
FYI - For Your Inglés
Hello, English explorers! Welcome to FYI (For Your Inglés)! You'll learn so much more than just English in this weekly show. We delve into a wide range of fascinating topics. No topic is too tough to tackle: jeans, dogs, sneakers, Central Park, wine, Area 51, essential verbs, and etc. Send me suggestions for topics you'd like to hear about in future episodes. I'd love to hear from you. My aim is to educate, enlighten, and entertain you, all at the same time. Have fun while learning about spectacular stuff in English! For exclusive bonus content in our curious community check out my https://patreon.com/albertoalonso *Intro music = Souvenir by Augusto Hernandez
FYI - For Your Inglés
to SET
Welcome to season 7 of FYI. This season instead of tackling topics we’ll discover the most common verbs in the English language! Are you all SET? We’re going to SET out to SET the record straight with SET on this week’s episode of FYI!
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welcome to season 7 of FYI this season instead of tackling topics we'll discover the most common verbs in the English language are you all set we're going to set out to set the record straight with set on this week's episode of FYI welcome to for your info English you got[Music] it hello hello FYI welcome welcome to another exciting edition of for your English where we learn about a different topic a different verb just depends on what season you're listening to just remember seasons 1 through six we look at a plethora a wealth of different topics and in season seven and possibly eight we are focusing on the most essential verbs the verbs you need to know and use and speaking of use we looked at use last week and we looked at to get used to to be used to I used to so I hope you guys got that and I hope we set the record straight oh oh and there's our first idiomatic expression it comes from the intro to set the record straight means to let everybody know what happened right to make things clear I'm going to set the record straight it reminds me of a a beasty Boy song it's time to set the record straight and this it's time to tell people the real deal what really happened so let's take a look at this awesome versatile verb we already got the expression to set the record straight I also said in the intro are you all set well set also means Ready Ready set go the British say Ready Steady go so we are setting out to set out is to propose the goal of doing something right if you set out to do something then that is your goal that is your objective so we are going to set out to set the record straight to clear things up when it comes to set one of the greatest things about the verb to set how do you conjugate it every day I set my alarm yesterday I set my alarm and lately I've you guessed it set my alarm it's awesome it reminds me of let let let that's another one that doesn't conjugate it stays the same it doesn't matter what tense you're using it in so that's pretty easy it's a plus if you will let's start out by defining this verb that has many meanings as we'll see the verb set in English is highly versatile and can be used in a wide range of context its core meaning core is nucleo main its main meaning its core meaning is to put something in a specific place or position but it's got many other meanings as we've just seen and don't forget if you want to learn all the phrasal verbs all the idiomatic expressions and even see it in pop culture well then you can join us in the bonus episode every week and you can even get a test at the end we do a translation test to make sure you get it so instead of getting around a half an hour of podcast every week on a verb you'll get a over an hour on this verb and on all the different verbs we're looking at and if you want more so if you want a bonus episode if you want the PDFs that I use to go through it my scripts to use them as a study guide and if you want to join me in class to review it you have all those options available at your fingertips all you have to do is go to patreon.com Alberto Alonso again patreon.com Alberto Alonso and you can find a wealth I've used that word a couple times today wealth is but it's also abundan a wealth of examples so Amigos let's take a look at this verb with so many uses and we will set the record straight but if you want more and I know if you're one of those eager driven eager is you're really excited enthusiastic driven which means motiv motivated well that means you're going to want more you're going to be hungry for more and you can find all that stuff on patreon.com Alberto Alonso and I want to send a shout out to all my patrons there are over 270 of us now and a special shout out to the ones who are in class with me every week and I am gauging I am measuring their progress give it up for my Interstellar students Gman Lena Issa bako David Jos Maria and Edgard if you guys want to join us go to patreon Alberto Alonso you can also contact me if you want a free sample as well I can send you the PDF one week or the bonus episode no problem just Reach Out reach is but Reach Out is cont so contact me reach out to me and I have no problem sharing it with you so you can see what you're missing out on so let's look at it here now the first usage to place or position I think that's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of set set it on the table also to set the table a did you set the table well you forgot to put the forks down you forgot to set the forks down see how they're related there you can set it down the so you set the table now the British of course they're a little bit different than us and they say I have to lay the table lay yeah I don't know but I just just letting you know that let's take a look at the example she set the vase on the table interesting word here V vase you can say either one they're both accepted pronunciations she set the vase on the table I think I would naturally say vase even though I think I said vay when I was younger well the good thing is you can't go wrong she set the vase on the table ask me did she set the vase on the table now wait how did I know that was the past test cuz I said did right well the vas on the table every day right does she does she set the vas on the table yeah she sets the vas on the table but this is the past tense she set the vas on the table did she did she set the vase on the table the vase or the vas the next one is to EST Lish or fix okay so some examples the committee you say commit we say committee the committee set the date for the meeting you