FYI - For Your Inglés


alberto alonso Season 7 Episode 23

Welcome to season 7 of FYI. This season instead of tackling topics we’ll discover the most common verbs in the English language! HEAR ye, HEAR ye. HEAR me out and LISTEN up. We’ll learn all about HEAR & LISTEN on this week’s episode of FYI! 

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welcome to season 7 of FYI this season instead of tackling topics we'll discover the most common verbs in the English language hear ye hear ye hear me out and listen up we'll learn all about hear and listen on this week's episode of FYI welcome to for your info English you got it hello hello hello fyers thank you for listening to the show remember don't ever think of using listen without two you don't know how many times I've been at the book fair at some kind of public event and my students say Alberto I listen you every day or I listen your program every day and I say well not enough because you're missing the two I listen to you I listen to your program it's like learning weight without for you can't learn weight without the preposition for they go together like l l lama ding ding right I'm serious though wait for listen to think of it as part of the word think of it as a phrasal verb if you have to Amigos welcome we are here to look at the difference between hear and listen to so let's kick off with a very simple way to separate the two they both relate to how we perceive sound naturally right two things we do with our ears right they involve hearing a right I think you say hearing but they differ as you know it's not the same to hear something than to listen to it let's start with the verb here it's an irregular verb it's pronounced exactly the same as here Aki I can hear him here okay so it's if you ever get confused I know it's got that EA which can throw people off it's here here here and also it's an irregular verb so let's see if you know it every day I hear things yesterday I heard things lately l L I've heard things did you get it right did you know him great a little encouragement to start you out okay but hearing is basically a passive process you hear things even when you don't want to right you just hear things all day in the background I hear some wind right now I'm not listening to it actively so it's the difference between passive and active listening that's why I said thanks for listening to this show I don't want you to just hear it I want you to listen to it I want you to repeat the different structures we look at and the pronunciation allow so don't be passive not with FYI no way I want you to speak as much as possible all right so you hear things whether you intend to or not right it's not something you plan you don't have to pay attention whereas if you're listening to something you're actually paying attentions attention excuse me you're making a conscious effort to pay attention that is in a nutshell the difference okay let's take a look at some examples with hear I can hear the birds outside right I'm not listen I'm not like you know I'm I'm recording a podcast right now so I'm not really listening to anything I'm listening to my mind here and telling me what the next thing to do is but I can hear listen I can hear the wind I can hear the birds outside if go I can can I can I can I can hear them can you hear him can you so it's not really can it's kin can you hear him I can hear him it's we've looked at this in past episodes let's practice I can't hear the birds I can hear the cars can it's a throwaway we barely say it so can you can you can you hear the birds outside yes I can hear them no I can't hear them what about the doorbell did you hear the doorbell I don't know sometimes I think I hear the doorbell then it's the neighbor's doorbell that I'm hearing or buzzer you say is a buzzer did you hear the doorbell do he make a gnome I didn't hear the doorbell ask me why negative question why didn't you hear why didn't you why didn't you hear the doorbell well I had my headphones on so I can't really hear anything and with that noise cancellation well it's a miracle I can hear anything I can hear the sound of my inner voice for example the next example she heard the music playing in the the background she you know she was at the restaurant she was shopping and there it was she wasn't listening to it actively it was passive so she heard irregular and here's a good way to remember it too a heard is manada I think I heard a herd of buffalo SW igos so she heard the music playing in the background ask me did she did she hear the music playing in the background yeah she heard the music playing in the background okay so that's here Listen to You're actively focused right you're paying attention you're making an effort to be present and remember don't ever think of using it without two right unless you just say listen but the moment you say A you have to use two right listen to me NAA listen me right and that's what you guys do here right you're listening to a podcast remember it's a regular verb every day I listen to music no they go to T every day I listen to music yesterday I listened to music I listened to yesterday I listened to music and lately I've listened to music okay a little harder as we know the regular verbs are harder to pronounce usually than the irregular verbs all