FYI - For Your Inglés
Hello, English explorers! Welcome to FYI (For Your Inglés)! You'll learn so much more than just English in this weekly show. We delve into a wide range of fascinating topics. No topic is too tough to tackle: jeans, dogs, sneakers, Central Park, wine, Area 51, essential verbs, and etc. Send me suggestions for topics you'd like to hear about in future episodes. I'd love to hear from you. My aim is to educate, enlighten, and entertain you, all at the same time. Have fun while learning about spectacular stuff in English! For exclusive bonus content in our curious community check out my *Intro music = Souvenir by Augusto Hernandez
FYI - For Your Inglés
Master Class - Modal Verbs - Nov. 2024
We looked at modal verbs and we reviewed tricky words in our November Master Class. Join us every month at for bonus content.
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[Music] hello hello welcome welcome to our November that's right our November Master Class welcome one welcome all everybody who's joining us today in the class thank you for waking up pretty early I mean it's not the crack of dawn the crack of dawn is but it's early enough on a Saturday morning and that tells me one thing about you students and that means that you are driven motivos and you deserve that Applause I just gave you and all the ones I'm going to give you today if you participate along with us just a quick reminder too we looked at last uh not last week last month I should say in our October class we took a look at wait uh expect and hope if you recall we also took a look at some tongue twisters did you remember them did you practice them be honest I want you guys to be honest in the comments and tell me did you practice your tongue twisters and if not why not I mean I I said them a few different times but the idea is for you to say them and some of the ones we looked at are sea um she sells seashells by the seashore the other one uh the most popular one how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood did you practice them because I've got to say something I didn't receive any audios and your challenge was to send me one of them to practice one of them so I don't know what to say there you guys have to do your part I'll do my part I promise I'll come here I'll teach you all the different things but you've got to do your part that's how a class works right even a digital class yes even a class that you can watch online you should participate at all the different points we're going to practice a lot of different things today it's really really important no it's crucial okay it is crucial that you repeat the different vocabulary the structures everything we're going to look at today aloud all right and if you still want to do that if you want to practice those tongue twisters you can still send them to my email and I'd love to give you some feedback and it's just a fun way to practice our pronunciation so tongue twisters oh and here's another challenge for the end of the show and as always I will read your comments a little bit later on but this is to review the because as as you guys know reviewing is such an important part of learning any anything right reviewing means doing it again and again and again and over and over and over how do you think Rafa Nadal learned how to play tennis over and over and over and repeat it again again no not like that like that there you go no almost do it again that's how we learn everything in life from flying a plane to learning a language to playing tennis to anything you want to get good at and to get good at something is um Domino good at I want you to make a list of things that you're good at and things you aren't good at I'm good with I'm good in good at good at good at so it's going listen to or or wait for hos they go together like there's certain things that just go together so I want you to give me this one okay this is using the The Hope wait and expect and again we're just reviewing it to make sure you got it also the tongue twisters as I said you can send them to me as well we also looked at this month if you're following me on social media and you're on my patreon page if you're not on patreon you should be it's Alberto Alonso and there is a wealth a wealth of content at your fingertips really it's a[Music] blessing and right now as you know we're going through the essential verbs in the English language this week we are taking a look at the verb put no no give put was last week this week give next week will turn our attention to turn so if you want to learn all the most common verbs in the English language if you want to learn all the most common structures pronunciation phrasal verbs common mistakes and all that jazzo well then patreon is the place for you join us because you can you can get just the bonus episode every every week or you can be in class with me every week so if you want a free sample most of you who are with us today are on patreon but I always invite a few other people uh to join us as well especially a special shout out to not only my fyers but also my show with no namers my[Applause] students so practice makes perfect so your challenge give it to me by the end of the show you've got plenty of time to think about it and it's es okay that's a difficult one for me to say in Spanish also as I said on my social media and this month last month we concentrated on false friends this week and this past week and this past month I should say we concentrated on portmantos portmanto is a French word a very nice way of saying a hybrid word a mix of two words such as brunch brunch