FYI - For Your Inglés


alberto alonso Season 7 Episode 25

Welcome to season 7 of FYI. This season instead of tackling topics we’ll discover the most common verbs in the English language. This show is the TALK of the town and that SPEAKS volumes about it. We’ll have a TALK about TALK & SPEAK on this week’s episode of FYI! 

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welcome to season 7 of FYI this season instead of tackling topics we'll discover the most common verbs in the English[Music] language this show is the Talk of the Town and that speaks volumes about it we'll have a talk about talk and speak on this week's episode of FYI welcome to for your info English you got[Music][Applause][Music] it hello hello hello fyers welcome to another exciting edition of FYI where we pick aart we dissect the most common verbs the essential verbs in the English language that you need to know and it looks like we might have verbs not just for a second season season 8 but we might even have verbs for a third season so this way at the end of the next three seasons there isn't going to be one essential verb that you are not familiar with so my Amigos Welcome to our episode today day on speak and talk this is a double episode as you know sometimes we do that if you haven't listened to the Past double episodes we've got rise and raise we've got say and tell we've also got make and do so this is just another one where I don't think we should do a separate one for each one because there are many places where they intersect but also there are nuances I so my Amigos let's take a look at talk and speak so in the intro I said this show is the Talk of the Town that means everybody's talking about it I think you Sayo it's the Talk of the Town is just one of the idiomatic expressions we're going to look at in our bonus episode episode and just a quick reminder every week you can get an extra half hour or more that's a whole bonus episode on this verb this week speak and talk where we'll look at all the phrasal verbs and there are many we'll look at all the idiomatic expressions we'll look at it in pop culture and then lastly I will put you to the test but you always rise to the challenge so if you're one of those students who not only follows along but you repeat the structures allowed with me you're doing it right in fact you're not just walking the walk you're talking the talk you're not just talking the talk you are walking the walk so this shows the Talk of the Town and it speaks volumes about it so we'll have a talk about talk and speak and again if you want all that bonus stuff and you want to have weekly classes with me and you want PDF documents and you want access instantly to over 2,000 posts in English well then you're going to want to go over to my community on patreon it's Alberto Alonso and I'd like to take a moment just to send a shout out to all my patrons who make this show possible and all the additional content and a special shout out to the students who are in class with me every single week and I get to help them personally with their progress please give it up for Adrian Carmen lenina Issa bako David Jose Maria Ariel and Edgard keep up the great work and if you guys want more information about how you can join my community go to Alberto Alonso and the good news is you can join for free now obviously you won't have access to everything but you will get a little glimpse a little glimpse of what you're missing out on all right so speak and talk let's define them they're usually used and can be used interchangeably however there are phrasal verbs with one that don't work for the other there are idiomatic expressions that work for one and don't work for the other but in general speak is more formal but it's a Nuance is because if you say to me Alberto uh I need to talk to you I'll be like okay let's talk I need to speak with you or I need to speak to you with with or to well that to me there's a connotation like it's going to be a little more serious right so I mean again for all intents and purposes they're interchangeable except for where we're going to look at but uh if you have to choose a more formal one like the that one's uh we need to speak I need to speak to you right how many times my mother said that one to me all right let's conjugate them every day I speak English I hope this is true yesterday yesterday I spoke no ipoke I ice I spoke I spoke yesterday I spoke English lately I've right not I've spoken so every day I speak English yesterday I spoke not I spoke I spoke English and lately I've spoken English every day I talk to myself every day I talk to myself talk no talk every day I talk to myself yesterday I talked I talked to myself and if you have to go there to the document right now talk talked so yesterday I talked to myself and again those T those D those are the difference between sounding excellent and not really finishing your words so the third column is the same since it's a regular verb lately I've talked to myself a lot and it's true I do talk to myself I'm not making that up so as we said speak a little bit more formal if you have to choose one let's look at some examples because that always helps let's see she will speak at the conference she's a speaker P you say ponente a speaker okay I don't know if I said it right in Spanish but the person who speaks makes sense in English is the speaker so she'll because we like to contract it's more natural she'll speak at the conference she'll she'll can you say it with me she'll speak at the conference ask me will she speak will she will she speak at the conference next week yeah she'll speak at the conference next week do you make know she won't she won't speak at the conference next week she won't won right she won't speak and again if you can practice that if you can practice the negative sentence the affirmative sentence the question and the indirect question you've got that structure and you don't have to think about it remember we're working on eliminating that lag time okay uh and talk we use more in like everyday conversation oh yeah we talked over lunch we spoke again it gives me the feeling that you got a little more serious so for example we need to is we need to well we need to we have to we want to we need to talk about our plans for the weekend ask me do we need to do we need to talk about our plans for the weekend do we need to no do we need to to is do we need to talk about our plans for the weekend yeah we need to talk about our plans for the weekend there have been some changes another difference is between monologue