say in Spanish the committee set the date for the meeting ask me did the committee set the date for the meeting right did the committee set the date for the meeting yes they set the date no they didn't set the date yet remember to practice aloud and always remember if there's an affirmative there make it negative if there's a question make it an affirmative and play with it until you feel comfortable using the language let's take a look at the next example they set a new world record in swimming so we use it with records with dates to set a record the word we use is to break a record you say baid we say red they set a new record in swimming did they set a new record in swimming yeah they set a new record in swimming the next one to adjust or configure something so this would be a device such as an alarm clock or you know maybe your phone or some thermometer or something like that as always the definition is cool but the best way is to see them in cont text and to say them in context so please repeat after me please set the alarm for 7 a.m. please set the alarm for 7 a.m. it's not set up it's just set AAS the same thing with the table right set up has another meaning we'll get to it in our phrasal verbs so please set the alarm for 7 a.m. how would you ask me did you set the alarm did you did you set the alarm for 7 a.m. yeah how would you say but it didn't go off remember son expl is to go off and if you think about it what do bombs have they have a little timer too so to go off is right I just made a portm I'm making words up here in spanish why not so please set the alarm for 7 a.m. he always sets his alarm for 7 a.m. ask me does heos does he always does he always set his alarm for 7 a.m. no he never sets
his alarm for 7 a.m. he sets it for 6:30 because he likes to snooze to snooze means to sleep but when we say it talking about an alarm it means to sleep for another 10 minutes I'm sure you guys all are familiar with that button and the idiomatic expression we looked at it last week you snooze you lose another one he set the temperature to 72 degrees so if we're talking about air conditioning AC whereas the British call it airon or maybe a heater you set the temperature so let's take a look at the example he set the temperature temperature temperature he set the temperature to 72 degrees do you know you can say temp Ian I slang but this ask me did he set did he if you don't know Diddy by now you're not paying attention didy Isel did he set the temperature to 72 degrees remember grados is a false friend degrees not grades grades are what you get in school so salente you get an A+ right the next usage is is to begin or initiate to begin or initiate and it's to put something in motion right let's take a look at the examples the director not director the director the director set the process in motion would be a good translation the director set the process in motion ask me did the director set the process in motion yeah the director set the process in motion he didn't or she B almost going she she didn't set the process in motion she didn't set it in motion ask me why negative question why didn't she set the process in motion why didn't she why didn't she set the process no proess process ah process no Pro PR process in motion sh motion all right the next example the Sun is setting in the west remember we looked at this one when we looked at rise and raise remember that episode well the sun sets in the west let's put it in the continuous here the sun is the sun's setting in the west ask me is the sun setting in the west yeah yeah the sun always sets in the west it never rises in the west it only sets remember to set and to rise remember why it was rise because the sun does it by itself it doesn't need help all right the next one is to assign or give aack as you're seeing it has many many meanings but again in context everything makes sense if you're paying attention you're in context in the moment it'll click click is ah now I get it and if it doesn't well just uh look it up there's our phrasal verb to look it up interet we don't say look for it on the Internet or look we say look it up or Google it so to give someone a task or to give them some work let's see the teacher set homework for the weekend okay buo um no the teacher set homework for the weekend ask me did the teacher set homework for the weekend yeah the teacher set homework for the weekend remember we never say homeworks it's always homework it's in in English all right the next example the manager no maner see know manager the manager set me a challenging goal for this quarter medo right May no the manager set me a challenging goal for this quarter ask me did the manager set you a challenging goal for this quarter yeah the manager sent set me a very challenging goal for the this quarter okay the next one is to arrange in a pattern Patron or to lay something out right I love that you call we call it layout to lay it out make sense that's what they used to do you know when the days of magazines and newspapers it was a layout because they would literally lay everything out on the table makes sense as I always say you know sometimes the technology changes but the vocabulary doesn't the words stay the same let's take a look at some examples the Jeweler let's say that word it's a difficult one jeweler jewelry Jeweler Jeweler is the person jewelry is what you wear the Jeweler set the diamonds in the ring the Jeweler set the diamonds in the ring did she ask me did she set the diamonds in the ring if house diamonds it's diamonds diamonds ask my daughter she always corrects my wife who says diamond and she says what do you mean Diamond Mommy it's diamond diamond so the Jeweler set the diamonds in the ring the next one the stage was set was prepared the stage was set for the play and also a set is the set why because you set the pieces of furniture on the stage see how it all makes sense if you think about it when you think about it like that then you think I'm not looking at vocabulary words I'm learning ideas in English and I'm expanding on those ideas the next one is to harden or solidify to harden right B Feed Me it happens a lot of times when you're cooking we use this one so let's take a look at some examples the concrete will take a few hours to set to harden to solidify okay another example let the jelly set in the fridge jelly Merada right I've never made homemade jelly but I imagine as in many recipes you've got to let it set and that means to get hard to solidify all right also a set before I forget a set is also so my daughter