right a transitive verb means it requires a direct object okay so let's let me give you an example the sun can't raise why because something else has to raise it it so for example I have to raise this glass this glass cannot raise itself now if the glass was a magical glass it would rise so a perfect example the sun rises it does it by itself on its own it is intransitive it doesn't need a direct object nothing is acting upon it so do we get it if we had to sum it up something Rises by itself and something needs to be raised okay now that's the the basic difference between them because they're both leant right in Spanish let's look at the past tense because this can be a bit confusing too let's see if you guys know them and you can participate with me so every day I raise questions there's um a collocation that we use with it to raise a question[Music] is every day I raise present um what did I say I didn't say presence I gave you a different example questions that's what I said every day I raise questions yesterday I raised raised it's interesting because it's got a z sound I raised and when we put it with it did you raise it it yeah I raised it did you raise it yeah I raised it okay and the third column is raised as well so lately I've[Music] raised I raised yesterday lately I've raised a lot of questions all right so that one's a regular verb rise on the other hand in Cambo is an irregular verb let's see if you know it every day I Rise meanto every day I rise at 7 a.m. yesterday yesterday I Rose at 7 a.m. Rose Roa a good way to remember it a rose rose in the garden right again it's doing it by itself nobody did anything to it it does it on its own accord so rise Rose we said is the second column lately the flowers have risen they've risen no risen it's risen lately the flowers have risen or I've risen later no to to rise rise Rose risen is the verb uh let's use the Sun the perfect example every day the sun rises at 7 a.m. yesterday your turn do it aloud yesterday it Rose at 7 a.m. and lately it's it has lately it's risen at 7 a.m. did you know those great job and if we need to separate them because again it's both of them are leant in Spanish but let's look at some other ways to say it in English with examples because it's always better than just giving you a Spanish word so the first meaning here that we're looking at or usage is to lift something so he raised the flag he raised the flag no he raised remember it's that D sound so ask me a question did he remember did he raise the flag yes he raised it did he raise it yes he raised it okay make sure you're pronouncing it allowed with me and this way we're working on those nuances esos another one to increase some something right to increase something the company raised prices they raised prices again it's being acted upon somebody else is doing it somebody lifted that flag somebody said okay we're going to increase these pric it's acted upon and another raise is children to bring up to bring up is also to mention so here you can remember this one don't bring up the fact that he brought up three kids no same word to bring up let's look at the example with raised she raised three children on her own ask me did she raise three children on on her own yes she was a single mother she raised three children on her own and we also use it in a collocation where are you from Madrid born and raised that's not true in my case but I'm giving you aato somebody who was born somewhere and they were brought up somewhere you would say born and raised or born and bred to breed uh the next one is Rise so we already looked at raised in various examples to rise is to move upwards again nobody's touching it it's doing it by itself let's look at some examples the balloon Rose into the sky ask me did the balloon rise into the sky yeah it Rose it Rose into the sky to increase again without this is just the Natural Way nobody's making any anything happen here unemployment rates unemployment rates are rising can you ask me that are unemployment rates Rising yeah they're Rising they're going up would be another synonym to increase to go up and the one we used before to rise from bed it reminds me of the expression coined by Benjamin Franklin early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise now we would change it to person but did you get it early to bed early to rise makes a man or a person healthy wealthy and wise my grandfather lived by those words so to rise to get out of bed right let's see an example he rises from bed at 6 am what time does he rise from bed or what time does he rise he rises he rises at 6 a so those are just if we'd have to look at just the the primary the most common uses but as you know I like to give you the gamut so we'll kick off with some uses of r some other examples and uses of raay and then we'll get into rise all right let's see to lift or move upward upward or downward word upward or downward let's take a look at an example she raised the curtain you can say curtain curtain she raised the curtain to let in more light ask me leant laao laa did she raise the curtain yeah why did she raise the curtain she raised it she raised it to let in more light it was dark in the room so she raised the curtain ra right it's not just happening magically someone has to act on it to increase the company decided to raise prices to raise prices rise because of inflation but when somebody does it on purpose prices raise so again that that can be both one with prices the only thing just be careful you Sayo we wouldn't say the prices unless we're talking about specific ones the prices at my Supermarket but if we we speak in general say prices are really raising right they're raising prices they are Rising I should say so they are raising prices and because of that they are rising very confusing but once you got it you got it for good all right the next one is to collect or to gather and we've talked about this one before we've talked about we've talked about raising money raising funds we actually call it a fundraiser you