right let's take a look at some examples just to make sure you've got it down pat I'm listening to a podcast right now okay I'm listening to ask me are you listening to a podcast right now yeah I'm listening to a podcast right now as we speak right now all right the next one please listen to what I'm saying please listen to what I'm saying would you mind listening to me right not would you mind to it's a common mistake would you mind listening to me for a second no I wouldn't mind listening to you I love listening to you listen see I'm going to said to all right they listen to the teacher instructions carefully say it with me they listen to they listened to the teacher's instructions carefully ask me did they did they listen to the teacher instructions carefully no they didn't listen to the teachers instructions carefully ask me why why didn't they listen to the teachers instructions carefully because they weren't paying attention that's why the students were in la la land they were daydreaming right if you're not paying attention you're daydreaming sometimes so a quick summary summary hearing is passive and automatic you do it even if you're not trying to do it and listening is active it requires an effort attention and focus focus which is we're gonna see some focus focus focus hey if it helps there's no trick that we won't use if it helps you associate things why because when we associate things we remember them we never forget them because our brain works like a computer so let's take a look at some more uses of hear okay which we already know is hear heard heard the first one as we said is the perception of sound so I can not I can I can hear M the music playing in the background I can I can hear the music playing in the background ask me Kenya Kya not Kenya can you hear the music playing in the background can you can yeah I can hear it I can't hear her voice but I can hear the music right I can hear the music playing in the background why can't you why can't you it's why can't you why can't you why can't you hear the music playing in the background why can't you the next one to be informed about something sure did you hear about did you hear about did you did you did you did you hear about the new policy at work La remember we've got three words there policy or something like that you've got politician and You' got politics so just be careful because I've heard people say he's a politic political no no he's a politician can be confusing so did you hear about the new policy at work you make a know no I didn't hear about it I didn't hear about the new policy at work could you could you tell me more about it I didn't hear about it all right the next one is to listen to a court case or an opinion the judge will hear the case next week and it's interesting because normally you think the Judge is paying attention in fact I think you call it a pre-trial say I forget the word in Spanish Let's see if I've got it here a hearing I think you call it hearing we already said hearing is Al well it's also un the enia there was a hearing last week and the judge will make his decis DEC ision whether to pursue the court case or not so that's when we say the judge will hear the case next week all right to listen and give an opinion on it the next one is to give an opportunity to speak or share your thoughts so I want to hear your side of the story please tell me your side of the story I want to hear it ask me me do you w to do you wna do you do you want to hear my side of the story because I swear I'm innocent right the judge has to hear both sides of the story right so there's a little bit of the usage aside from just passively hearing there are other ones and we're going to look at phrasal verbs for hear and listen in the bonus episode as we always do we'll look at phrasal verbs with hear and listen we'll look at idiomatic expressions with hear and listen we'll also take a look at it in pop culture and then I will put you to the test to make sure that you've got it down pat but if you want access to that bonus episode if you want access to PDF documents with all these examples and all these definitions then go to Alberto Alonso and you can join my Curious Community if you join for the year you save 10% which is always nice and this way you're also making a commitment compromiso so if you want more information you can go to Alberto Alonso and join my community of over 275 students who are learning and laughing with me and if you're in our highest level you can even get a weekly class with me where we review this among other things so we review things from the episode key points but also we'll work on short answers we'll work on irregular verbs whatever the the week's class I've prepared uh well depends but we work on a little bit of everything like here are we just working on the verbs hear and listen No we're going to look at synonyms we're going to look at antonyms we're looking at different structures we've already looked at a few Expressions so folks if you want more if you're thirsty for more hungry for More We join on Alberto Alonso and I'd like to send a shout out to all my patrons especially my Interstellar students Carmen lenina Issa Bako David Jose Maria Ariel and Edgard if you guys want more information all you have to do is go to Alberto Alonso all