FYI - For Your Inglés

Ice Cream

Alberto Alonso Season 1 Episode 13

Since we were youngsters there’s one sweet treat that has always taken the cake. Although it’s usually associated with summertime; there’s no wrong time, place, or way to enjoy it. Whether it’s soft-serve, hard or homemade; in a cone, a dish, or even tub. It will melt your blues away, while satisfying your sweet tooth. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream on today’s FYI.

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Links from the show:

Ice Cream Man - Van Halen

Smashing Pumpkins - Today (ice cream truck

Dairy Queen Unwrapped

Summertime Janis Joplin

Summertime Sadness - Lana Del Rey

Summertime by Will Smith

NY NY Frank Sinatra - (melt away in context)

Snoopy making a root beer float

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since we were youngsters there's one sweet treat that has always taken the cake although it's usually associated with summertime there's no wrong time place or way to enjoy it whether it's soft-serve hard or homemade in a cone a dish or even a tub it will melt your blues away while satisfying your sweet tooth ice cream you scream we all scream for ice cream on today's f y welcome to for your info english you got it[Music][Applause] hello hello hello everybody and welcome to fyi for your english the podcast where we look at all different subjects every week and we delve into them and we learn about those subjects and we learn lots of vocabulary in english to boot to boot is another way of saying as well tambien in spanish all right guys well welcome to the program i hope you're enjoying the show if you enjoy this podcast remember wherever you listen whether that's itunes ivox spotify make sure you give us a rating if you like the show give us five stars and if you have an extra minute well leave a little review as well we'd love to hear from you in this way the show can continue to improve if you haven't realized today we're talking about ice cream and i've got to say if there's one thing that i think everybody likes it doesn't matter how fussy or how picky these are two words that are synonyms fussy or picky as sticky sneakies in spanish it makes sense because to pick is escojer so if you're picky you're like i don't know if i like that flavor i don't know if i like that or the other thing and you want to know something your teacher your amigo is very very picky i have to say i am truly picky i wish i weren't so picky but i am and i'm trying new things estoy provando cosas nuevas but what am i getting at i think everybody even the pickiest person in the whole wide world loves ice cream maybe we can't agree on the flavor but we all love ice cream in fact if there's anybody out there who doesn't like ice cream let me know because you are a strange breed if you grew up in the united states you probably recognize that jingle that music that we played at the beginning of the show in the intro and this is the music from the ice cream truck now i haven't seen any of these in spain nevertheless in the united states it is a part of our childhood nuestra hubentut ninth our youth our childhood when i hear that music something inside me goes crazy i start to salivate or drool as we say my ears perk up and i say where's the ice cream guy because we used to have in the united states an ice cream truck that would go around to all the different neighborhoods and they would play some music just to let people know they were coming when you heard that music i am telling you i don't care where you lived how far away you went running you grabbed your spare change to calderia and you went running after that ice cream truck there was always a line una cola what an idea bring the ice cream to the kids as far as i know que josepa you guys don't really have ice cream trucks in spain it's not a thing whereas you do have ice cream stands puestos i remember having a lot of those here in almeria and in madrid there are a lot of ice cream stands right puestos but ice cream trucks are those a thing in spain hey there's a good business idea another thing i think about is dairy queen anybody who's ever gone to the united states might recognize dairy queen firstly the word dairy is lacto dairy so la reina de la yes it's an ice cream place it's a chain una cadena that is very very famous and i remember after our baseball games we would go there and we would get some ice cream and celebrate whether we won lost or drew right to draw or to tie us it is linked to some of my earliest childhood memories all through youth even adolescents teenagers i mean when do we stop loving ice cream anyone anyone i didn't think so so if you ever go to the united states you have to try dairy queen my personal favorite is vanilla with cherry dip and this is a vanilla cone or cucurucho i think you say as well right the v is vanilla and what they do is they dip it in this cherry sauce cherry esteretha and then it hardens sendurethe and it makes like this layer una capa oh man my mouth is watering right now i would do anything for a vanilla with cherry dip from dq oh by the way dairy queen is so common we call it dq there's another business idea anybody looking to open a franchise you can open a dq here in spain alright so let's look at the intro because i like to put some vocab in there that i can teach you as well i said since we were youngsters now first i'd like to look at that word since since i've heard a lot of my students say science and it's not pronounced science it's since since we were youngsters i think a good translation for youngsters would be juventulos there's one sweet treat now a treat bueno algorico a sweet treat that has always taken the cake i know i probably confused a few of you here when i said cake because you probably thought that today's episode was about cake but no this is an idiomatic expression to take the cake i think the equivalent in spanish would be que varse la palma if something takes the cake la palma i said it has always taken the cake although although it's anki now we have a few different ways we can say this write these down although even though and though i chose although i don't know why but they're interchangeable although it's usually associated with summer time summertime is just another way to say summer el verano summer time i think a lot of you probably know it from a song summer summer summer time there are many songs that have the word