breakfast and lunch ugly thisav fugly [ __ ] ugly hey don't shoot the messenger here okay so um the first word is something that this is here and I want you guys to pronounce these because I shared these words with you but we didn't pronounce them and I didn't translate them into Spanish I just put uh educational plus entertainment equals edutainment all right what about situational plus comedy situational you know situation is sit situational comedy sitcom all right romantic plus comedy romantic plus comedy romcom romcom okay ankle too M bracelet and bracelet I think you all know is a uh not what do you say Pula Pula ankle plus bracelet is anklet yes a bracelet that you wear around your ankle is called an anklet all right the next one hungry plus angry hungry plus angry this is when you're angry because you haven't eaten this means you're hangry again it's really important because you can see all these words on patreon on my social media but the most important thing is that you know how to say them as well so hangry hangry the next one spoon plus Fork is Spork that's right spoon plus Fork is Spork all right Smoke Plus fog you see this in big cities in Asia it's very common in Los Angeles Smoke Plus fog smog contamin all right mock plus cocktail mocktail coil it's a mocktail it's mocking a cocktail a parody of it so a mocktail all right the next one fremy I think this is easy friend enemy it's a friend who's not really a friend and unfortunately there are people like that all right let's see if you know this one guess plus estimate it's guesstimate and this is literally to come up with your L I have no idea but I'm going to make a good estimation here so that's another one here's one if you've been to the United States you've seen this one on trucks you've seen it at hospitals as well it's a mix of the words hazardous and material hazmat hmat suits okay what I've done as I always do what I did with the false friends as well is choose some of the ones that you're going to see some you know there are many there are probably hundreds of Port MOS but I've chosen maybe the top 15 or 20 that you'll see everywhere the next one is one that didn't exist when I was a kid and it was it's relax plus chill it's chill plus relax chill plus relax is chillax what are you doing this weekend I'm just chillaxing all right how you doing are you guys repeating them with me did you know most of these words well I hope you're repeating them with me all right the next one car and hijack you you know the word hijack it's when someone takes control of a plane or something sequestro righto so if you take the word Car Plus hijack you have to carjack someone and to carjack means to steal their car usually using Force to carjack the next one's also related to cars and uh this is one well if there's a a stop Una for drunk drivers right they're looking for people who are uh drinking and driving well then they'll make you breathe into a breath plus analyzer so breath plus analyzer the word is breathalizer have you ever taken a breathalyzer test the next one is interesting because it has two pronunciations it's like GIF and GIF just depends on what side you're on there the word is biopic or biopic it's a mix of biography plus picture picture all right and the last one news plus plus broadcast okay broadcast is and news is informativos noia newscast did you see the election newscast so there you go folks you have all these on patreon these are again are called portmantos it's a very French way of saying a hybrid word over here all right and we're going to warm up before we look at our modal verbs we're going to take a look at modal verbs today and modal verbs are verbs that kind of help other verbs kind of like an auxiliary verb but the thing is when we use a modal verb that's the difference you want to know the difference an auxiliary verb changes the other verb so did you go yes I went right whereas the other one there's no change to the verb okay the modal verbs again we're going to go through them all and the best way to look at them is obviously in context okay and uh we'll start I think because this is a good way to see both auxiliary verbs and modal verbs and also show you that these are the key to the language like if you're listening you can answer my question even if you didn't hear what I said should you blah blah blah blah no I shouldn't yeah I should so that's what I'm saying like just by having that it can tell us what gear we're in did you go out with your sister yesterday no I didn't yes I did right so we're going to practice some short answers but it just goes to show you to that by listening you've got we say it's half the battle listening is half the battle we say it's because you already know will you okay it's futuro in so again these modal verbs also help us because in Spanish it's another tense it's another seven words you need to learn in order to use it and in English you just need to know might well he might go I might go we might go but that's why you have to familiarize yourself with them and I know when we go through them you're like but it's good to go through all of them their meanings and more importantly how to say them how to put it all together that's where you guys have to pronounce aloud but let's do some short answers right now and I'll tell you what let's get some music going to put the pressure on here all right let's start simple are you Spanish are you Spanish yes I am no I'm not no are you yes I am no I'm not okay do you like good food do you know do you do you do you like good food did you say yes I like or yes I do it's yes I do