say so they organized a fundraiser fundraiser fundraiser fundraiser they organized a fundraiser to raise money for the charity we call them you can say NGO but it's much more common to say a charity or a charitable organization so to raise funds to raise money I'm sure you did it in high school we used to have to go out and sell chocolate bars to raise money for the Boy Scouts or whatever we've all raised money we've all been to a fundraiser the next one is to promote or Advance this is to promote to a higher position rank or status he was raised to the position of manager okay aido might be the translation ask me was he raised was he was he was he raised to the position of manager yes he was raised to the position of manager he's been doing a wonderful job and they even gave him a raise now to give somebody a raise to give somebody a rise is how you say it in British English I know I know sometimes I feel like in the English language we're just trying to get a rise out of you and there's another IDI atic expression to provoke you to get a rise out of you yeah it should be the same word but it isn't if you're British you say I got a rise a pay rise the other day and we would say in in American English I got a raise the other day um incremento salar just be aware that they're not the same also we just looked at to bring up or to rear children that's another way of saying uh Kad EOS she reared three children rearo to bring up or to rear so that's another good thing about these episodes too you're going to learn a lot of other words aside from the one we're looking at to raise and to rise but you'll also look at a lot of different structures Expressions synonyms and antonyms and in the end you're familiarizing yourself with these very common words so the example she raised three children on her own how would you say quantos I always forget that word in Spanish how many kids Mas get children how many kids did she raise she raised three children on her own all right the next one is to cause it to cause or elicit emotions or reactions so the movie raised strong emotions in the audience right might be the word the movie raised strong emotions in the audience can you turn it into a question did the movie raise strong emotions in the audience oh yeah you could hear them all gasp what is to gasp yeah gasp to gasp for erors to just react like that gasp he gasped he gasped for air and one more use of the word raise is to increase but when we're talking about health right in terms of health so to make something increase such as cholesterol blood pressure these kind of things eating too much fat now this is interesting in Spanish you say eating too much sleeping not sleep at a good hour so eating too much fat grassa can raise your cholesterol levels ask me can eating too much fat raise your cholesterol levels can remember it's can can it's not can can eating too much fat raise your cholesterol levels yeah eating too much fat can raise your cholesterol levels and now we'll look at some uses of Rise its counterpart to rise is also to move upwards we already talked about it with the Sun the sign the sun rises in the East every morning the sun rises in the East and it sets in the West Sunrise East sun set the sun rises in the East every morning I want it in the past tense the sun rose in the East yesterday lately the sun's risen the sun has cont the sun's risen in the East every morning okay rise Rose risen the next one to increase the temperature is expected to rise over the weekend nobody's making it go up it just goes up of its own accord so the temperature is expected to rise over the weekend can you ask me is the temperature expected to rise over the weekend is no e is the temperature temperature temper it's not temper temperature temperature okay so is the temperature expected to rise over the weekend yes but then it's going to go down which would be the opposite the next one to get up from a sitting or lying position right like sitting up I like that one in Spanish you say incorporate yourself incorporate we say sit up sit up right it's the opposite of lie down lie down sit up why is it lie down instead of lay down because you do it by yourself nobody lays you down on the bed well if they do maybe you're maybe you're doing something different there but normally I'm gonna go lie down okay I'm gonna go lie down for a little bit it's a it's a very very confusing one there all right uh let's see where were we we were looking at rise the temperature how do we say laev do you remember that one the forecast the forecast the sales forecast we're forecasting good sales this year great word to know if you don't know it okay uh we said to get up from a sitting or lying position she Rises early every day to exercise she Rises that we used it in the intro please rise no in everybody the next one's to emerge or appear to emerge or appear to come into view a new leader will rise from the ranks of the organization a new leader will rise from the ranks of the organization can you ask me will a new re will a new will a new leader rise from the ranks of the organization it's not the easiest one to say so will a new leader rise from the ranks of the organization yes a new leader will rise am I making that one up to emerge right to come out from somewhere and another one is to uplift or Elevate in the figurative sense so if you uplift me you make me feel better that song is uplifting it's the adjective if something is uplifting it makes it lifts you up it makes you feel great and this is is to improve one's status condition or situation right no status status say it with me status quo the British say status quo I promise I'm not trying to get a rise out of you here we really say it differently to get a rise out of somebody um to make them react right so let's take a look at this one he rose from poverty[Music] he rose from poverty let's pronounce that one poverty po poverty to become a successful entrepreneur remember we have an episode on entrepreneurship as well if you haven't listened to it very