FYI - For Your Inglés


alberto alonso Season 7 Episode 24

Welcome to season 7 of FYI. This season instead of tackling topics we’ll discover the most common verbs in the English language! Do you FEEL like FEELING good? You’ll FEEL great after today’s FEEL-good episode of FYI! 

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welcome to season 7 of FYI this season instead of tackling topics we'll discover the most common verbs in the English[Music] language do you feel like feeling good you'll feel great after today's Feelgood episode of FYI welcome to for your INF English you got it got hello hello welcome welcome FYI I hope you're feeling good yeah in fact we can start with that right there technically uh if somebody says how are you you're not supposed to say I'm good you're supposed to say I'm well however as with many Native mistakes and I say that in air quotes uh you don't want to correct a native speaker so technically how are you well I'm well and you I'm good why well is the I feel well I feel healthy right but we all know there are songs and I'm feeling good and as you know here we're not just going to take a look at this verb to feel today but we're also going to look at it in all its incarnations we're going to look at it uh in all the phrasal verbs that come along with it we're going to look at the idiomatic expressions we'll look at it in pop culture and I'll give you a little test at the end to make sure you are getting it but if you want to be a part of that that's all in the bonus episode in the bonus episode every week aside from getting more and more vocabulary and structures we look at common mistakes we look at grammar but you'll also learn all the phrasal verbs that come with feel all the idiomatic expressions and of course that test at the end just to make sure you are getting it so what am I getting at if you want more if you're hungry for more every week there is more there's more and it's all waiting for you at Alberto Alonso again Alberto Alonso and there you can find out about all the different options whether it's just getting the bonus episode every week plus there's a lot of other content that I post I post daily in my community so you always have some things to work on even in in fact the biggest complaint that I've heard is oh my God it's a lot of content and then that's when I say well I prefer you complain that it's too much then not enough all right maybe you need another lifetime but don't we all don't we all all right so let's kick it off by shouting out all my patrons all the over 270 people in my community and I want to send a special shout out to the ones who are in class class with me every week my inter Interstellar students Adrian car lenina Issa Paco David Jose Maria Ariel and Edgard if you guys want to be in class with me and these amazing students every week go to Alberto Alonso all right let's look at this verb feel because coming up soon we're going to look at the verb to fall and and I see a lot of students mix these two up so let's clear it up right now feel SED every day I feel good yesterday yesterday I felt good and lately I've felt good all right so it's feel felt felt don't mix it up with every day I Fall In Love or I fall down yesterday I fell fell down and lately I've fallen down so make sure right off the bat if you have to write fall next to it just so you know that yeah the only thing they have in common is they start with an F that's it but I know sometimes they can mix my students up so I wanted to clear that up right from the get-go this momento let's define the verb feel because it's not just about touch it's about feelings emotions so let's see what it says the verb feel primarily refers to experiencing a physical sensation an emotional response or forming an opinion or perception about something it can be used in various contexts which we're going to look at right now including emotions physical Sensations and expressing your thoughts and or intuition okay your gut feeling latria you know we always say trust your gut Your Instinct your gut won't lie to you it's just a feeling I get so let's look at the first usage physical Sensations right so touch this is touch or uh when we touch a fabric or someone's skin and we say it's soft it's rough right we're talking about the way it feels to the touch so let's look at it I can feel the cold air coming through the window did I say I can or I canigo I can feel the cold air coming through the window ask me can you can you feel the cold air coming through the window yeah I can feel the cold air coming through the window all right also remember we looked at this expression before if somebody is full full of hot air it means they're all talk they talk a lot but they don't back it up oh man he is full of hot air but this time we're talking about cold air and of course if you get cold you get goosebumps right Goosebumps we say Ganso I've heard people say chicken skin but I think that's more British we say uh goosebumps in the United States let's look at another example Can You Feel The softness of this fabric remember fabric is a false friend is not fabria right can you can you feel the softness remember how important it is to repeat the structures aloud Can You Feel The softness of the fabric yeah I can feel it I can feel it can is K I can feel it I can't feel it so it's can you feel the softness yeah I can feel it I can't feel the hardness right so practice that can and can't allowed any time you can okay all right also emotions So Physical Sensations emotions right emotions Andor moods more let's take a look she feels happy today because it's her birthday right A lot of times we say cause I don't recommend you write it but we do cause she feels happy today because it's her birthday right because we've taken the liberty of taking the be out of it and just saying cause right so she feels happy today because it's her birthday why does she feel happy today why does she right why does she feel happy today well she feels happy today because it's her birthday no day beer day I like it but it's birth day Birthday birth and you'll never say be day again let's see another example I feel sad about the new news not the new the news right ask me do you feel do you do you feel sad about the news yeah I feel really sad about the news no I don't feel sad about the news I feel indifferent about the news can you put it in the past tense for me I felt sad I felt sad about the news ask me in the past did you did you did you feel sad about the news yeah I felt sad about the news so knowing emotions can help us sad happy glad another one we use for happy is glad I'm Glad You Came glad you made it the next usage is health and well-being careful with the pronunciation