do you yes I do have you yes I have will you yes I will all right is Mexico in Europe is Mexico in Europe I didn't say East I said is is Mexico in Europe yes or no no it isn't no it isn't see yes it is no yes it is yes it is no it isn't all right would you like to be a millionaire I didn't say would you I said would you would you would you like to become a millionaire one day yes I would no I wouldn't okay all right will you be here tomorrow will you will you be here tomorrow yes I will la negativa no I won't no I won't sorry all right right did you see a good movie last week so did you did you see a good flick yesterday yes I did no I didn't no I didn't no no did didn't like my used to say me it's that sound God Rest her soul all right do your neighbors give you a lot of problems do your your youra do your neighbors do your neighbors give you problems no they don't oh yeah they do no they don't yeah they do were you here yesterday were you were you here yesterday I'm making my own portm over here okay so were you here yesterday yes I was no I wasn't was I here yesterday was I here yesterday no you weren't Alberto yes you were okay are your eyes blue are your eyes blue yours your are your eyes blue yeah they are no they aren't if you're bries no they aren't they aren't we say aren't does it rain a lot in your city does it rain a lot in your city yes it does no it doesn't it doesn't have you ever called me an idiot have you ever have you ever have you ever ever called me an idiot no we haven't no I haven't yeah I have sorry you are a bit of an idiot Alberto okay was there a fire in your home yesterday was there a fire in your home yesterday no there wasn't oh yeah there was it was pretty crazy I was cooking and there was a grease fire okay all right are you and I looking at each other see I'm see are you and I looking at each other yeah we are yeah we are no we aren't we aren't all right and the last one let's give you a hard one here how the king of Spain ever spoken to you personally has the king of Spain ever spoken to you personally no he hasn't or yes he has how did you do folks were you participating aloud I hope you were I hope you were all right well let's take a look then as I said we're going to go over them we just went over a lot of them but now we're going to go over them one by one with some examples of each one and this way we really really not just know them and review them but know how to say them and put them together nicely in our sentences okay and again this this can be a listening exercise or this can be a master class where you're practicing your speaking it's the ball is in your court so the first one can can can and can't and the first thing I'm going to tell you can is not can right so what can you speak Spanish yes I can can you speak Chinese no I can't now the moment we use the long answer and we've seen this many times in episodes of FYI so ask me Alberto can you speak Chinese can you can you not can you can you speak Chinese Alberto yeah I can no I can't speak Chinese no I can't speak Chinese ask me if I can speak Spanish Alberto can you speak Spanish yeah I can speak Spanish so just remember that it's can and can't because know yes I can so can you come tomorrow yes I can come tomorrow right I'm good at I'm not good at I'm good at I'm not good at I'm good at snowboarding I'm not good at I'm good at cooking I'm not good at Lo the same thing with this I can swim I can I can I can I can swim I can't fly I can play basketball I can't play the violin see I can and I can't can and can't but we're looking at the nuances all right let's practice she can play the piano she can she can play the piano ask me can she can she Sola can she play the piano so always think of that too what is the part that we replace in a sentence no have you ever been to fill in the blank and have you ever been to has she ever been to have you ever been to Rome have you ever been to have you ever been to have you ever been to have you ever been to you know have you ever been to have you ever been to have you ever been to W so can she play the piano yeah she can play the piano she can't play the Sachs she can play the piano but she can't play the Sachs okay also we use it for permission so that's ability for permission you can leave today you can leave earlier today you can leave earlier so you can leave early today Alto can I leave early can I no it's can I it's can I can I can I can it's a modal verb it's not the important one right so can I leave early can I leave early can I yeah you can leave early today you can't leave early tomorrow though all right the next one also possibility is another usage it can be it can be it can be is it can be really hot it can be very expensive it can be it can be see it so it can be really hot in the summer ask me can it be really hot in the summer yeah well it depends where you live but yeah in Madrid it can be really hot in the summer okay then we've got could biggest problem here at least with pronunciation is cool I don't think it's cool that you pronounce it cool all right all right all right and could is used for past abilities I could play the piano when I was younger right let's take a look I could run very fast when I was younger I don't think that that's the true statement ever ask me could you could you run very fast when you were younger could you run really fast when you were younger yeah I could run really fast when I was younger I couldn't do gymnastics so I could I could run I could couldn't see I couldn't run very fast when I was a kid right so again it's that that emphasis you got to think