inspiring so he rose from poverty to become a sex successful entrepreneur ask me did he did he rise from from poverty did he rise from poverty yes he rose from poverty to become a successful entrepreneur and now we've got to Rebel to Rebel remember the person is a rebel and the verb is to Rebel it's a regular verb he rebelled against his family okay to Rebel or stand up against Authority pronounce that word with me Authority authority authority let's take a look at the example the citizens Rose against the oppressive government the citizens Rose against I think you say the oppressive government ask me did the citizens rise did they did they Rise Against The oppressive government and by the way there's a group one of my favorite groups is called rise against al enra Rise Against which by the way in the bonus episode as we do every week we'll be taking a look at these verbs in pop culture in music and movies we'll also take a look at the phrasal verbs associated with these very tricky verbs and tons of idiomatic expressions and as always I will put you to the test at the end of it all now if if you want access to that bonus episode every week all you have to do is join us on Alberto Alonso I've got an amazing curious community over there some really great students who are learning and laughing with me every week and if you're in my community you can get bonus episodes every week you can get PDF documents the one I'm looking at right now so you can follow along you you can even get this in video format hello to everybody who's watching the vodcast which is uh uh a portmanto a mix podcast and video video podcast vodcast also if you're in our higher level our Interstellar students you'll even get a weekly review class with me and a monthly master class so you've got a an abundance a wealth of content at your fingertips and all you have to do is come on over and join our community of English explorers it's on Alberto Alonso if you haven't joined us do it you can do it for free now you won't get access to everything but you can just get an idea of what's available and I'd like to send a shout out to all my students on patreon all my patrons methas especially my Interstellar students car Lina Issa Bako David Jose Maria and Edgard keep up the great work and if you guys want to get more if you're hungry for more if you're thirsty for more then join us over on Alberto Alonso and before we say farewell farewell is another way of saying goodbye let me give you the synonyms and antonyms for each word now we've already looked at some when we Define them we're obviously looking at synonyms but let's look at some of these because I always choose the ones that I feel are the most common the ones that you should be familiar with let's start with raise to raise we already said to lift it's a regular verb so he lifted it he lifted it lanto the next one is to elevate he elevated it did you elevate it yeah I elevated it elevated it I lifted it my my daughter she thinks that did it is the past tense when she was younger she would just say I I um watch did it it because she's like did it is the past so I lift say it with me let's let's try it together did you lift it yeah I lifted it did you elevate it yeah I elevated it did you increase it yes I increased it did you increase it yeah I increased it did you boost it to boost yeah I boosted it did it I boosted boed it did you boost it yeah I boosted it I told you I boosted it to enhance enhance is a great word also ending in the T sound did you enhance it yeah I enhanced it I enhanced it some synonyms excuse me some antonyms for raise lower did you lower it yeah I lowered it lowered it did you lower iTaste yeah I lowered it to drop did you drop it yeah I dropped it dropped it did you drop it yeah I dropped it I dropped it did you decrease it yes I decreased it decreased it did you reduce it yeah I reduced it did you reduce it yeah I reduced it did you diminish it yes I diminished it[ __ ] I diminish it hey that's how it sounds remember you've got to repeat the different structures all those syntaxes together So eventually ala you'll have them down pat let's look at our synonyms for rise to ascend to ascend he ascended it's a very it's a very regular there's only regular and irregular it's a regular verb right so he ascended regular meaning it ends in Ed to climb this is another one just be careful that b is totally silent it's not climb it's climb climb did you climb the mountain yes I climbed it I climbed it to soar to soar is to fly really high to soar to elevate which we already looked at some of them as I said there are some points where they kind of that's why they're confusing where they're both leant reminds me of the word elevator asensor elevator unless you're British then you say Lift I know I'm not trying to get a rise out of you we really can't agree on anything and the next one to increase which we looked at it's also a synonym of raise and the antonyms are to fall this is a very irregular verb every day I fall yesterday I fell lately I Fallen don't mix it up with feel felt felt the next one is to descend so that makes sense to ascend to descend drop another one if the you know prices drop to drop is usually a big one it's got the connotation of big right prices dropped right to drop to drop something is also if you you're carrying a glass from the kitchen and you drop it you got to be careful right to drop to sink to sink un to sink reminds me of the expression sink or swim Do or Die sink or swim and the last one which we've already looked at is decrease remember it ends with that t sound did you decrease it yes I decreased it but hey if you know how to make that sound then you know how to put your verbs together well my Amigos I hope you enjoyed this part of the show today I hope you learned a lot and I hope you'll join us when we talk about the idiomatic expressions when we look at it in pop culture we take a look at phrasal verbs and I put you to the test but all of that is in the bonus episode of this week's FYI a[Applause][Music]