has a magic set no she has a jewelry making set it's another one so wow what it's a threet word but man it's got a lot of uses but again don't get overwhelmed just pay attention and hopefully it'll make sense in its setting its setting is right if something is set somewhere it's in its setting and we use it too to say the film was set in Milwaukee ENT so wow wow wow wow I'm realizing there are even more meanings than I originally thought so uh the next one to decide or determine determine so the example they set the price too high no they set the price too high ask me did they did they set the price too high tell me can no they didn't set the price too high it's worth it Bal the next one the government set new regulations for businesses the government set new regulations for businesses did they did they set new regulations for businesses regulations is no regulations you know regulations to regulate is the verb the next one to cause to happen right let's take a look the discovery set a chain of events in motion it triggered we saw the word trigger in the uh in the weapons episode Aras saw the word trigger so it's but it's also so the the discovery the find the discovery set a chain of events in motion ask me did the discovery did it did it set a chain of events in motion how would you say you bet you bet you bet it set a chain of events in motion and the next one his words set her mind at ease you really set my mind at ease it's let's ask it in a question did his words set her mind at ease did his words did his words set her mind his and her so say it with with me did his words set her mind at ease at ease at ease is also a military thing so if you're saluting the captain the lieutenant and he goes at ease that means everybody relax okay at ease to do something with ease is to do it with fa think about it easy with ease the next usage to prepare something or get it ready so the table is set for dinner we talked about setting the table but also that means ready so it's set it's set it's ready signas so ask me the question is the table set for dinner no e is is the table set is it is it table is it set for dinner yeah it's set for dinner it isn't set for dinner okay ask me why the negative question why isn't it set for dinner why isn't it set for dinner I thought you were going to set it oh man now we've got to set it ourselves the next one they set up the classroom and this is also to set to set up these are kind of interchangeable a little bit to set up I think the best translation would be Mont so it there is some places where set and setup can kind of be the same thing set set up same kind of idea there let's look at it they set up the classroom for the presentation they set up the classroom for the presentation ask me did they set up the classroom for the presentation did they set it up for the presentation tell me make know no they didn't set up the classroom for the presentation ask me why lativa why didn't they why didn't they set up the classroom for the presentation why didn't they set it up it's something I think about here before every show when I record a podcast I have to set everything up you know prepare everything make sure everything is ready make sure I have my script I have all my sound bites and all that jazz and we say in English it's a great idiomatic expression even though we're going to look at the idiomatic expressions in the bonus part we've already looked at a few and this one is set up for success and this is true this is something I wish for all of my students it means if you're ready if you're prepared you might be successful it increases the odds so if you're ready nobody can take that from you right so we say set up set up no do your homework as we said before set up for Success we looked at that idiomatic expression and we also looked at to set the record straight but we'll look at a lot more in the bonus episode of this week's FYI I wouldn't miss the bonus episode if I were you guys because we're going to look at some awesome Expressions we're going to look at phrasal verbs we'll look at it in music as we always do and movies and then we'll see if you've got what it takes if you're all set preparados for our translation test at the end of the episodes but right now let's take a look at some synonyms and antonyms Before We Say Goodbye and we set off phrasal verb maros we set off andos I think you say in Spanish too on a journey well hey this is an English journey and you guys are English Explorers so keep exploring keep playing keep having fun with the language all right so that's why we're going to look at some synonyms and antonyms just to familiarize oursel ourselves with some other words that are also in use because when I when I pick out these synonyms and antonyms I always try and find things that I think you know you'll hear everywhere and anywhere some synonyms for this word to set is to put set it on the table put it on the table the good news about put it goes into the set category Set set set put put put isn't that awesome I love it when you don't have to conjugate it stays the same the next one is Lay we've looked at that one to lay position it's quite formal but you could say position it on the table I would never say that personally I would say set it or put it on the table to situate another one that's quite formal but I chose this one to look at the CH sound the t plus the U so in the future say this with me in the future situated in nature in the future situ it in nature make a list of those words that have Tu statue creature there are many of them out there situation that's one of the most mispronounced words I've come across everybody I know almost except my students say situation and I'm like it's not situation what's the what's the sit what's the situation let's take a look at some antonyms as well the first one is to remove which is a false friend remove to remove is Right remove that remove your shirt please it's a regular verb removed and then how do we say then stir the sauce or Stir It Up no stir Stir It Up the next one to displace this one has that t sound at the end when it's conjugated he displaced his things T he displaced the next one abolish another one with that t sound they abolished slavery to revoke to take away they revoked his driving license they revoked it they took it away and the next one to melt well we said to harden to solidify well an antonym for that is to melt so folks I hope you enjoyed this week's episode and I hope you'll join us in the bonus episode of this week's FYI[Applause][Music][Applause] the