summertime in it including one by janis joplin as well summer time time time when living's easy now so many songs where you'll hear references to summer time then i said there's no wrong time place or way to enjoy it no forma or mala donde dis frutar whether it's soft serve let's look at this word weather too this is a good word because i know many of you know the word weather as tiempo but the word weather spelt h w-h-e-t-h-e r is independente o c so uh it's a good one to know and it's a homophone for the word weather which you already know you just have to realize that it is spelled differently than weather but pronounced exactly the same okay so whether it's soft serve soft service this soft ice cream that usually comes from a machine in fact when i think of dairy queen i think of soft serve ice cream that's their specialty thinking about it i don't even think they have hard ice cream like the gelato style it's all soft serve and i must say soft-serve ice cream is really yummy then i said homemade homemade is obviously echo encasa or cacero in a cone cucurucu a cone a dish now a dish is how i think you would say atarina una a dish in a cone a dish or even a tub and when i think of a tub i think of a big container of ice cream so remember depending on if you're going to share it or eat it by yourself you'll be having a cone a dish or a tub although can i be honest with you i've been known to eat a tub of ice cream all by myself i'm not proud of it i'm just being honest with you then i tried to make another pun over here panes i said it will melt your blues away now this is a great word because the word to melt is what ice cream does when it's hot outside if you don't eat your ice cream fast enough it will melt and you say de retirse in spanish but also to melt something away is also used in the figure of figurative sense excuse me des banes so it will melt your blues away basically what i'm saying is it will make your sadness tristetha your blues melt away disappear it's true ice cream has that i don't know if it's been scientifically proven but i'll tell you something anytime i'm not feeling too good or i'm in a bad mood or i'm down in the dumps triste that's nothing a nice cone of ice cream can't fix a reglares to fix the next word i said is sweet tooth i said it satisfies your sweet tooth in english if you like sweets if you like sweet things we say you have a sweet tooth i think in spanish you say goloso if you say i have a sweet tooth you're saying soy goloso and then i said this age-old saying this age-old play on words that we've been saying since we were kids and if you guys aren't familiar with it it's a funny one and it goes like this i scream you scream we all scream for ice cream and if you see what i did there i scream yo grito this is a really good lesson that we can learn from here because a lot of my students they say i escrim but if you think about it as ice then you can't put that e sound in there so i scream you scream you see it's a good way to practice omission of that e e sound before the s i scream i speak spanish it's almost like saying ice not i i scream or i speak spanish you know i scream i speak spanish see sounds pretty similar to ice cream we can't talk about ice cream without talking about favorite flavors and i've got to say something there are a lot of great flavors out there especially ben and jerry i don't know if you guys are fans of ben and jerry's oh man such good ice cream and in fact in the bonus part of today's show we're gonna look at how ben jerry's changed the game forever to change the game escambiar las reglas del huego a little mom and pop como de timos a mom-and-pop shop but let's look at some more common flavors right now now my favorite flavor i know you're gonna say alberto you are boring it is but my favorite flavor is vanilla i don't know why i like vanilla all kinds of vanilla french vanilla i like vanilla with the vanilla beans in it when it has little pieces of the vanilla beans i'm not a big chocolate fan and people think i'm crazy but you know cause chocolate is probably with vanilla those are the two top flavors chocolate and vanilla and maybe strawberry is a close third but really the battle is against vanilla and chocolate so are you guys chocolate lovers or vanilla lovers i've got to tell you something if you're a chocolate lover then you have to know how to pronounce this word chocolate not chocolate chocolate say it with me chocolate and then pistachio that's a really good one too i have to say i like pistachio mint ice cream i've never been a big fan of mint ice cream de menta because well i've got to say mint ice cream it reminds me of mouthwash in huawei i know i know that chocolate and mint is a nice mix but it's just not my cup of tea no es lumio so where do we eat ice cream well obviously we eat ice cream at home we can eat ice cream anywhere really these days but back in the day you could only eat ice cream at an ice cream parlor we call it an ice cream parlor now you can say an ice cream shop but it wouldn't be as common and people would understand you but in the states we say an ice cream parlor and this is an interesting word because it's a word a french word that comes from the middle ages and those of you who know french sounds like a familiar word right palle vu frances parler excuse my french french pronunciation parler which is to speak but you're saying what does ice cream have to do with speaking well it was a room or a place where people came together to talk and what do you do when you're having ice cream with your friends well you have a chat as well comes from the french words to speak and it's interesting because it's not the only place that we call a parlor in the english language as i just said we have an ice cream parlor we have beauty parlors a place where you eat pizza is called a pizza parlor a tattoo parlor and even funeral parlors even though that wasn't a weird one because you shouldn't be talking too much at a funeral you're supposed to be silent and in mourning de luto but uh hey no one ever said that english was a normal language when my mom was a kid people used to hang out at the ice cream parlors and they would split a banana split[Music] okay well hey i know it's a corny joke but if it helps you remember to split escompartit or divide then my job is done let's split a banana split vamos a compartir un banana split there was a a downfall of ice cream parlors and this