FYI - For Your Inglés
Hello, English explorers! Welcome to FYI (For Your Inglés)! You'll learn so much more than just English in this weekly show. We delve into a wide range of fascinating topics. No topic is too tough to tackle: jeans, dogs, sneakers, Central Park, wine, Area 51, essential verbs, and etc. Send me suggestions for topics you'd like to hear about in future episodes. I'd love to hear from you. My aim is to educate, enlighten, and entertain you, all at the same time. Have fun while learning about spectacular stuff in English! For exclusive bonus content in our curious community check out my https://patreon.com/albertoalonso *Intro music = Souvenir by Augusto Hernandez
FYI - For Your Inglés
Welcome to season 7 of FYI. This season instead of tackling topics we’ll discover the most common verbs in the English language. FALL in line students! It’s time to FALL in love with the very versatile verb FALL on this week’s episode of FYI!
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welcome to season 7 of FYI this season instead of tackling topics we'll discover the most common verbs in the English language fall in line students it's time to fall in love with the very versatile verb fall on this week's episode of FYI welcome to for your info English you got it got hello hello hello welcome FYI welcome to another exciting edition of FYI where we pick a part we dissect great phrasal verb we pick apart the most common verbs in the English language and folks if you haven't listened to all the other episodes in this season do it do it now and this way you will get familiar with the most common the most essential verbs in any language I I'm not just talking about English you know these are words you need to know and not just know but know them inside and out and that's what we do here here on FYI now in season 1 through six what we used to do was take a look at a topic and learn it inside and out whether that be Steve Jobs Donuts or Area 51 and we'll go back to topics but I decided Well wait instead of picking apart interesting topics which everybody liked that as well I figured why don't we pick apart the language starting with the most essential verb so folks that brings us to here today now I can't believe it we are almost done we're about four or five episodes from the end of season 7 the good news is we're going to be coming back in season 8 with more essential verbs and remember folks there's a bonus episode every week it's usually over a half an hour and in that bonus episode we'll take a look at additional content we'll take a look at uses of the verb additional uses such as phrasal verbs idiomatic expressions we'll also take a look at it in pop culture which is just another way to see it in action in its natural habitat so if you want that you want that bonus episode with all that content including a test at the end to see if you really got it down pat and you want the bonus episode you want PDF documents and class with me you have all those options so if you like the way I teach if you want to join me in class if you want more just be aware that there's tons more and it's waiting for you at patreon.com Alberto Alonso you can join for free now obviously it's limited the the posts that you will get will be limited but uh hey hey just check it out and if you want a free sample let me know this way you can see what you are missing out on and if you have any questions or anything like that I'm really easy to find so I want to send a shout out to all my patrons all my students who learn English with me week after week year after year and I'll remind you this podcast started at a very difficult time for a lot of people right I don't want to even say the word it was some pandemic thing you know what I'm saying okay and this show was born in my daughter's bedroom and now we've got our own Studio the ablea studios as I call them and uh and well the show has grown not just uh in the size of our studio but in listenership as well so thank you so much to all of you FYI and especially to my patrons and especially inside of that my Interstellar students now these are the highest level ones the ones who are with me in class every week and the ones who I hold accountable respons so give it up for them and all their hard work it's Adrian Garmin lenina Issa bako David Jose Maria Ariel and Edgard if you want more information about getting just the bonus episode or so much more all of that is on patreon.com Alberto Alonso and remember this the moment you sign up the moment you sign up you're going to have access to over 2,000 posts so that's an advantage of joining now when Carmen and Jos Maria and some of my students joined there wasn't an arsenal of content you don't just snap your fingers and get an arsenal of content it takes years of hard work dedication and lots of TLC what is TLC tender loving care I think it's the secret ingredient in anything so thank you FYI thanks to my patrons for making it possible a way you can help the show without really doing too much is going over to Apple podcasts or whichever one lets you rate the show and giving it five stars and then writing a nice little comment on why you like the show I read them all FYI so let's take a look at today's topic or today's verb we already looked at the verb feel a couple episodes back I feel like we looked at it no I know we looked at it and we looked at how sometimes students can mix it up with fall right well today we're going to look at fall so let's review that every day I feel great yesterday do you remember it yesterday I felt great remember I don't I know I say this in every show but it's so important repeat aloud anytime I ask you to do something do it right I mean what are you what are we doing here we're practicing I don't need to practice the structures aloud I've said all these structures a million times we're trying to get you to do that now that's the goal to familiarize yourself with these structures these phrasal verbs but not just written with the way they sound with the way it feels to say them right that's what we're looking for that's the real goal so every day I feel great this is the best way to practice irregular verbs yesterday your turn yesterday I felt great so far so good all right third column you remember the word we use lately no this justifies the present perfect lately I've I have we contracted I've felt great lately I've felt great okay time for fall every day I fall in love because remember we'll look at all the meanings