too in Spanish you guys so you don't it's all important in Spanish and in English it's what are you gonna do tomorrow and what are you gonna I'm asking you you not you is not important and what is not important it's going to do tomorrow that's the part that that pops in the sentence let's look at a polite request could you could you help me with this could you give me a hand could you could you yeah I could help you with that I could I could help you with that also as a possibility it's cloudy it could rain later ask me could it could it rain later yeah it could rain later looks like it's going to rain later and also a suggestion you could try calling him back later could I try calling him back later yeah you could try calling him back later the next one is May okay uh May no my may like the month and I'm telling you this is awesome because this is this can help you with the because you know what I always hear it is probable that he will come he probably will come why don't you just say he may come right he may go he may so don't be afraid of these modal verbs they can make your life easier right he will probably because I know he may be late I don't know but I have a feeling I have a hunch that he may be late today so it's used for permission you may begin now you may start the test now okay the question may we may We Begin yes you may begin okay also possibility he may be late there's a distinct possibility that he may be late and also a formal request so you can say can I you can say could I is May I right so can I use your phone for a secondos formal could I use your phone a request polite it's polite could I use your phone please may I use your phone please okay and then we've got might right you've got to try with all your might in fact Mighty Mouse that famous what do you call it super Raton we call him Mighty Mouse all right might well the possibility just like may very similar to May in many ways but if you want to split hairs well then it's less certain but honestly they're interchangeable we might go to the beach this weekend this weekend okay we might we might go to the beach next weekend we might she might not like spicy food so she she might not go she might go she might not go and that's your responsibility anytime you see a structure as you know I expect you to say are you not are you and if you can then you're not just understanding a sentence but you are understanding tons and tons of structure you're getting the language the next one's will the future is we've got the idiomatic expression where there's a will there's a way so we use it for future action I will I'll finish my homework by tomorrow I'll I'll finish my homework by tomorrow ask me will you will you finish your homework by tomorrow yeah I'll finish it by tomorrow also a promise can promise so promise me you're not going to say promise because I've heard it that mispronounced that way many times so the next one I will be there I promise contos I'll be there to give you all the love in you need I be there you don't like that song I don't know how you couldn't but we've got Bon Joy too I'll be there for you these five words I swear to you when you breathe I want to be the air for you I'll be there for you I live and I die for you all right all right all right okay hey you know I can't have a class without singing and also it's an offer but less common will you have some coffee okay I would would say that would you like some but it's it's true will you have some coffeea so it's also used as an offer would oh man I should have come to your party you say would have could have should have didn't you didn't come so don't worry that's neither here nor there all right so would polite requests would you mind closing the door and my students know it's never never would you mind to right would you like to would you mind so write them down and don't mix those up would you mind closing the door there's a draft also hypothetical if I had more time I would travel more if I had more time I would travel more ask me would you would you travel more if you had more time yeah I would travel more i' I'd travel more if I had more time and more money of course sure also preference I'd rather you can say I prefer to but you can also say I'd rather but i' ra I'd rather no go right so I prefer to eat pizza I'd rather eat pizza rather okay but I'd rather you use rather because it sounds more native to me so I'd rather stay in tonight would you would you rather stay in tonight buts would you rather stay in tonight and also the future in the past she said she would call me so that's kind of an exception one there but again I want you to know all the different uses and how they sound would you would you could you right the next one shall this is very British shall we go for a walk now in the United States we' just say let's go for a walk okay but the British shall we shall we go for a walk shall I help you with that so a suggestion an offer right but again this is reserved for my British friends the next one should is another one with that silent L should is De right it's something in it's de I should go right I should have gone right all right let's look at the examples you should eat more vegetables I didn't say should I said should you should it's not even important you should eat you should eat you should eat more vegetables should I eat more vegetables yeah you should eat more more vegetables man you should you should definitely eat more vegetables also as a recommendation this book is great man you should read it should I read it should I have read it should I have oh that's for my