was because now they found a way to freeze the ice cream and sell it commercially at grocery stores grocery store is another way to say supermarket until you got to nowadays where you can buy ice cream at the corner gas station it's available everywhere so obviously this caused a downfall in ice cream parlors people started to consume this stuff at home too but as with every classic thing there was a resurgence because people said okay yeah we like having this ice cream at home and the convenience of watching a movie and having ice cream but there's something special about going to an ice cream parlor and ordering an ice cream and having an ice cream out and if you'll notice a lot of movies in the 50s and 60s in the united states there's so many scenes as thin where they're sharing an ice cream so just like drive-in movies uh an episode that we did a few weeks ago ice cream parlors were a part of american culture and obviously not just american culture so where did it all start well we have to rewind between 3 000 and 4 000 years so let's go[Music] and where are we you guessed it we're in china why does everything start in china that's crazy well the first primitive ice cream that they found was in china and it was made from honey fruit juice and obviously snow or ice they used real snow or ice to make this and well china wasn't the only one experimenting with these cold refreshments in ancient greece rome egypt careful with the pronunciation it's not egypt it's egypt also in iran they have a history of ice cream so china was doing their thing and that's one of the earliest recipes but everybody was experimenting everybody wanted to cool down and of course they started to mix different things ingredients with snow and ice alexander the great alejandro el magno one of the most notable leaders ever well according to rumors he was known to enjoy these frozen treats that weren't called ice cream yet but it was a treat that he enjoyed with milk honey and fruit and wine yeah alexander the great knew he what he was doing he put a little kick a little bit of kick into his ice cream yeah and the egyptians as well as i said uh they used to serve their guests fruit mixed with snow from the mountains of lebanon and this was kind of like a sorbet you got to remember until they added milk it was more of a sorbet right you say sorbette i think we say sorbet we we don't pronounce that e t just like the word filet or ballet a lot of french words that we use in english that e t is pronounced a so then between 900 a.d and 1000 a.d arabs brought this sorbet to sicily and that's when they started going crazy you know the italians you know the sicilians i can say it because my family is sicilian and they are italian we're a little bit crazy mamma mia in a good way of course we're a little bit nuts nuts is another way to say crazy and we started mixing everything with this i mean asparagus cheese bread crumbs all kinds of different things not just fruit cinnamon ginger genji so this is why sicily is known as one of the earliest places where ice cream was developed because they really started to experiment with it and now as you know if you go to japan um you can get black bean ice cream you can get sesame ice cream and in fact we're gonna take a look at uh all these different toppings toppings are things that you put on top of ice cream makes sense right you put toppings on top of ice cream i love it when english makes sense and we're going to look at all these common toppings plus the accidental history of the waffle cone what is the waffle cone this is the kukuruchu waffle now this next part blows my mind here in the middle ages society kind of forgot about ice cream they forgot about this frozen treat it kind of disappeared into obscurity but thanks marco polo uh he returned from a trip to china in 1292 in the year 1292 and he provided some recipes for this ice cream that he had tasted in china and well it started to get popular in italy again then france adopted these traditions of mixing things with ice and snow and it became something that was reserved for royalty and uh well now as we know now it's available to everyone but at one point it was something for the high class it wasn't accessible to everybody and then in the late 1600s that's when it was brought to the united states by the american colonists at that point ice cream was unstoppable so we've already talked about how many different flavors you can come up with and how many different things can be used when making ice cream but what are the main ingredients well it's an emulsion emulsion i think you say in spanish that is made with water ice milk fat protein sugar salt and don't forget about the most important ingredient air that's right you need air to make ice cream and well folks just talking about it right now i've got to say i am dying for an ice cream anybody else want an ice cream i think i'm going to go get myself an ice cream right now and prepare for the bonus part of today's show if you'd like to join us in the bonus part of today's show we're going to talk about a lot of interesting things i'm going to tell you why charles dickens wasn't such a big fan of ice cream culture i'll also tell you why ice cream testers taste ice cream with a golden spoon plus i'll tell you how ben and jerry's changed the game forever and don't forget about the toppings we're also going to look at all your favorite toppings so if you want to get that information plus join us for some more vocabulary review classes and you want to get pdfs all kinds of extra bonus exclusive content all you have to do is go over to patreon it's alberto alonso and you can support me for as little as three euros a month as i said this podcast is self-produced so if you like it and you want to become a member and get exclusive content i would love for you to join us over on patreon and this way you can hear the bonus part of the show every week as well as much much more and while we're at it i want to send a shout out to my patrons because this would not be possible without them so thank you so much to my super duper students eva deside susie issa alex boris and lolas and don't forget about my interstellar students carmen diana and pilar and there are so many more who i don't have time to mention but thank you thank you thank you guys if you'd love to join our community we'd love to have you it's alberto alonso that's it for this episode of fyi[Music] you