right let's look at one quick idiom I'll give you one idiom as a teaser over here but we'll get the rest of them in the bonus episode to hear someone out now if you were paying attention I said this one in the intro today I said hear me out listen up and hear me out now to hear somebody out is to listen to everything they have to say before you make your decision right so it means wait wait not yet look you have to hear me out here okay you you haven't heard me out so it's interesting because it has to do with passively listening but it's a phrasal verb so it changes the meaning right hear me out let's look at the example let's hear him out before making a decision all right folks that's here listen let's take a look at listen now as we said you're paying attention when you listen and we use it with to which sounds like T were you listening to me T no they go listening to me are you listening to me good all right are you going to listen to me GNA is going to so is going is see I know a lot of you know Gana but did you know how it became Gana going to going to g g g g and it just got shorter and shorter until now we say Ghana wna we don't say want to wna you want to go and you want to go you want to go so I think when you understand it why you're saying W and Gana and have to then you're saying okay but I said to no it's to it's t and it seems like such a small insignificant word but it's an important one especially when we're putting our sounds together and we're trying to sound more native all right let's take a look at some of the uses of the verb listen all right she she likes to listen to classical music in the evenings so this is to pay attention to sound or music this can be podcasts this can be music this can be anything right you can listen to the radio so let's look at it she likes to or two she likes to listen to she likes to listen to classical music in the evening she likes to listen to music to classical music in the evenings ask me does she like to listen to classical music in the evenings does she like to yeah she likes to listen to classical music in the evenings Theo she doesn't like to she doesn't like to listen to classical music in the evenings she prefers punk rock hey she's a punk rocker right so she likes to she doesn't like to that's why doesn't she like to why doesn't she why doesn't she like to listen to classical music in the evenings because it puts her to sleep another one to follow instructions or advice careful with this word the verb is to advise let me advise you the noun advice look us advices we don't say let me give you some advices it's let me give you some advice simp so a good thing you can do in your notes is write down the word advices and cross out that t that S at the end because we don't use it it's let me give you some advice whether it's one piece of advice two pieces of advice whatever we just say let me give you some advice it's a very common mistake and yeah it happens a lot of times there are many times where something is countable in Sp and not in English and vice versa like another one I'm going to tell you a new a news no some news but if you take note of where we disagree well then you won't fall into those little traps right those little ones where most students fall and I understand why because they don't match up no so to follow instructions or advice you should listen to your doctor's advice you should mud right should would could shout out to Edgard who used to tell me but not anymore Edgard you should listen to your doctor's advice ask me should I should I listen to my doctor's advice yeah you should listen to your doctor's advice so we put you should you should have is you should have listened should have you should have listened to your doctor's advice you should have right you should have should you have should you have listened to your doctor's advice yes you should have listened you shouldn't have listened right so let's review it again so a you should have listened to your doctor's advice do you make a no you shouldn't have you shouldn't have listened to your doctor's advice ask me should you have should you have should you have listened to your doctor's advice yeah sure sure as we say a lot of times doctor's orders right hey guys I can't eat any Cho doctor's orders no just what the doctor ordered you know this expression this is when something is exactly what you wanted right so I'm sweating I'm playing basketball with my friends and my wife says here here's some water and I'm like oh wow I am parched so another way of saying very thirsty I'm parched this is just what the doctor ordered oh I think you say might be a good translation Great Expression we may have looked at it in one of our body episodes who knows I'm sure it's come up in the past another usage is to consider opinions or arguments so to give thoughtful consideration I listened carefully to both sides of the debate okay I listened carefully carefully thoroughly right A lot of times we talk about giving someone your undivided attention a lot of times it happens when you know someone's on stage and they're about to give a speech okay ladies and gentlemen it's John's turn so let's give him our undivided ATT attention right undivided attention I don't know if you say something similar in Spanish but it's all right and the