super students there high level stuff also expectation the train should leave around 7 p.m. right de it should would could and should all right the next one must and must we use like have to and remember have to is have to I havea I have to pick up my daughter I have to do the laundry I have to prepare the show I have to prepare I have to I have to I have to okay okay I have to yes I have to all right and must now must okay let's take a look at some examples you must wear a seat belt must I must I wear a seat seat belt must I wear a seat belt he has to says has to but to is he has to wear a seat belt does he does he have to does he have to wear a seat belt yeah of course he has to wear a seat belt everybody has to have to has to have to has to C okay and and the sooner you learn that fact and you know assimilate it the easier English is going to be because people like yeah I know I know let's move on that's why I'm here to say don't look at what it says listen to how it sounds that's why I can't stress you know that you listen to the show with no name you listen to FYI you watch movies in English in this way you know the sounds you know the music you know the genre right uh the next one ought to okay this one reminds me of uh is it Alanis moris said you you you ought to know to remind me ought you ought to know yeah alannis Morris said uh let's see it goes the chorus says you you you I can't find the part oh it says um why I'm here to remind you of the mess you live when you're we away it's not fair to deny me of the cross I bear that you gave to me you you you ought to know so to is should it's another way of saying should order you order great song by the way so it's uh to uh give advice a moral obligation or expectation let's take a look at it you ought to apologize for being late you ought to that OT you should same thing you ought to you ought to apologize for being late okay the next one we ought to be careful when driving in bad weather we ought to be careful when driving in bad weather by the way patrons you will have access to this when I post the class okay on patreon so you're going to have all these you're going to have my my rundown the rund down is which has like the different things that we're looking at okay so and if you're in the interstellar level the highest level I sent you the documents last night so you could follow along today all right and the last one is need and I think this is right it's necess you needn't worry you need not is you needn't you needn't worry about the presentation it's already already prepared you needn't worry she needs to she needs to she has to she needs to she has Amico how did you do folks did you follow along all right we're going to do a little exercise now with some tricky words and then we're going to wrap up with a song we're going to take a look at Don't Stop Me Now by Queen that's right fedo Mero but first we're going to take a look at some words that really mix people up why because they have two accepted pronunciations so like the word um Dove and Dove so Dove is what's the word palan right and Dove is so the dove the dove dove into the garden the dove Dove so that's the kind of words we're going to look at today you can add your own if you have ones that we didn't cover here you can add them and we'll take a look at them a little bit later on when we take a look at your comments we're going to look at the comments right after this exercise and then we'll say goodbye looking at our song Don't Stop Me Now and that's um that's what I I'm dedicating to you guys because you're here on a Saturday morning nothing can stop you now nothing's going to stop us now and if this work world runs out of love us we'll still have each other nothing's going to stop us now all right I can't help it guys I can't help it nothing is going to stop us Nothing's Gonna Nothing's Gonna not nothing is nothing's gonna stop us now stop us stop us no I stop us all right folks we learn a lot from music but it's not time for the music section yet the first one is and I want you it's really important that you say these with me because these are tricky words the bandage the bandage is bandage REM Bridge bandage and Bridge rhyme in my language IG the bandage was w found around the wound okay I've highlighted in in the document the the words that are the same the bandage was wound around the wound so wind wound wound and wound the next one the farm used to produce produce okay the farm used to produce fabri produce and produce are product agas right fresh stuff milk eggs that's produce produce right so again that's why we're looking at these words in the same sentence and it's really important that you can say the two different variations of them so the farm you to produce produce okay great the next one the dump Alber to dump something the dump was so full that it had to refuse Refuge it had to[Music] refuse refuse basur so refuse refu basura okay let's see the next one let's see if you can say it okay now yes it's p okay[Music] soos you know how to say itos we Polish Polish furniture polish polish Furniture okay the next one he could lead if he would get the let out get the out man okay so lead Zeppelin so he could lead Le if he would get the lead out lead PLO okay the next one the man decided to Desert his desert in the desert wait wait the man decided to Desert his dessert in the desert so the man decided to Desert I think you say too his dessert Po in the desert so the word PO is a right he is going to Desert his dessert in the desert okay make sure you're saying them aloud with me folks all right since there's no