now to fall in love to fall out of love right out of out of he fell out of love he fell in love so every day I fe uh I Fall In Love okay that's right because I've heard the mistake is uh he felt in Love no he fell in love right so write that down he felt in love that's not a structure we would use in English seeo he fell in love he fell in love with English I'm talking about Jos Maria I'm talking about Edgar they fell in love with English garm all my students they fell in love with English Okay so lately lately they've fallen in love so feel felt felt the verb we're looking at today which is fall is fall fell Fallen all right you don't know the amount of times I've heard people make mistakes with that you've been warned yes I'm Ace hopefully you won't be one of those students now that we've gotten that stuff out of the way you know the pronunciation any nuances Maus well let's take a look at some of the uses of this very useful verb that's not just G you like the sound effect that's called the uh the willhelm scream if you didn't know that then maybe you should go and give a listen to the English and movies episode I think that's where I tell you all about the vilhelm scream there are even documentaries on the vilhelm scream so fall to move downward typically freely without control due to gravity I love it to move to move downward word to move downward typically freely without control due to gravity due to no is one same thing in English right due to to due to the gravity right do to or I have to it's to due to the gra due to gravity du to Du to so again you can it's correct to say due to gravity fine that's not the way we would say it when we're saying it naturally though so that's stuff I want you to look at too all right so the most literal sense of fall we just said K let's take a look at some examples the Apple fell from the tree say it with me the Apple fell from the tree can you turn it into a question just to make sure you got this structure is did the apple fall from the tree did it did it fall from the tree and it reminds me of an idiomatic EXP expression a totally native expression the Apple doesn't fall far from the tree it's kind of a tongue twister isn't it the Apple doesn't fall far from the tree it means you're a chip off the old block I just taught you two different ways to say that so did the apple fall from the tree yeah the Apple fell from the tree another one she tripped over a rock and fell to the ground right so to trip I always mix this one for some reason in Spanish those always in my head get mixed up right so that's to trip in fact we've got a a funny joke when somebody trips and falls oh see I can't get it students you'll have to help me in class with this one hey hey now you know how I feel your pain I know what you're going through because there are some things that no matter how many times I've told you or you've told me or how many times I've been aware of it just doesn't sink in no so uh so I know because unfortunately I got run over and is to trip but you see I had to really stop and think about it to get it into my thick skull so she tripped over a rock and fell to the ground ask me did she trip over a rock and fall to the ground yeah she tripped over a rock tripped she tripped over a rock and fell to the ground okay and what I was going to tell you the the play on words that I was going to tell you is if somebody Falls if somebody trips you can say um how was your fall did you have a nice trip but also trip and fall have dual meanings you get it I know I know well it's a classic one so either way you're not supposed to laugh at somebody or make fun of somebody who trips and falls let's take a look at the next meaning this is often used in economics in temperature when we're talking about statistics or Figures it's to decrease in value okay in value amount or level let's take a look at some examples stock prices stock prices fell Sharp shly yesterday right another way of saying is they plummeted right plos almost smells it almost sounds like plomo lead so stock prices fell sharply yesterday ask me go ahead it's the past simple past you've got it did stock prices fall did stock prices fall sharply yesterday oh yeah they plummeted they plummeted all right we'll look at that that word again when we take a look at some synonyms and antonyms all right another example with decreasing in value amount or level the temperature difficult one temperature temper temperature temper temperature tempature temperature temper temperature temperature I know the temperature fell fell below freezing freezing overnight ask me so the affirmative the temperature fell below freezing overnight got to bring your plants in did the temperature fall did it fall below freezing yeah it was 3 degrees below zero last night remember degrees we looked at those with our false friends degrees are grados they're not grades grades are notas in we also looked at that in the University episode and in the high school episode I'm sure of it all right uh another usage and some examples it's to be defeated or conquered G Roma right when we talk about so so far we agree here it's a synonym for losing right so it's losing in a struggle or a battle let's take a look at some examples the city fell to the invad ing Army okay the city F I think you use it the same way ask me though can you turn it into a question let's see if you got it did the city fall did it fall to the invading Army did you say it right wonderful all right another example he fought bravely fight fought fought he fought bravely but eventually ala fell in battle okay to fall in battle and it it's you think about it you really if you get shot you really do fall so it makes sense the next usage to occur or to take place often unexpectedly here we go her birthday falls on a Monday this year does that sound familiar no but so far this verb is not so different in Spanish than in English right sometimes we're like okay and when we get to the phrasal verbs get ready we've got a lot of points where we don't agree and where it makes no sense and we have to make it make sense but for now I mean we're talking the same language here right speak languages we're talking the same language now you're talking my language right so to occur or take place her birthday falls on a Monday this year ask me doeser did you say her does her birthday fall on a Monday this year Monday Mes in in English okay I know in Spanish you don't uh capitalize them we do her birthday falls on a Monday does