last one I'll give you another teaser for our phrasal verbs just because these are the ones that were in the intro so we said to hear somebody out is to listen to everything they need to say before you do anything and to listen up means pay attention it literally means pay attention listen up listen up it kind of makes sense right listen up it's actually a book too by groupo Von I work many of you know I work work for vongh radio and we have a book which is a it's a series of listening exercises and it's called listen up listen up listen up listen up are you listening up did you listen up listen up right listen up he listened up so every day I listen up yesterday I listened up right that last consonant usually goes with the next word even when we look at simple structures an owl right an an owl well an owl but we don't say an owl it's ANL aowl have you ever seen an owl an owl so see what I mean one thing where we put the space another thing where we separate the words and that's something I want you guys to pay attention to throughout this whole series we're doing on verbs not just learning these verbs and all their uses and all that jazz but also uh learning of course um how to pronounce them correctly how to put your other very common structures together like how many times have we looked at Diddy well because it's not first so did he did he go did he listen did he hear right did he listen up yeah he listened up he listened up right so pay attention to those nuances those syntaxes those little things that are going to make you sound more native and they're just little tweaks they're just little adjustments that you have to make and before you know it people are going to say wow in fact what I've noticed is people who pronounce well who put their words together well usually people think they have a higher level than they actually have so that's good hey it's a a little cheat like when you used to play video games right a little Advantage there why not if you can if you can use something to your advantage use it and I'm telling you if you focus on putting your things together you won't sound like and I don't want to I don't want to I'm not making fun of my dad here but my dad moved to the United States when he was 16 and he still speaks like this now he's never had a problem communicating with people okay he's had to repeat himself many times that's another story but he always gets his point across but if you have the tools you have the means Los medos to say it right why not do it why not do it same thing with me in Spanish when I hear some oh oh oh okay I'm going to try and say it like them all right now we'll wrap up this part of the episode the first part with some synonyms and antonyms for each word some synonyms for hear to perceive it's a regular verb so how would you say I perceived it right I perceived it did you perceive it yes I perceived it acknowledge this is a great one you didn't even acknowledge me no so let's did you acknowledge it yes I acknowledged it did you catch it yeah I caught it I caught it caught bought F okay no f f b did you overhear it to overhear is to hear something you're not supposed to hear did you overhear it yeah I overheard it remember so hear heard heard over hear overheard overheard I overheard it did you detect it yeah I detected it I detected it some antonyms for here did you ignore it I ignored it I ignored it did you ignore it yeah I ignored it did you Overlook it yeah I overlooked it overlooked I overlooked it I overlooked it did you deafen it yeah I deafened it I deafened right I deafened it did you miss it yeah I missed it I missed it that's I'm not saying it but I'm saying that's sound I missed it I missed it did you shut it out yes I shut it out the shut is let let let let Set set set put put put shut shut shut and some synonyms for listen to EES drop this is like spying right so were you Eaves dropping yeah I was eavesdropping on you EES drop it's another way of saying spy a phrasal verb well L we'll look at it in the bonus part but there's another there's an easier way to say Eaves drop but it's a great word to know you'll find it in literature and movies and all that jazz uh to attend now this is not a St but to attend to somebody right is to take care of them to listen to what they're they're saying to be there for their needs right pay attention we've already looked at I love it how in Spanish you lend attention we pay it no no to tune in well if you tune somebody out you're not listening to them it's I'm tuning you out I'm not even going to listen to you okay to tune somebody in is to listen to what they're saying to take heed to take heed we use a lot when following advice take heed all right and some antonyms for listen disregard did you disregard it yes I disregarded it did you disregard it yes I disregarded it did you neglect it yes I neglected it did you reject it yeah I rejected it did you dismiss it yes I dismissed it did you guys get them right are you pronouncing them aloud well even if you didn't get them right even if you didn't do it perfectly if you're doing it with me eventually this is going to get easier and easier in the same way we have these bad habits from yester year the ano we're creating good habits here folks so I hope you'll join us on this week's bonus episode of FY I la