time like the present it was time to present the present since there's no time like the present it was time to present the present the next[Music] one so a bass was painted on the bass drum drum so a bass was painted on the bass drum okay spelled exactly the same this one we just looked at we shot at the dove who dove into the bushes I always forget the word what do you hey see I can sing in Spanish too we shot at the dove I can't I'm trying to fix the sentence here and it won't do it we shot at the dove who dove into the bushes okay we shot at the dove who dove into the bushes okay the next one I did I did not I didn't I didn't object to the object I didn't object to the object right I object right I object Mano right okay we got a couple more the insurance for the invalid was invalid the insurance okay this Capac invalid was invalid right so the insurance the insurance for the invalid was invalid so they couldn't he wasn't covered all right and this is an interesting one because this one depends if you're in the United States or in England now if you're in the United States you would say there was a row among the oresman about how to row I[Music] the Orman about how to row now row row row row your boat gently down the stream but the British say arow so that's an interesting one right there was a row among the ormen right about how to R there was a row among the orsman about how to row the next one they were too close to the door to close it close close they were too close to the door to close it all right the next one he started to tear when there was a tear in his shirt say it with me he started to tear tear when there was a tear in his shirt the next one don't wind me up to wind up right we looked at it before wound and wound in the first one well it comes from this word he wound me up too many times okay good word to look at there you know what I think we should look at it in a future episode of FY I I think it's a rich word so don't wind me up no don't wind me up I have enough with this wind wind versus wind okay and two more and it is hold this minute doll for a minute minute and a minute Y no minute so hold this minute doll for a minute and the last one the girl with the bow decided to Bow the girl with the bow decided to Bow all right did you practice them with me if you did wonderful job Amigos wonderful job all right let's read some of your comments over here and see who's with us in the house joining us on this amazing Saturday morning let's see let's see nudia there she is what's up nudia good morning to you she says up and Adam there's a totally native up and Adam and I think that's wonderful that's in fact why I chose the song Don't Stop Me Now so nudia you're saying the same thing yes nudia there's lovely Laura still bringing the magic doesn't matter if it's a weekday or on the weekend she says good morning everyone rise and shine thank you for the invite double a it's a pleasure to have you here Laura there's chis Val there's theia hello godman in the house she says good morning early birds and godman it's even earlier or later for you I always get well Carman I'm gonna see you in February in Canadas with my mama good morning to you Carman tuning in bright and early there's anik another Super student she says morning there let's get down to business all right wow what a great crowd we've got here nudia nudia says I'm really glad to be here with you all thanks so much for the invitation daa I am beyond grateful well guys remember if you are in the Super Duper level or in the interstellar level you can be in this class every month if you're in the interstellar level you get this class every month and then you also get a weekly class a smaller group class that we do on Zoom so look into it and also uh guys patreon I'll tell you something it's worth it to get the the yearly subscription because you get a a 10% discount and well everybody could use a little discount right so and also what you're doing is you're committing they comprom this year I am going to learn English and believe me we've got a lot of verbs coming up I've got enough verbs for three seasons so maybe season seven eight and nine are going to be verbs and structures and as you know we don't just look at one verb but there's a lot of other things that come up in each episode so excellent stuff all right so nudia it is great to have you here with us Laura says I've been using may and might much more lately thanks to you hey who knows I might be rubbing off on[Music] youo to rub off on I might be rubbing off on you Laura that's great Chris says and I'm here to remind you of the mess you live when you went away it's not fair to deny me the cross that you get to me you you you ought to know Chris you did that on purpose uh profet Manu there he is what's up profet Manu great to have you with us and he says good morning everybody good morning oh and Laura Laura's given us one as well and she says live I live in Spain and I'm listening to the live show great Laura that's one that people make mistakes I leave in Maro so careful with those good good good good good live and live you know what I'm gonna add it to the list here Laura and this way we have a very comprehensive list as I said these documents that I'm using right now that I put together for today's class will be available to all of you on patreon so it's just more content to help you get into English to help you enjoy English now nobody gave me the I didn't see it here wait expect and hope well we'll see if anybody knows it and in the meantime you can bring up the lyrics if you don't have them in front of you