health health right anytime that like right because we have extra syllables in there so health and well-being remember healthy is the adjective and health is the noun I've had students mix that up as well and well-being I think that's easy in is that right wellbeing so yes when you're talking about someone's health or state of being you can talk about it as well so I feel sick today so I'm staying home from work or I'm calling out did you know that phrasal verb to call out yeah I'm calling out so let's take a look at it do you feel sick today do you feel sick today yeah I feel sick no seek sick I feel sick today another way to say it ill I feel ill I feel sick today so I'm staying home from work do you remember the phrasal verb from come I think I'm coming down with something I think I'm coming down with something I'm under the weather pucho right the next one he felt tired after running the marathon although I know you know the word tired let's put in a synonym what's another way to say tired all right he felt pooped he felt spent he felt exhausted he felt worn out after running the marathon so can you turn it into a question C did he feel did he did he feel tired did he feel pooped the British say knacked did he feel knacked after running the marathon yes he felt knacked he didn't feel great he felt knacked right and the next usage is opinion or belief careful with this word because the verb is to believe I'm sure you're familiar with it do you believe in love after love after believe but un a conviction is a belief so careful with that one because the verb believe the noun belief okay make notes if you have to it's a good way to remember it if you visualize it and most importantly make sure you're saying the structures aloud until you feel comfortable saying them so the verb feel can also describe a belief opinion or intuition often expressing thoughts in a more subjective manner right subjective versus objective same as you guys example I feel that we should leave early to avoid traffic I feel I feel that we should leave early to avoid traffic ask me do you do you feel that we should leave early to avoid traffic yeah I feel that we should leave early to avoid traffic let's try this one we're g to up the anti here I feel that we should have left early did you get it right should have should have[Applause] so you should have left early we should have we should have or should have look should have left early why because then we're not Contracting and we already said that the most natural English comes when we're Contracting our words at least that's the way I feel about that so I feel that we should leave early I felt right I felt that we should leave early to avoid traffic another example she feels it's important to stay informed about current events she feels it's important to stay informed to stay in the loop to stay updated to keep up to dat there are many ways to say that about current events and that's a good one too current is act current events it would be a way of saying what's happening in the world current events so she feels it's important to stay up to dat about current events ask me does she does she feel does she feel does she feel it's important to stay informed about current events oh yeah she feels it's really important to stay informed about current events oh by the way if you're not using really you're not going to sound like us why well I would say nine times out of 10 I would say really instead of very I know the Spanish and I know it I get it you love the word very there's just one problem a lot of my students pronounce it like Berry b so how do we avoid that Betty Betty Rich he's Betty Betty no Betty Betty right it's not Betty it's very but why don't we just remove it and say really he's really angry he's really hungry he's really tired he's really knacked if you want to use the British way of course so I would try that try and put that word really and eliminate very in at least well it's easier to pronounce or at least in my 20 years of experience it seems like you guys have have less difficulty pronouncing really than very because a lot of people say Betty Betty Betty Betty Betty Betty all right like the song ramama Lama lamb Black Betty ramama Lama lamb Black Betty so the next usage is forming Impressions okay now remember this one this is a confusing one we've looked at this before I know to do an impression of someone is to imitate them oh he does a great impression of his boss me now to make an impression is so they say you don't get a second chance to make a good first impression so to make an impression to do an impression that means to imitate I think we might have looked at that in the make and do episode but I know we've looked at that before because it's really just a small nuance and it means two totally different things I love that word by the way Nuance ma the other day I was watching something with my wife in English and she says what is Nuance he just said Nuance I said Nuance is matif and I love that I could show off prum and say it in Spanish she was like ah mati great so Nuance or nuances plural so uh yeah and it's all about nuances in the end right what do I say it's all about getting those little sounds right at the end of your words I walked I talked you know those nuances make you sound great when you're speaking English right and those nuances can also make you sound really bad if you say Betty Betty you might have a lot of great vocabulary but if you keep saying Betty Betty it's going to distract away from all the vocabulary you already know so try and avoid those things that you know they're traps that everybody falls into so forming Impressions we already talked about making Impressions doing impressions this is to form an impression about a situation or environment let's look at some examples the room feels a bit too small for the party ask me does the room feel a bit too small for the party does the room feel a bit too small for the party yeah it feels way too small deas way too small for the party and how would you say this I'm going to test you here did you say we're going to make a party did you say we're going to do a party no we usually say we're going to have a party or we're going to throw a party but we don't say to make or do a party that was a trick question by the way which a trick question is a tricky question tricky is another way of saying difficult okay a trick trick question there's no answer or that's not you know that's not the answer you're looking for a tricky question hm let me think about that I'm not too sure so the room feels a bit too small for the party the next one the decision this decision no this this this decision feels right to me ask me does this decision feel