it does her birth does her does her birthday no birth does her birthday fall on a Monday this year yeah her birthday falls on a Monday this year the holiday falls in the middle of the week don't you hate it when that happens the holiday falls in the middle of the week ask me does the holiday fall in the middle of the week yeah unfortunately it falls in the middle of the week so far so good all right great another usage is to come under a particular influence or category okay so for example the issue issue the issue falls under the jurisdiction of the state whoes you say or something like that I think it's a word you'll recognize we say jurisdiction no meons so this issue no this did you say these don't say this it's this un plural that sound doesn't exist it's either this or these right so this issue falls under the jurisdiction of the state ask me does this did you say this or these does this issue fall under the jurisdiction of the state no it doesn't fall under the jurisdiction of the state it doesn't fall under it okay the next one is to be overcome with an emotion to be overcome we use it to describe being overwhelmed by a feeling right we've looked at that word many times overwhelming overwhelmed right she fell in love with him at first sight at First Sight is right she fell in love fell in love she fell in love with him at First Sight right it was love at first bite love at first sight Love At First Bite so ask me did she fall in love with him at First Sight did she fall in love with him at First Sight yeah she fell in love with him at First Sight that's right another example with falling which has to do with emotion or being overcome by emotion he fell into he fell into a deep depression after losing his job he fell into a deep depression after losing his job ask me is much did he did he fall into a deep depression after losing his job yeah he fell into a deep depression after losing his job he's never he has never he's never fallen into a deep depression before he's never fallen right right a fallen[Music] angelu hallelujah hallelujah all right so he fell into and remember into he fell into a deep depression he fell into a deep so it's depression the next whatever the next word is so he fell into he fell into a he fell into right see what I mean guys we we don't do it on purpose that's the way we put our words together what I try and do is analyze it and kind of give you the tips to know where to put them together so you can sound well as close to us as possible I try and sound as close to you guys as possible when I'm speaking Spanish you guys mean meaning Castilian Spanish because I live in M no I'm just kidding I don't like when people pronounce the the D Like A Z M it's weird I for me it sounds like Daffy Duck Daffy Duck do you know him you call him us Daffy is local Daffy Duck this is Despicable my daughter loves imitating Daffy Duck all right Alberto focus focus the next and last usage is to lose balance right to lose balance or collapse and uh yeah let's look at some examples cuz I think that's the best way to really really get it the old man fell down after feeling dizzy the old man fell down after feeling dizzy now if we want to sound a little more politically correct we could say the elderly man the elderly man fell down after feeling dizzy Mar ask me did the elder man the elderly man did he did he fall down after feeling dizzy yeah unfortunately B it isn't the first time he's he has it isn't the first time he's fallen down you know just to make sure we're hearing that as well and hopefully saying it are you saying everything aloud with me if you are you're doing it right you should be sweating after the two episodes[Applause] all right the last example the building fell during the earthquake we looked at it in the natural disasters episode the building fell during the earthquake ask me building did it did it did they so did it fall during the earthquake yeah it fell during the earthquake all right so great job Amigos we're going to take a look right now at our synonyms and antonyms and then I hope you guys will join us in the bonus episode where we're going to fall in love with all the phrasal verbs and idiomatic expressions Plus the pop culture references and then you can expect to be put to the test as we do every week in our bonus episode but the bonus episode is exclusively for patrons so go to patreon.com Alberto Alonso and join our curious Community we're expecting you some synonyms for fall to drop right if you drop something it means I mean you can drop something on purpose but I dropped the the glass right to drop we've seen the word before in the uh phrasal verb to drop off but to just drop something I had a student once she told me Alberto you know I'm really clumsy I'm always throwing things I said that's sounds more like violence to me than than clumsiness and it's cuz she meant to say I'm always dropping things so drop really really good verb and we might drop an episode on the verb to drop because it's very useful the next one is to descend easy descend Ascend this Ascend go up descend go down to plunge that's a great one to plunge we use it in an idiomatic expression too to take a risk means to take the plunge you know to to plunge is I think of water when I think about it in fact the thing if you clog your toilet it's called a toilet plunger okay maybe you'll see it somewhere else the next one we looked at to plummet to plummet means picado I think you say in Spanish right the opposite is to Skyrocket right the stock skyrocketed to plumet is the opposite okay think of it it sounds like again the next one is to dip right the sails dipped a little bit that's why I like to just take a a second or to and really explain the usage of it the antonyms we have for fall are rise and we looked at that in the episode on raise and Rise if you have not listened to those episodes essential because even native speakers mix up raise and Rise the next one is to soar this is to fly really high right I think of an albatross soaring through the air it's a homophone for the word soar musculos right we talk about AAS I have sore muscles because yesterday I was soaring in an airplane right if you associate it you might remember it who knows the next one increase we know the opposite is to decrease we've got surge that's a nice one surge in and the last one to overcome Amigos we have reached the end of this episode thank you so much for joining us and join us in the bonus episode of this week's FY I[Music]