you can take a look it's Don't Stop Me Now by Queen what a great way to end the class right we're gonna end on a high note say I always get confused with that all right so the lyrics are tonight I'm gonna have myself a real I I'll say it and then we'll sing it it's hard to sing a song from the middle that's something I've learned you got to start or you got to start cuz your brain follows a pattern honestly it's true um so tonight I'm gonna have myself a real good time myself well I'm gonna have a good time or I'm gonna have myself a good time it's that simple tonight I'm going to have myself a real good time like we're doing here in our class I feel alive I hope you guys are feeling alive and you're I can see you're alive and kicking is that what you say and the world I'll turn it inside out I'll turn it inside out you know this one from another song Turn the Beat your passion turn it inside out all right Focus Alberto Focus he says I'm floating around in ecstasy so don't stop me now don't stop me because I'm having a good time I'm having a good time I'm a shooting star leaping to LEAP my cat does it all the time leaping through the Sky no and then he says like a tiger like Alberto's cat defying the laws of gravity defying the laws of GRA gravity I'm racing I'm a racing car passing by like lady seiva right you say Godiva we say Diva lady GD Diva the naked one the horse like lady G Diva and then he says I'm going to go go go cuz there's no stopping me I'm burning through the 200 de that's why they call me Mr Fahrenheit fenit I'm traveling at the speed of light I Want To Make a suic Man Out of You super Sono Don't Stop Me Now I'm having a good time I'm having a ball you can say I'm having a ball I'm having a blast I hope you guys are having a ball today Don't Stop Me Now again if you want to have a good time just give me a call that sounds like something that's written in the bathroom yeah man hey Freddy well Freddy was he was quite promiscuous wasn't he so if you want to have a good time just give me a call I'm a rocket ship so on my way to marso De I am I'm on a collision course a collision course Collision Course collision course I'm on a collision course uh right on a cision see guys I don't know everything in Spanish uh you're going in aist ch to crash so I've got one fade I'm on a collision course I am a satellite satell somebody loves space I'm out of control I the out of is outter outter not order you you you a no OT outter get out of here you ought to know that OT outter and then he says I'm a sex machine ready to reload so we know what the song is about right you want to have a good time in bed I'm a I'm a sex machine ready to reload like an Adam Bomb Adam is at right like an Adam no but Adam ad Adam like an Adam Bomb about to explode all right so we're going to sing it together now let me see if anybody got this over here all right uh we've got Laura who is on fire today she's even contributed to our list of confusing words here and she says I hope they don't expect me to wait for them Laura that is perfect G says I love Don't Stop Me Now I hope they don't expect me to wait for them great job also anx n the only thing is I hope they don't and also Laura loves the song too well you know what I like to always go out on a high note as I said in my radio shows on my classes because well you guys did a lot of hard work today if you were repeating all the structures so I think you deserve it and it's not just a great song but it's going to put you in a good mood for the rest of the day and it's going to empower you so get the lyrics up on screen real simple I'm sure everyone's near a screen Don't Stop Me Now by The One and Only Federico Mercurio he is a sex machine he's a satellite and all the other stuff he said and folks if you're ready let's sing it together thank you so much once again for being here today for being here on the show with no name every mon Monday through Friday and also for tuning in to FYI and for those of you who are on patreon thank you thank you thank you so much for entrusting me to teach you English and to teach you that real English that I want to know I want to know the real Spanish I want to know not what the book says I don't want to know how the the the the proper way to pronounce it I want to know how you pronounce it and so I'm always and I always try and do that I always try and put myself in your shoes so I hope you had a blast I hope you had a ball as our friend Freddy Mercury said in Don't Stop Me Now[Music] tonight good I can't hear you sing[Music] it I'll turn it inside out[Music] Don't Stop Me Now everybody knows that part don't stop me having a good time having a good time leaping through the sky like a tiger theity passing by like lady go go go go stoping me I'm burning through the sky 100° that's why they call me Mr I'm traveling at the speed of light to make AIC man out of[Music] you now good me now if you want to have a good time just give me a call don't stop me good don't stop me want to stop at[Music] all ways satellite I'm out of[Music] control burning through the sky 200 that's why they call me Mr I'm tring at the speed[Music] of you don't stop me don't St Unstoppable have a ball have a blast Brian may may be one of the greatest guitarists ever where[Music] the Brian May in the house he may be great thank you guys thank you last time at the speed I to make AIC man out of[Applause] you such a good time I'm having a St now if you want to have a good time just give me a call don't stop me don't stop me don't want to stop at all don't stop folks don't stop ever thank you so much[Music] it