versus dialogue I don't have to explain that a monologue is a soliloquy a monologue one person speaking and a dialogue so speak can imply one person is giving a speech as the example that we looked at or presenting information so that one is speech right and do we say to make a speech to do a speech or to give a speech to make a speech or to give a speech although I have heard people say to do a speech but I would say I'm gonna make a speech tomorrow I'm going to give a speech tomorrow I'm the speaker right I will be speaking on so also that is presenting information so just remember it's easy to remember a speech speak we use speak for that one uh another example the president spoke to the nature to the nation to speak to right to address is another way to say it the president spoke to the nation okay how would you turn that into a question did the president speak to the nation yeah the president spoke to the nation okay another one talk is associated with two-way exchange so here if you notice he wasn't talking directly it wasn't a conversation he was addressing a crowd whereas if afterwards he talks to his AIDS susant then he's talking to them so he's speaking to the crowd he's talking as you would say in Spanish so let's look at another example the best ways put them in context until it sounds right let's talk about your new project let's talk about your new project okay let's let us it's right L sounds like all right hey it's a homophone let have some lettuce but again let's let's have some lettuce let's talk about your new project and we've looked at the pronunciation of that word many times it's not project how do you say it ah project project project all right and also with languages this is another one with languages we you speak and you know that how many times has somebody asked you do you speak Spanish and what's your answer I I speak Spanish speak Spanish I I speak Spanish I speak Spanish I speak English right the question if somebody asks you do you speak English you know what you say I get by it's the best answer you're not promising anything there so with languages with speaking languages we use speak as well example he speaks Greek GGO remember languages in English are capitalized languages and nationalities in Spanish they are not along with months and days of the week okay those are things that are capitalized in English and not in Spanish so he speaks Greek It's All Greek To Me It's All Greek to me so ask me does he speak does he does he speak Greek yeah he speaks Greek he doesn't speak Chinese he speaks Greek but he doesn't speak Chinese and how would you say how many languages right one two three how much in how many languages language languages he washes the dishes and this is one example right how many languages you know language is Bridge how many languages does he speak does he does he no ask me if I know do you know do you do you know how many languages he speaks do you know do you know do you know does he that mean these are the structures how he over and over and over again right do you know it's not do you know do you know do you do you know do you know how many languages he speaks make no I don't know how many languages he speaks I don't know or I'm not sure how many languages he speaks did you get it right great great job and remember if you repeat the stuff aloud with me rep this you're definitely going to improve and again communication is not just about comprehension that's step one it's also about taking what we've heard taking what we've absorbed and getting it out and getting it out comfortably feeling comfortably when we say that but the key exposure so if you listen to this every week which that's an that's over an hour of content every week that's in both episodes okay if you listen to my radio show which you can listen either one you can listen or watch hello to everybody who's watching live right now and uh and you could I mean the idea is surround yourself and it's easy if if you like the way I teach I can I literally teach 10 hours of radio 11 hours without counting my classes my private classes my group classes I teach 11 hours of English a week and I won't even mention uh all my friends who work on Von radio which by the way if you guys have discovered this podcast um not through Von radio well don't forget I have a I have a a weekly no this is the weekly show I have a daily show it's called the show with no name and it's on Von radio it's a lot of challenges it's a a variety show I've also written five books so you can find all that stuff if you want you can always find that stuff by Googling my name I'm also on social media and I have a website I have a website Alberto Alonso which can take you to my books it can take you to my other podcasts let's put it this way I've been doing this for 20 years now over 20 years so as we say this is a great idiomatic expression this isn't my first rodeo no me rodo and that's why when I tell you guys you know I speak Spanish don't say that why do I say it because I have heard that pronounced incorrectly a half a million times all right maybe not a half a million but let's say 10,000 definitely so if I highlight something seeo if I point it out out well there's that simple reason that it's something I think you should take note of whether you take a mental note of it or whether you jot it down now if you guys are in my community you've got PDFs you can Mark those up if not well you should have a notebook if you consider yourself a student unless you've got amazing memory well it's good to jot things down you know there's a lot to be said about remembering something because we've written it down I know it's a technique I use many times a lot of times I write something down not because I'm going to look at it later but I I write it down because I know it it will increase the odds the odds of me remembering it so any little trick any little Technique we can use to make sure something sticks in our heads which we know too the older get well your memory starts to slip that's the way it goes all right a little summary then speak and talk for all intents and purposes same thing it's to you know move your mouth right to communicate something will you speak when we're addressing a crowd will you speak when we're talking about languages and in the dayt day we say to talk to talk you also know to chat right that's when we say too chat an idiomatic expression we use a lot with uh chatting is to shoot the breeze or to shoot the [ __ ] obviously to shoot the [ __ ] is bulgar but if you say

we were shooting the breeze until 3:

00 a.m. I think in Spanish that is estando De it means you're talking but you're not really solving the world's problems or anything you're just having a light hearted conversation as opposed to a heart to heart a heart tohe heart this is a conversation where you get your feelings out by the way we looked at the verb feel last week if you didn't give it a listen give it a listen so a heart-to-heart you can say let's have a heart-to- heart or let's have a heart-to-heart conversation not conversation to be sincere to have a real meaningful talk but we don't want to have those all the time imagine if everything was serious oh my God what are we going to have for breakfast you're like um coffee and toast so we need that we need to talk we need to shoot the [ __ ] we need to shoot the breeze right so we know the difference from when we're talking reprimanding somebody or chewing them out or just having a relaxed kicked back conversation and kicked back if you can kind of make sense kick back no I think the word you say is I've heard that word before you know so speak and talk and my biggest thing that I want you to be careful with here is replacing that e in there with the S so we need to get that out of there if you have to say it a million times say it I speak Spanish I speak think of all the ones with s right I speak Syrian I speak Somalian I speak say all the s ones right and if you can do it once like I say all the time then you can do it a million times if you can say I watched it I watched it once then you can say I watched it I um any other any other verb that follows that pattern right and as we've said there are patterns okay spelling doesn't always make sense in English but there are certain patterns patterns that we can look out for that can help us right such as the how many times I've heard people say b f i get it there's a GH in there that's just in there for no reason well if you know how to make the sound then you got it ought I bought a car I fought with him I thought until you never say and try and put that g in there which again I get it but that's why we're pointing it out so you don't make those common mistakes that many Spanish speakers make when they're speaking English did I say is speaking English or speaking English so if you don't get anything from these episodes this week make sure it's at least you never ever ever ever say I speak Spanish again and the next time that sentence comes out of your mouth you say I speak Spanish do you do you speak Spanish or do you speak right so do you do you do you speak do you speak Spanish you don't have a chance to put that e in there so never take a pause before the S I know easier said than done right easier said than done all right let's look at some synonyms for these very common verbs the first one is to utter he uttered three words right we already said to address to utter he only uttered three words another way of saying to speak the next one Converse convers does that sound familiar yeah we were conversing it's not Converse though Converse is the sneakers so it's Converse we had a conversation we conversed personally I don't use that one too much but hey it's good that you know that hey if you can't remember one of these words you always have another one available the next one is to express this one was a synonym in feel too you're expressing your feelings right you're vocalizing as we say and we didn't talk about this one what about to babble to babble means to talk about nothing blah blah blah he he was babbling I don't know what he's talking about he's babbling as opposed to mumbling to mumble is to not really open your mouth when you speak so can you speak up you're mumbling before you were babbling and now you're mumbling right these are other ways of speaking as well this one address great one to know Amo the next one is to convey I think the trans the translation in Spanish would be it transmed we conveyed our opinion to him and he's going to let us know what he thinks again convey is very formal right but these are words you'll find in literature you'll find them all throughout the language so uh I use this as an opportunity to familiarize you with other words other ways to say it and other antonyms other ways to say the opposite some of the antonyms to stay silent yeah to be quiet to stay silent if you're not talking if you're not speaking you're staying silent you're being quiet again careful with that word quiet it's a false friend it's notto it's Soso is still be still so be still be silent be quiet laa the next one is hush this is another way of saying shut up hush shut up zip it you know if you want to learn all the different ways to say shut up you should watch Austin Powers I think it's the second installation and there's a scene where he just goes through zip it hush shut up button it up shut your pie hole these are all ways to say GAA gay laoka now just remember this though will you shut up in the United States as well as just like you guys don't you say that so I say oh did you hear what happened to Bobby you say yeah well he got his wife pregnant and well he wasn't planning on it Soo shut up GAA so there you're not saying shut up no I think would be the translation shut up shut up so hush shut up also to suppress if you don't express something if you bottle it up as we said the other day then you're suppressing it shut up as I just said we looked at and many other ways to say that if you watch Austin Powers too and the last one is to withhold he withheld information remember this when you've got a word inside of a word it conjugates like the original verb so get got gotten forget forgot forgotten hold held held withhold withheld withheld so to withhold information to withhold something is to not be forthcoming to not let it out Nolo so my Amigos I'm going to withhold our phrasal verbs our idiomatic expressions and of course our trivia which we're going to have at the end but I'm going to withhold it to the bonus episode so I hope you guys join us in the bonus episode of this week's FYI[Applause][Music]