right to you does it does it feel right to you you make a no it doesn't feel right to me no ask me why why doesn't it no doesn't eat why doesn't it it it it why doesn't it feel right to you well I don't know I'm I'm feeling some kind of guilt there all right the next one is sensitivity or awareness right if you're aware you know what's happening around you right you're sensitive to it careful with the false friends sensitive sensibly yeah yeah yeah yeah and sens sensible is sens so sensitive you cry easily right sensible you think about things we've seen a couple false friends here today well the verb feel is used here to express that sensitivity or awareness and that's usually towards someone else's emotions or their needs right their needs need is also a noun right my wants and my needs I know you know the verb I want this I need this but also we say my wants are the following my needs are the following so we use them also as nouns in case you didn't know it let's take a look I feel for you that must have been a tough situation I feel for you means that I empathize with you I feel your pain right I feel for you I feel for her right I feel for her I feel for her that must have been a tough situation ask me do you feel for her do you not do you do you do you feel for her yeah I feel for her that must have been a tough situation difficult structure there that must have been that must have been right that must have been a tough situation and you know what I recommend instead of using the word difficult because people say difficult people mispronounce it say tough rough or Hardo challenging right it's like instead of saying the word problem you use the word issue or matter sounds lighter still a problem just doesn't sound that bad the next one he really feels for the people affected by the disaster so if you feel for them you empathize with them okay you have sympathy and remember that one sympatico is not sympathetic it's nice or kind right he's really nice he's really kind he's sympathetic is empathic so empathetic and sympathetic are the same in English we've looked at how many false friends today wow we uh we looked at false friends in September I know I posted a bunch of different false friends um I think we got maybe about 30 to 40 false friends the most common ones if you haven't checked it out you can check it out over on patreon so uh yeah he really feels for the people affected by the disaster right he feels bad for them he feels for them ask me does he really feel for the people affected by the disaster yeah it seems like he really feels for them right and the next one is to feel like okay and this is a structure and it's not it's not a literal translation it's you know it from a song Today I don't feel likeing I just wanna lay in my bed I don't feel like now careful because I've heard people say I don't feel to do anything no so I don't feel like doing anything get what do you feel like doing I don't really feel like eating anything get the think om what do you feel like eating where do you feel like eating right practice it until you always say feel like because it's a common mistake okay let's look at some examples I feel like going for a walk M I feel like going for a walk how do you ask me Alberto do you feel like going for a walk do you do you do you feel like going for a walk no I don't feel feel like going for a walk I feel like going for a run oh yeah yeah I'm feeling strong today right to feel like let's look at another example with the question what do you feel like doing tonight how would you say no I don't know what I feel like doing tonight I don't know what I feel like doing tonight and again anytime you want to remember it you can think of that Bruno Mar song it's called The Lazy Song today I don't feel like doing anything and there's also another one it's a great one too and we'll look at it in the bonus part it's I Feel Like Making Love feel like making love to you Awesome song from the 70s if I'm not mistaken so those are some of the main uses of feel in the bonus episode we're going to take a look at as I said before the phrasal verbs the idiomatic expressions we'll look at in pop culture and I will put you to the test let's look at some synonyms and antonyms before we wrap up this first episode the first synonym for the word feel is to touch Right Touch it's a a regular verb so touched it ends with a T sound when we add the Ed right how would you say he touched it so he touched it he touched it did he touch it did he yeah he touched it what about this one did he detect it yeah he detected it right this way we practice conjugating did he detect it yeah he detected it what about sense I know you know this one s sense right he sensed it s it sens it did he sense it yeah he sensed it with all five of his senses the next one to pity we said to feel for somebody I pity you right reminds me of the um the expression Mr T used to say I pity the fool I pity the fool this was the famous line from Mr T and the last one to perceive and I think this one you can you can imagine similar to in Spanish per right perceive right he Perce did he perceive it yeah he perceived it did he perceive it did he yeah he Perce pered it he perceived it okay not where the separation is it's that's never where we put our words together when there's a space we don't care we put it together in a different spot because if we pause where we have a space it would be I watched it but we never would pause there I watched it all right let's take a look at some antonyms while we're at it as well did you disregard it yes I disregarded it I disregarded it to disregard disregard what I said earlier to be indifferent I said that one earlier I feel indifferent about it that means I don't really have a way that I feel about it I feel indifferent the next one to feel numb numb I feel numb too much is not enough you too OS they have a song called numb also Lincoln Park I've become so numb I can feel you there num it rhymes with dumb he's not dumb he's numb Ino good word to know the next one unaware inconscient he was aware of his surroundings no and the last one to bottle up and I wanted to give you guys this phrasal verb to bottle something up is to repress your emotions think about a a bottle of cocacola you know if you don't if you keep you know pushing that pressure in there all that stuff in there and you don't let it golo right let it go you don't let it go then you're bottling it up and we all know it's not a good idea to bottle up your feelings or your emotions so my Amigos I hope you enjoyed our little foray inion into the verb to feel and I hope it made you feel great and I hope you'll join us in the bonus episode of this week's F why I[Music][Applause] a[Music]